The Public Eye - Summer 2008- Vol. 23, No. 2
Connie Mackey, Vice President of the Family Research Council, reported in 2006 that the Christian Right group was wrestling with the issue of immigration. Not anymore.
Nativist Bedfellows If the September 2007 Values Voters Summit is anything to go by, the Christian Right is now nearly as worked up about illegal immigration as about abortion and same-sex marriage. At that political gathering—sponsored annually in Washington D.C. by such key groups as the Family Research Council and attracting grassroots activists from across the country —the Heritage Foundation’s Robert Rector used fuzzy math as he told a packed room that low-skilled immigrants from Latin America actually drain, rather than bolster, the U.S. economy. A parade of Republican presidential hopefuls there to court support from right-wing Protestant evangelicals attempted to outdo each other with the aggressiveness of their border security plans and the severity of their proposed policies towards immigrants.
Also in this issue:
Summer 2008
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