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Illustrated technical information covering Vol 2 Over 800 multi-choice systems questions Close up photos of internal and external components Illustrated history and description of all variants of 737 Databases and reports of all the major 737 accidents & incidents History and Development of the Boeing 737 - MAX General flightdeck views of each generation of 737's Technical presentations of 737 systems by Chris Brady Detailed tech specs of every series of 737 A collection of my favourite photographs that I have taken of or from the 737 Press reports of orders and deliveries Details about 737 production methods A compilation of links to other sites with useful 737 content Study notes and technical information A compilation of links to major 737 news stories with a downloadable archive A quick concise overview of the pages on this site


Systems Quiz

This section contains over 800 multiple choice 737 systems questions. The quiz is based upon the 737NG but covers all generations. If I have not specified in the question which series of 737, then you can assume that it is applicable for all series. I have tried to specify the series when there is a difference.

There will inevitably be some errors, or at the very least some grey areas. Please email me with any corrections (preferably with a reference) and I can upload the corrected version.

When you have worked through these, you can try your hand at a typical type rating exam paper here.

See more details about the book

All of the information, photographs & schematics from this website and much more is now available in a 374 page printed book or in electronic format.

*** Updated 05 Aug 2023 ***

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