The main entrance is closed. All guests will need to use west gate to enter the zoo.





Open at 9 AM
Last Entry at 4 PM
Close at 5 PM


(918) 669-6600


6421 E 36th St N., Tulsa, OK 74115

How Can We Help You?

Donation Requests

Tulsa Zoo Management Inc. is proud to support the community. One way is by offering regular gate admission tickets to 501©3 non-profit organizations for fundraising purposes (i.e., auctions and raffles).

Because of the large number of requests received, we are unable to donate memberships or make cash donations. TZMI reserves the right to deny the request of organizations that may have political ties or be perceived as having political ties.

The main entrance is closed. All guests will need to use west gate to enter the zoo.

My Zoo Visit

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