Eyes Right
EDUCRATS ARE TO BLAME FOR, WELL, PROTECTING CHILDREN Pro Life Educators and Students (PLEAS) plan to picket the National Education Association (NEA) conference in Washington in July. They are upset at “… America’s largest, socio-politically meddlesome union for misrepresenting so many teachers on abortion. Seize this opportunity to focus nationwide attention and condemnation upon the proabortion activism of arrogant educrats disingenuously pretending to protect children and teachers’ jobs.” Translation: The NEA has passed resolutions supporting reproductive freedom.
ANTI-IMMIGRANT GROUP PROUD OF ITS ASSOCIATION WITH AMERICAN NAZI In February, former neo-Nazi organizer Elton Hall, 74, was injured by a car while protesting outside an immigrant workers center in Phoenix. The Arizona Patriots Border Alliance honored Hall with a picture on its website with the caption: “In appreciation for your deactivated service, devotion, commitment to securing American borders and promoting THE RULE OF LAW.” Source: Nativism in the News, Southern Poverty Law Center, May 6, 2008.
DO AS THE GAYS DO Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council is jealous that one third of lesbians and gays are engaged in the political process compared to about one fifth of the population in general, according to a Hunter College report issued in April (PDF). “In my opinion, values voters could stand to learn a few things from the peaceable side of these activists as we try to transform the culture. Imagine the influence Christians could have if we all resolved to engage the public square and speak the truth!” Source: “Strength in (Small) Numbers,” FRCAction Update, May 5, 2008, email correspondence.
METHODISTS REFLECT; IRD CLAIMS VICTORY The United Methodist General Conference has struggled with its position on abortion since its first resolution in 1972. At this year’s event, it added support for “the Church to assist the ministry of crisis pregnancy centers and pregnancy resource centers that compassionately help women find feasible alternatives to abortion.” This pleases Mark Tooley, director of the Institute for Religion and Democracy’s United Methodist Action Committee, a group dedicated to pushing Methodists to the Right. “These incremental steps continue a trend from the last several General Conferences towards an increased acknowledgement of the sanctity of all human life. The United Methodist Church is slowly moving towards the historic Christian concern for the most vulnerable.”
Summer 2008
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