Peter S. Wenz
Wenz argues that the Supreme Court reached the right decision in Roe v. Wade but for the wrong reasons
344 pages
| 7 x 10
How Cold War Surveillance and Secrecy Policy Shaped the Response to 9/11
Athan G. Theoharis
An argument that domestic surveillance erodes civil liberties and fails to protect the country
232 pages
| 6 x 9
English Identities and Anglophilia in the U.S.
Katharine W. Jones
What happens when immigration, privilege, and Anglophilia collide?
304 pages
| 6 x 9
Disability, Nation, and the Cultural Politics of Greater Mexico
Julie Avril Minich
How disability provides a new perspective on our understanding of the nation and the citizen
240 pages
| 5.5 x 8.5
Women, Cultural Identity, and Community
Carol E. Kelley
Reveals how four women with very different stories seek a sense of belonging, identity and home through the lifelong process of immigration
190 pages
| 6 x 9
How Academics Become Teachers of Diverse Students
Edited by Esther Kingston-Mann and Tim Sieber
Compelling essays on non-traditional students written by non-traditional faculty
240 pages
| 6 x 9
Russell H. Conwell
A new edition of the classic inspirational speech
102 pages
| 5 x 7
| 1 halftone
Asian Americans and Globalization
Edited by Evelyn Hu-DeHart
How transnational relationships and interactions in Asian American communities are manifested
232 pages
| 6 x 9
Stories from the Surgical Life
Richard C. Karl
In the tradition of Lewis Thomas' The Lives of a Cell, a beautiful book on what it's like to be a surgeon
160 pages
| 5.5 x 8.25
A History of AIDS Activism and Gay Politics in France
Christophe Broqua
Chronicling the history and accomplishments of Act Up-Paris
340 pages
| 6 x 9
Edited by Catherine Kaukinen, Michelle Hughes Miller, and Ráchael A. Powers
What we know, what we are doing, and how we can improve our prevention of and response to violence against women on college campuses
354 pages
| 6 x 9
| 5 line drawings, 3 halftones
Inside Stories
Marianne Novy
Bringing together birthmothers’, adoptees’, and adoptive parents’ portrayals of their experiences in memoirs
262 pages
| 6 x 9
Els de Graauw and Shannon Gleeson
Showing how Houston governmental and non-governmental actors have collaborated and combated to realize local advances in immigrant rights
132 pages
| 6 x 9
| 1 table, 2 figures
Arnold Berleant
An engaging discussion of environment as aesthetic experience
256 pages
| 6 x 9
A Philosophical Inquiry
Edited by Steven M. Cahn
Philosophical debates on equality in the university
320 pages
| 6 x 9