Microsoft Colors

Tech Brands Colors

The official Microsoft colors are orange red, green, blue, yellow and gray. We recommend using the Microsoft color palette for personal projects and in the case of commercial use to visit the company website. The color codes: RGB, CYMK for print, Hex for web and the Pantone colors can be seen below.

Microsoft color codes: RGB, CMYK, Pantone, Hex

Orange Red Hex color: #F25022
RGB: 242 80 34
CMYK: 0 73 87 0
Pantone: PMS 172 C
Green Hex color: #7FBA00
RGB: 127 186 0
CMYK: 54 0 100 0
Pantone: PMS 376 C
Blue Hex color: #00A4EF
RGB: 0 164 239
CMYK: 82 11 0 0
Pantone: PMS 2191 C
Yellow Hex color: #FFB900
RGB: 255 185 0
CMYK: 0 22 100 2
Pantone: PMS 7549 C
Gray Hex color: #737373
RGB: 115 115 115
CMYK: 30 20 19 58
Pantone: PMS 424 C

Microsoft logo
  • The Microsoft hex colors are confirmed by the SVG logo on Microsoft’s website.