The main entrance is closed. All guests will need to use west gate to enter the zoo.



Policies & Terms


By entering the premises of and/or participating in activities provided by the Tulsa Zoo (the “Activities”), which is owned by the City of Tulsa and managed by Tulsa Zoo Management, Inc. (“TZMI”), you–on behalf of yourself, any minors or others under your care who are participating in the Activities–acknowledge that you are voluntarily participating in the Activities with knowledge that the Activities may be dangerous and involve the risk of serious injury and/or death and/or property damage; such risks include without limitation hazards associated with attractions, water features, weather, other individuals, and animals, as well as walking or traveling on pathways or Tulsa Zoo grounds or wet or slippery surfaces. YOU RELEASE TO THE EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW ANY AND ALL CLAIMS, NOW KNOWN OR HEREAFTER KNOWN, AGAINST TZMI, THE CITY OF TULSA, AND ITS AND THEIR OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, VOLUNTEERS, AGENTS, AFFILIATES, SUCCESSORS, AND ASSIGNS ARISING OUT OF OR ATTRIBUTABLE TO YOUR PRESENCE AT THE TULSA ZOO OR PARTICIPATION IN THE ACTIVITIES.

Doing Business with TZMI

IRS Form W-9
Vendors are required to submit a completed IRS form W-9 to TZMI. This form needs to be completed, signed and dated. The link below is to the IRS website regarding form W-9. The form can be downloaded and then signed either with an electronic signature or manually. Please submit the completed form to [email protected].

Payment Options
Electronic payment options, either ACH or ComData, are the preferred payment method of TZMI as these are more in line with our green practices. Both options have no additional costs to vendors, and all information that would be on a paper check stub will be made available electronically to vendors.
ComData B2B payments allow vendors to receive payment much quicker by utilizing a virtual credit card. Any vendors that accept credit cards (MasterCard) as a regular form of payment can take advantage of this option.

Insurance Requirements
Vendors that perform work on grounds or make deliveries to the Tulsa Zoo are required to provide a certificate of insurance. The Certificate of Insurance or ‘COI’ should be on an ‘Acord’ form that can be obtained from your insurance agent or insurance provider. Coverage reflected on the form must be applicable for the period work is performed. COI form should reflect the following coverage amounts:

  • Commercial or general liability insurance with an occurrence amount of $1,000,000
  • Fleet Automotive (liability coverage) insurance with an occurrence amount of $1,000,000 Workers Compensation insurance coverage with an occurrent amount of $1,000,000

COI forms are also required to name Tulsa Zoo Management, Inc., and the City of Tulsa as additional named insured.

If you are a vendor that is not required by the State of Oklahoma to be covered by Workers Compensation insurance, then a ‘Certificate of Noncoverage’ issued by the State of Oklahoma is required in lieu of Workers Compensation insurance coverage.

Form of Contract
Depending upon the type of product, goods, services, work, or transaction, TZMI may required a vendor to execute a form of agreement. Links to two examples of agreements (construction and professional services) are below:

Regardless if a TZMI agreement is required, TZMI will not agree to, either directly or indirectly, terms that conflict with the terms and conditions included with the sample agreements. TZMI is willing to execute an agreement or terms and conditions provided by the vendor, if these are acceptable to TZMI. Questions regarding agreements can be directed to [email protected].

The main entrance is closed. All guests will need to use west gate to enter the zoo.

My Zoo Visit

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