Sunday, March 23, 2025

Taking time, writing out the dates all our friends die.

From 2010. Springtime is upon us, but this is truly a band for all seasons.  

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Paper Route - Go Get It (1997, SSG)

Was under the weather this week, and was unable to digitize any analogue goodies for you, bur in lieu of that I have this sterling nugget.  A friend tipped me off to the Paper Route well over a decade ago, but after much sleuthing I only found their cd in recent years.  Hailing from either Ontario or Quebec (big difference to be honest), this trio stick to the basics - guitar, bass and drums but how they wield them is their secret sauce.  Frontman (Simon Nixon) whose timbre slots somewhere between Eric Bachmann (Archers of Loaf/Crooked Fingers) and Elvis Costello guides his threesome through a relentless passel of bratty, power-pop zingers, bearing a scuzzy indie rock underbite, not to mention more sophistication than I was ever expecting.  Virtually nothing useful about Paper Route exists online, so if any of you have any basic details, fire away in the comments.  Cheers.

01. Where Will it Go
02. Can't Be Satisfied
03. Clean Me Soapy
04. Reservoir/Altamont Speedway Revisited
05. Children of the Revolution 
06. Come Around
07. Countdown/Jeanine
08. Saved by Video
09. Dead Horse
10. No Life
11. Polaroid
12. TV Screens/Want to Get High

Sunday, March 16, 2025

Remember, competition is necessity...

An archival trove of recordings from a neglected Ohio power pop outfit that only released a single in the mid '80s.  

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Saturday, March 15, 2025

Big Home Orchestra - Fairytale ep (1989, BHP)

Employing a full-time violinist, this Aussie bunch exude heavy pastoral vibes if anything else.  I wasn't sure what I was getting myself into when I encountered Big Home Orchestra, just not quite what Fairytale had in store. It's about as "folk" as say, the Proclaimers, but thankfully not nearly as precious or aggravating.  They're adept and polished performers for sure, it's merely a matter if you're game for the lilt they opt to finagle with.  One striking anomaly is the concluding "Goodbye," structured around a more guitar-centric motif, that's not terribly far removed from the Go-Betweens, and is stimulating enough to beg repeat listening.  

01. Kingdom of Rain
02. As Long as a Heart
03. New Horizons
04. Poison and Thunder
05. Dark Star
06. Goodbye

half string - oval 7" -

At some point in 1992 I summoned up the misguided notion I could count all of the shoegazer/dream pop bands in the world on my fingers and toes.  Turns out I was off by several extremities. Deeper into the '90s as the movement seemed to wane I was stunned by the sheer depth and breadth of what still existed, and of course, the number of bands that had passed that I was belatedly becoming acquainted with.  Arizona's half string were one such later discovery.  Not necessarily bringing anything out of whole cloth to the table, h/s took a more subtle approach, mirroring the melancholic, contemplative hues of Springhouse and early Moose, never nailing you over the head with anything too sonically dense of engulfing.  This is ripped straight from my 45 with plenty of surface noise intact.  Unblemished versions of these songs can be had easily enough on the 2012 reissue compendium, Maps for Sleep.  

a. oval
b. sun less sea

Sunday, March 9, 2025

We're just two deep space lovers and this feels alright...

Chilled out grooves from 2012.  A recent favorite of mine.

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Saturday, March 8, 2025

Dark Side - Rumors in Our Own Time, Legends in Our Own Room (1980, Gohog)

Though they were once the pride of Towson, MD, I'm not sure if Dark Side were exactly my bag.  Not precisely power pop or punk, this combo definitely strode on the sardonic and livelier side of the moon.  Intermittently peppered with surges of organ and sax, Rumours In Our Own Time, in my opinion satisfies optimally when the fellas flex melodic guitar chops on "Lamented Love" and "Down the Tubes."  Dark Side also sport no shortage of personality, with a highly animated mouthpiece in the guise of David Jarkowski.  The overall effect bears mild resemblances to the Tuff Darts, New York Dolls, The Sweet, and I'm sure you'll be motivated to draw your own conclusions.  This album and a host of additional numbers made it into the digital era in 2005. 

01. #1 Man
02. Lamented Love
03. Good Boy
04. Scared Straight
05. Bondage
06. Nobody's Girl
07. Can't Get Used to It
08. Fun in Nicaragua
09. Back on the Streets
10. Blow it Up!
11. You Should Envy Me
12. Rendezvous
13. Down the Tubes

Sunday, March 2, 2025

We were shaking off the shade from the Missiles of October...

A lo-fi masterclass recorded in 2010, but released two years later after multiple, painstaking revisions.

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Saturday, March 1, 2025

Yazoo Beach - Binge (1993, N-Beat)

Not only have I already introduced you to Yazoo Beach (over a decade ago in fact), I've also enlightened and entertained you with phenomenal music from guitarist Scott Coopwood's prior two bands, The Square Root of Now and Perfect StrangersBinge was Yazoo's somewhat belated follow-up to their inviting 1988 debut, The Solace and the Blaze, and is demonstrably more mature. Playing it right down the middle, a la fellow deep south contemporaries Dreams So Real and the Windbreakers, this is guitar pop of the collegiate, "new south" variety offering a bevy of pretty persuasions.  Generally, the R.E.M,-isms are on the downlow, but glints are lovingly apparent on "By the Hand" and "Shades of Solitude," amidst other scattered offerings.  Binge's acoustic traipses, specifically "Islands" and "Heaven Coming Down," fall loosely between the confines of The Moody Blues and Workbook-era Bob Mould, albeit not as engrossing.  Though said to be available on CD, I was only fortunate enough to happen upon a cassette, which is where his rip is derived from.  

01. Last Until Tomorrow
02. By the Hand
03. So Much is Love
04. Caroline
05. Heart So Heavy
06. Heaven Coming Down
07. Shades of Solitude
08. Wooden Horse
09. Piece of Her Mind
10. World Inside Your Heart
11. Islands 

Sunday, February 23, 2025

I’d rather talk some more than look into your eyes.

A compilation capturing the brunt (but not everything) this overlooked C86 proposition put out into the world.  

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Surgery - Souleater ep (1989, Glitterhouse)

Realistically, I could have shared this one eons ago, but I just kept putting it off.  If someone else out there in blogland got to Souleater before me, I didn't mean to step on you.  Surgery ended just as the internet was about to go mainstream, so details on this New York by-way-of Syracuse foursome aren't exactly plentiful.  Most of their tenure was spent on the noise-mongering Amphetamine Reptile label, which suited the band, who had their collective tentacles steeped in a combustible grunge/punk aesthetic, with trace elements of the soon to be burgeoning stoner rock movement.  Unruly salvos "Dance" and "Brazier" pack a sumptuous degree of sway alongside righteous heaviness, and alone make Souleater veritable required listening.  Not much in the way of pop sensibilities here, but five years in from this ep, Atlantic Records scooped these fellows up, and by then they had an incorporated an often infectious groove-rock slant, outdoing their more renown, albeit lame-o contemporaries the Chili Peppers...however the mainstream was regrettably oblivious.  Surgery called it a day in early '95 upon the sudden illness and passing of frontman Sean McDonnell.   

01. Dance
02. Brazier
03. Goodtime
04. Stupid Chile'
05. Slap
06. Souleater

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Dragstrip - The Heliocentric World of... 7" (1997, American Pop Project)

In what might be the first time I've featured music from a strictly instrumental combo, my working knowledge of Bloomington, IN's Dragstrip largely begins and ends with this single, and not a bad intro at that. Known for their surf bona fides, the band's spin through BÖC's "Don't Fear the Reaper" does traverse through said motif, just not as doggedly as you might assume. There probably isn't one of you reading this that isn't at least partially burned out on this overplayed tune, but it's arpeggiated allure still calls to me on occasion, and I enjoy the context here. The flip, "Sun Ra" a supposed tribute to the jazz titan, could instead pass for the bed of a really enticing Dinosaur Jr. track.  Go figure.

A. Don't Fear the Reaper
B. Sun Ra

Sunday, February 16, 2025

All of the elements are present and tense.

From 2006. 

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Saturday, February 15, 2025

A Few - It's a Wonderful Life (Gark, 1985)

I'm sharing a record titled It's a Wonderful Life, and it ain't even Christmas.  This one did come out forty years ago however, and moreover it was a request that I'm happy to fulfill.  Conducting a web query on A Few was practically a fool's errand, but from what I'm able to glean they hailed from Minneapolis and have one other elusive record to their credit.  This one starts off splendidly enough with a trio of keepers to please the halcyon-era collegiate rock crowd, bleeding hues of everyone from Aztec Camera to R.E.M.  Further in, A Few's footing is less steady, with the rather aimless shouter "Hang Tough," and heck, by the time they kick into "Gas is Gold," they may as well have mutated into a different band altogether. Luckily they recover on the jangly "Best Around," and close things out on a contemplative note by way of the decent enough ballad, "Wandering."   

01. Every World is Hot
02. Ride Halley's Comet
03. Something Wonderful
04. Do You Remember
05. Things Change
06. Hang Tough
07. Gas is Gold
08. You and Me
09. Sail Up to the Moon
10. Best Around
11. My Own Mayhem
12. Wandering

Sunday, February 9, 2025

...and you can make it baby, until you've made you're bed.

 A killer, not to mention concussive, sophomore effort from 1992.

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Saturday, February 8, 2025

The Social Act - Little Sally "O" ep (1988

*Sigh.* Just a damn black and white sticker?  Really? The cherry red colored wax was a sharp move, but I still think a picture sleeve of some sort was warranted.  At any rate, The Social Act features Ellis Clark from Chicago power-pop mavens Epicycle, a band which can trace it's roots to the late '70s.  Though devoid of graphics, the music is a wholly different ball of wax, with the ace A-side, "Little Sally "O" pulling off something akin to Flesh For Lulu with a respectable AOR inflection.  Thoroughly rockin' stuff, with Ellis sporting a vocal aplomb that negotiates a fusion of Robyn Hitchcock and Mick Blood of the Lime Spiders.  The two flip sides, albeit not as crucial are at minimum satisfactory. The band appears to be a going concern, with a statement on their website purporting to them having recorded seven albums, but I'm not certain if all of them saw the light of day.  

A. Little Sally ''O''
B1. Boog-A-Loo
B2. In Your Arms

Friday, February 7, 2025

The Nines - "Gonna Get a Ring" 7" (1995, Clamarama)

I recall buying this one in a rather large lot of power pop/indie 45s but I only gave it a concerted listen about a week ago.  Not to be confused with jangle-pop wunderkinds of the same namesake from Ontario, Canada, The Nines this post concerns really didn't persist long enough to capture any significant online presence.  Rambunctious, but manicured just enough to keep the proceedings from careening off the rails entirely, this quartet make their case across two brief numbers coming in just under five minutes total.  Nothing artsy here, just potent, power chord-addled rock and rule that aficionados of Redd Kross, Bash & Pop and the Smugglers will eat up faster than Jimmy Chestnut going to town on a platter of chicken wings.  A Nines ep and a full length followed this wax in 1996 and '98, respectively.

A. Gonna Get a Ring
B. My Soul For You

Sunday, February 2, 2025

I'm chained to your ego and there isn't a key...

Released in 2013, and encompassing material recorded 1981-87, this singles and b-sides compilation superseded that of a similar collection issued seventeen years prior.  

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Saturday, February 1, 2025

Secret Science - Pound Out (1981)

I did something this week that I don't think I've done in ages - I broke the cellophane on an unopened 44-year old record. Just think of all that's come and gone in the life of this undisturbed vinyl relic.  But it had to be done if I was to ever hear what Austin's Secret Science were all about, as they're a veritable cold case online with no relevant mentions save for your standard Discogs entry. Their first and only full length, Pound Out, starts out promisingly enough with "Drive My Dreams" a catchy, swaying slice of homegrown synth/guitar rock, with inclinations to Devo, yet not-quite derivative of.  "Filthy Pillows" plays like a more pedestrian Talking Heads outtake, and the penultimate "In the Trenches" bears a sturdy, sobering hue, hinting to what might have developed on subsequent records had S/S stuck it out a bit longer.  Regrettably there's not much happening in-between the aforementioned, with an abundance of meandering, undercooked experiments and notions, merely flowing into one ear and out the proverbial autre.  Nonetheless, I'm still content with my decision to rupture the seal on Pound Out, and give it a whirl or two.  

01. Drive My Dreams
02. Filthy Pillows
03. Shannon is Dead
04. Teenland
05. Dark Continent
06. Dog Dance
07. Twin Jet China
08. Three Minutes
09. It's Only Barbeque
10. In the Trenches
11. Save the World

Sunday, January 26, 2025

I'm mixing the facts around...

An often impeccable sophomore album from '86.

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Saturday, January 25, 2025

Mirrour - Black and White (1984, Windmill)

Yet another one I took a sheer gamble on.  Went into this one expecting something along the lines of Shoes, Rubinoos, heck maybe even the Bay City Rollers.  In the grand scheme of things, Mirrour had sort of a bedroom DIY thing in mind instead, with precious little of the aesthetics I had predicted.  They were certainly situated in the pop/rock realm, but in spite of the serious visages gracing the album jacket this L.A. quartet were a cheeky lot, with no less than two topical numbers ("It's Only School" and "Get the Edge") pertaining to the nature of compulsory education.  "Shattered" is the strongest and catchiest thing Black and White has going for it, yet might have amounted to something more compelling in the hands of a full-fledged power-pop band, which for better or worse Mirrour didn't quite embody.  I should mention both guitars and keys are employed here, the latter to an almost cozy and cutesy effect.  Another feather in their cap would be an Emitt Rhodes production credit...but how would a bunch of teenage '80s kids know Rhodes from a can of paint?  B&W isn't so much a disappointing record as it is an unlikely and anticlimactic one.

There's an above average amount of surface noise on this disk that I did my best to remedy. If it's a blemish-free version you're seeking, in doing my research on Mirrour I learned that an expanded, 40th anniversary version of this exists on streaming outlets including Spotify and Apple Music, along with a host of entirely separate albums by them, though it's not clear when they were recorded.  One would think these other recordings would entail a considerably more mature incarnation of the band, and though I haven't really had the chance to delve in myself it all looks promising. 

01. It's Only School
02. Double talk
03. Shattered
04. Modern Man
05. Shine it On
06. Get the Edge

The Hippycrickets - No Shoes, No Shirt, No Dice! tape (1993)

These Atlanta-area denizens took a seemingly unnecessary risk in going with such a hokey moniker, one that doesn't do justice to their overarching potency, but whatever I suppose. Actually, this isn't my first Hippycrickets-centric post, as I shared their 1997 full length, Inconceivable!!! quite some time ago. Submitted for your approval, a 1993 demo of four tunes that would be recalibrated for that album.  "Don't Bother Me" finds the trio in question in an angsty and cantankerous guise. "Margaret Sez" could pass for a primo Material Issue or Cavedogs number, with the sobering "Fall Again," trailing not far behind. 

01. Don't Bother Me
02. Margaret Sez
03. Calling Colleen
04. Fall Again

Sunday, January 19, 2025

Maybe then your glass slippers could leave you to a good nights sleep.

From 2002. A blind bargain bin find that really paid off. 

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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Faith Global - The Same Mistakes (1983, Survival)

Suppose there was an album so impressive that someone named their music blog after it?  In the heyday of the "sharity" blogosphere, there was (and still is) indeed a site that took it's name from the very album I'm offering here.  Faith Global's lone LP, in my opinion, isn't of epochal, ground-shifting caliber, but it's still pretty damn good. Featuring ex-Ultravox (John Foxx era) guitarist Stevie Sheers, F/G were an even more sonically broader proposition, with heavy angularities in the vicinity of early '70s Bowie, Psych Furs, Japan, and more negligibly Gary Numan.  Heck, they even roped in Furs sax-finagler Duncan Kilburn for a few songs, thus fortifying my comparison.  More art-pop than snyth, and thankfully not run-of-the-mill new wave, F/G's arrangements were fairly dense, sophisticated, and downright stirring at times, particularly on the throbbing "Love Seems Lost" and "Hearts and Flowers."  Elsewhere, "Forgotten Man" dabbles with an irresistible funk groove, and the concluding "Facing Facts" emanates shades of "Space Oddity."

As you might imagine, The Same Mistakes blog once featured the album in question, but this rip was taken from my personal copy.  You can read their write-up, however the site's download link expired.  Regrettably, I'm not in possession of Faith Global's preceding 1982 ep, Earth Report.

01. The Same Mistakes
02. Forgotten Man
03. Hearts & Flowers
04. Knowing the Way
05. Love Seems Lost
06. Coded World
07. Yayo
08. Slaves to This
09. Facing Facts

Sunday, January 12, 2025

People breaking the law just to make ends meet.

From 1993.  Was saddened to learn that one of the co-founders of this band left us last week.

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