Browse Books by Title

Vanishing Eden

White Construction of Memory, Meaning, and Identity in a Racially Changing City

Michael T. Maly and Heather M. Dalmage

Tracking the complexities of whiteness through an analysis of the experiences and memories of whites who lived in racially changing Chicago neighborhoods

184 pages | 6 x 9



Movement or Moment?

Donna Maurer

The strategies and beliefs of vegetarian groups

216 pages | 5.5 x 8.25 | 3 tables


Vehicles of Decolonization

Public Transit in the Palestinian West Bank

Maryam S. Griffin

Considers collective Palestinian movement via public transportation as a site of social struggle

224 pages | 6 x 9 | 23 color photos, 6 halftones, 12 maps


Veils and Daggers

A Century of <u>National Geographic</u>'s Representation of the Arab World

Linda Steet

Critically unpacks National Geographic's portrayal of the Arab World

224 pages | 6 x 9 | 34 halftones


Vessels of Evil

American Slavery and the Holocaust

Laurence Thomas

A philosopher examines the moral evils visited upon African Americans and Jews

232 pages | 5.5 x 8.25


Veterans Stadium

Field of Memories

Rich Westcott

A loving tribute to the home of some of Philadelphia's greatest sporting and cultural events

232 pages | 7 x 10


The Vietnamese American 1.5 Generation

Stories of War, Revolution, Flight, and New Beginnings

Edited by Sucheng Chan

Riveting stories by refugees who fled Vietnam

344 pages | 6 x 9


Vigilantes and Lynch Mobs

Narratives of Community and Nation

Lisa Arellano

Vigilantes and lynch mobs not only usurped the authority of the law, they shaped the histories of their actions.

204 pages | 6 x 9 | 1 table, 2 halftones


Violent Belongings

Partition, Gender, and National Culture in Postcolonial India

Kavita Daiya

How the Partition of India set in motion the violence, ethnic divisions, and dislocations that continue into our own time

274 pages | 6 x 9 | 4 halftones


Visuality of Violence

Witnessing the Policing of Race

Ofelia Ortiz Cuevas

Forthcoming Spring 2025

Examining the visual, political economic, legal, and cultural functions of racial violence

163 pages | 6 x 9


Vodou Songs in Haitian Creole and English

Benjamin Hebblethwaite

The first comprehensive collection of Vodou sacred literature in bilingual form

396 pages | 6 x 9 | 26 halftones


Voice Over

The Making of Black Radio

William Barlow

The whole story of the making of Black radio

334 pages | 6 x 9 | 21 halftones


Voices from the Catholic Worker

Edited by Rosalie Riegle Troester

Reflections on the past and future of a long-standing community

632 pages | 6 x 9 | 22 halftones


Voices of the Religious Left

A Contemporary Sourcebook

Edited by Rebecca Alpert

A collection of essays that demonstrate the vitality of current liberal religious thought

304 pages | 7 x 10


Vulnerable Constitutions

Queerness, Disability, and the Remaking of American Manhood

Cynthia Barounis

Presents an alternative queer-crip genealogy of American masculinity in the twentieth century

278 pages | 6 x 9 | 2 halftones