Eyes RightSingle-Payer Healthcare Breeds Terrorism!
Sources: Paul Krugman, "Health Care Terror," New York Times, July 9, 2007. Those Narcissistic and Snobby Leftists!The Left is best defined by its narcissism, we learned from the lesbian right-wing radio host Tammy Bruce. Speaking at the Young America's Foundation recent conference "Deconstructing the Left," held at the Reagan Ranch Center, she said, "A leftist is operating out of a very different framework socially, emotionally and structurally," naming antiwar activist Cindy Sheehan and former CIA employee Valerie Plame as cases in point. And they aren't just narcissists, but "malignant" ones. Echoing her was Steven Hayward, a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute who further pointed out that "snobbery has become a formal value to the left." "They have this 'we're better than you, and we don't have to argue about it' attitude." It's nice to have fans. Sources: Jennifer Kabbany, "Anatomy of an attitude," Washington Times, August 1, 2007. http://washingtontimes.com/article/20070801/CULTURE/108010064/1015 |
Fall 2007
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