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seo Sebar Iklan Baris Masal Gratis! 2013

Seo Master present to you: Aku sudah posting artikel pasang iklan baris massal gratis pada postingan belajar seo terdahulu dengan menggunakan tool/situs Spyonad dan GrowUrl. Postingan kali ini buat nambahin koleksi tool Sebar Iklan Baris Masal kamu kamu, sebagai alternatif untuk menyebarkan iklan baris kamu ke puluhan atau bahkan ratusan situs iklan baris secara massal dan otomatis dan yang paling penting Gratis!

Tool penyebar iklan baris masal gratis yang aku rekomendasikan kali ini adalah:
  1. Sebar Iklan Gratis

    Tool ini mirip dengan situs spyonad, jadi aku ga perlu ngasih tutorial yang macem-macem, buat kamu yang sudah pada expert langsung saja meluncur kesana untuk menyebarkan iklan baris kamu. Buat kamu yang masih kesulitan dan bingung bagaimana caranya memasang iklan di situs sebar iklan baris masal gratis ini bisa lihat tutorialnya pada postinganku tentang Cara pasang puluhan iklan baris sekali klik GRATIS

  2. Sebar Iklan Baris

    Karena tool ini juga mirip dengan tool sebar iklan gratis dan spyonad jadi aku ga perlu ngasih tutorial yang macem-macem, buat kamu yang sudah pada expert langsung saja meluncur kesana untuk menyebarkan iklan baris kamu. Buat kamu yang masih kesulitan dan bingung bagaimana caranya memasang iklan di situs sebar iklan baris masal gartis ini bisa lihat tutorialnya pada postinganku tentang Cara pasang puluhan iklan baris sekali klik GRATIS!
    Ups.. Sory keterangan no. 1 aku copy paste, habis keterangannya juga sama biar cepat
Berita baik buat kamu bahwa kedua tool (ini sampai saat artikel ini diposting) tidak membatasi jumlah pengiriman iklan, jadi kamu bisa kirim iklan baris masal kamu sebanyak-banyaknya. Kalo pake Spyonad kamu hanya boleh mengirim 1 iklan setiap hari secara gratis. Oh ya pengiriman iklan baris ini memiliki pengaruh yang cukup besar buat memasukkan blog kamu ke halaman top 10 google.

Nah.. sepertinya info Sebar Iklan Baris Masal Gratis sudah cukup, Jadi selamat mencoba saja deh!
2013, By: Seo Master

seo iGoogle adds support for OpenSocial 2013

Seo Master present to you: Developers using the OpenSocial API can now reach tens of millions of iGoogle users! As of this week, iGoogle now supports OpenSocial in both the US and Australia, with the plan to roll it out to more users soon. In general, we think "social is better" when it comes to the web - activities such as reading the news, doing a crossword puzzle, sharing a todo list, or watching a video are all better when done with a friend. These are all things that iGoogle users love to do, so making them social on iGoogle was the next logical next step.

If you're interested in getting started writing social gadgets for iGoogle, check out the full announcement on the iGoogle developer blog.

2013, By: Seo Master

seo New Google Buzz API features, including a garden hose 2013

Seo Master present to you: It’s been less than a month since our last launch, but we couldn’t sit still so today we’re announcing three new features. We think these will help developers create deeper, more engaging user experiences.

First, we wanted to make the firehose experience available to those who didn’t have the required server resources to support that amount of traffic. So we built a “garden hose” that’s a random sampling of public Google Buzz posts with a query rate that’ll come under the free quota limit for Google App Engine. As such, many more developers will be able to easily get their hands dirty on this great source of real-time data.

Second, we’ve created an API to return the people associated with a particular activity query. That is, you can now search for people who have recently created a public post that includes an arbitrary string or related geo-location. For example, if you wanted to see the people associated with Red Sox near Fenway Park, you could use this URL for the JSON response.

Third, we now enable users to discover and explore content related to a particular post. With this new API, developers can now access and deliver Google search results related to the topic of that post. For example, given this post about Coworking Day, you could add ‘/@related’ to the end of the self link to get this JSON response of related links. Cool, huh?

As always, these features are documented in more detail on the Google Buzz API documentation site. Please swing by the the Developer Forum and let us know what you think!

Photo credit: Nandhp, used under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported license.2013, By: Seo Master

seo Fridaygram 2013

Seo Master present to you:
By Scott Knaster, Google Code Blog Editor

Back in June we launched GoogleCL, an open-source utility that provides command line access to Google services. For our friends who live on the command line and think mice are something cats chase, GoogleCL provides a handy way to perform various tasks, such as posting to Blogger or creating an appointment with Google Calendar. Sample commands look like this:
$ google blogger post --blog "Lemurland blog" --title "Latest Madagascar trip" --tags "vacation, ring-tailed" trip_post.html 

$ google calendar add "Order palm tree tomorrow at 10 AM"
GoogleCL works with various other Google services, providing access to YouTube, Picasa, Docs, and Contacts without having to deal with that pesky graphical user interface. And now, thanks to Google intern Michael Sittig and our APIs Discovery Service, GoogleCL supports all Discovery-based APIs – a list that includes Tasks, Moderator, Books, URL Shortener, and many others. For example, you can use the URL Shortener API to create a new short URL like so:
$ google urlshortener insert --longUrl www.example.com
As long as our fingers are firmly on the keyboard, let’s talk about words for a moment. The folks who make the Oxford Dictionaries have created Save the Words, a way to preserve wonderful but little-used English words. At Save the Words you can see these words, read their often-hilarious definitions, and agree to use them yourself to help obstrigillate this trend.

Finally, spend a moment taking a look at this article and then ask yourself: have explorers really found the Millennium Falcon at the bottom of the sea? (Spoiler alert: no.)

Even when they cover serious topics like Google APIs and purported spaceship wrecks, Fridaygram posts are just for fun. Each Fridaygram item must pass only one test: it has to be interesting to us nerds.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Perbarui Template agar Seo Friendly 2013

Kebanyakan template blogger secara default mempunyai header kode h1 = judul blog, h2 = judul tanggal, widget dan footer , h3 judul post, h4 = komentar.Tutorial seo blogger akan ngebahas bagaimana agar template lebih seo friendly, yaitu dengan merubah judul post ke h2. Lalu footer dan widget ke h3.Caranya sbb:1. Cari kode post seperti berikut:.post h3{post h3a, .strong h3a:visited, .post h3 strong

seo Trik bangun bisnis online dengan cepat 2013

jika anda sedang mengembangkan bisnis online, tentu membutuhkan sarana promosi yang tepat dan cepat serta profesional agar bisnis online anda cepat berkembang.

Sarana yang tepat dan cepat berarti bisnis usaha kita menyebar di banyak web iklan, directories business, kita bisa menghemat waktu serta proses cepat dalam memperkenalkan dan menyebarkan bisinis anda sehingga akan mendatangkan traffic

seo Make Windows7 Genuine By Using RemoveWat 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Make Windows7 Genuine By Using RemoveWat

Is this the problem that whenever you turn on your PC you get a message that your windows7 is not genuine and the wallpaper of your desktop is going blank. Here is the solution for you,

RemoveWAT 2.2.6

RemoveWAT can crack windows 7 ultimate, enterprise, professional, home, Basic, etc. It’s 100% work and tested. RemoveWAT (Windows Activation Technologies) completely from the OS, whilst still retaining OS genuine status and receiving all updates. Users can validate the illegal pirated copies of Windows 7 as genuine status forever and permanently. Also allows you to download windows update.
Don't Miss: How To Fix Problems In Windows 7?
How to use:
  • Close all antivirus and firewalls, and then run the program with administrator privileges (from the internet need not be switched off).
  • Click “Remove WAT” and wait until you see the message on successful completion of the procedure 
  • Computer will restart automatically.
  • Then the system is activated.

Download Links:

Please feel free to Share and Comment if you found this post useful.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo Submit Artikel Otomatis Ke Social Bookmark 2013

Seo Master present to you: Bagi kamu yang senang serba otomatis aku mau bagi info tool auto submit pengirim artikel otomatis ke social bookmark. Submit artikel ke situs social bookmark dan direktori memang memiliki pengaruh yang besar untuk meningkatkan trafik dan membantu mempercepat blog menembus top 10 google. Banyak situs social bookmark yang terkenal dan bisa kamu manfaatkan semacam Digg, Propeller, Delicious, Technorati, Reddit, Tagza, dll. kamu bisa mensubmit artikel kamu ke situs-situs tersebut.

Nah Seo tool yang satu ini membantu kamu untuk mensubmit artikel ke puluhan situs social bookmark dan direktori secara (semi) otomatis. Dikatakan secara semi otomatis karena kamu tidak perlu membuka situs-situs tersebut satu per satu, tetapi kamu masih perlu menginput data satu per satu dalam di dalam tool auto submit artikel.

Oke..oke! Supaya tidak dianggap bertele-tele kamu boleh coba tool SOCIALMARKER. Dengan tool ini kamu bisa dengan mudah mensubmit artikel ke Digg, Propeller, Technorati, Reddit, Tagza, dll. Bahkan dengan tool ini kamu juga bisa memilih situs social bookmark yang Dofollow untuk mendapatkan backlink. Keren kan?

Mau yang lebih keren coba Onlywire, cukup menginput data satu kali ke tool ini, artikel anda akan secara otomatis terkirim ke 17 situs social bookmark.
2013, By: Seo Master

seo valid w3c xhtml template blogger 2013

Template blogger yang valid xhtml dan css sangat langka, sebenarnya ada yang valid w3c cuma kebanyakan sifatnya premium, yah wajar sih.Kita mungkin hanya bisa meminimalisir error pada template kita saja.Kenapa harus valid w3c? yah itu sudah standar jika kita ingin blog kita digerayangi dengan lancar oleh search engine. Ok coba kita kurangi error di blogger template kita dengan cara :1. Pertama

seo Send Images On Facebook Chat 2013

Seo Master present to you:

Now you can send images on and while chatting as you see on the image. Just check the below links to get started.

Want to send images on facebook chat box? Check the below tricks,
  1. Facebook Chat Codes-Try Them On fb Chat Box!
  2. Facebook Trick: Update Your Status In Blue Colour
  3. Flipped Text Generator ʎuunɟ

2013, By: Seo Master
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