I've thought about getting over to this space all month.
I have also thought about knitting.
And, about your knitting. And, how busy a lot of YOU are knitting!
L O V E that!
I, on the other hand, have knit about 2 rows in the last several weeks. I know, I know. Shocking. I have a pretty good reason.
I don't take for granted all of you. My entire reason I started that little business in the first place. You gave me the motivation and the inspiration. Truly, I couldn't be more grateful.

The chalkboard place mats were included in Real Simple's 50 gifts under $50 and I have been beautifully swamped. I feel extremely humbled and blessed.
(This double rainbow showed up today. It was a lovely gift.)
I plan on getting my knitting back on. Very, very soon. I dream of all of it. Sweaters, shawls, hats, mittens and socks.
My wish to you is the same. Real, Simple happiness...
the merriest of Christmas's and the happiest of holidays!
- Wednesday, December 21, 2011