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The Stormsabre is a larger and more heavily armored variant of the Baneblade super-heavy vehicle used by the Imperial Guard.[1]


It is the equivalent to ancient Terran battering rams and the Stormsabre's single giant cannon, which is larger than a volcano cannon, would not be out of place among the Imperium's space fleets. In battle, the Stormsabre will make short work of any fortifications unlucky enough to find themselves in front of its hulking frame.[1]



The Stormsabre was created by Pete Harrison and it was featured in a Warhammer Community article.[1]


Imperial Guard Vehicles and Artillery
Armored Vehicles Chimera (ChimeraxChimedonChimerro) • HellhoundBane WolfDevil DogTauroxTaurox PrimeTaurosSentinelSalamander ScoutPegasus AAVSalamander CommandPegasus Command
Tanks Leman Russ (AnnihilatorConquerorEradicatorExecutionerExterminatorPunisherVanquisher) • SiegfriedScyllaDestroyerThunderer
Heavy Vehicles Rogal DornCrassusGorgonMacharius (VanquisherVulcanOmega) • Malcador (AnnihilatorDefenderInfernusVanquisher) • RagnarokValdor
Super-Heavy Vehicles BanebladeBanehammerBaneswordDoomhammerHellhammerShadowswordStormbladeStormhammerStormlordStormsabreStormswordCapitol ImperialisLeviathan
Self-Propelled Artillery BasiliskMedusaColossusDominusWyvernManticorePraetorHydraMinotaurGriffonEarthwrecker
Field Artillery BombastHeavy LascannonThudd GunSiege CannonEarthshakerMedusaHeavy MortarMalleusMultiple Rocket LauncherHeavy Anti-Aircraft Gun
Other CyclopsRemote MineRobot CrawlerCentaurAtlasTrojanLand CrawlerHadesTermiteMoleHellboreSamaritanSoft Skinned Vehicle
Rare/Relic DracosanAuroxCarnodonLeman Russ IncineratorMalcador VanquisherTestudoExcertusAethonHermes