Baby II[edit]
- Frimon: Dragon 0-5, Insect/Plants 0-5, Beast 20.
Agumon (X-Antibody)
- Frimon: Beast 0-5, Insect/Plants 0-5, Dragon 20.
- Frimon: Beast 0-5, Dragon 0-5, Insect/Plants 20.
- Frimon: Insect/Plants 0-5, Beast 11-15, Dragon 20.
- Frimon: When you do not fulfill the requirements of other Digimon.
- Frimon: Insect/Plants 0-5, Dragon 11-15, Beast 20.
- Liollmon: Water 0-5, Holy 11-15, Beast 20.
- Patamon: Bird 0-5, Holy 11-15, Beast 20.
Greymon (X-Antibody)
- Agumon: Insect/Plants 0-5, Holy 11-15, Dragon 20.
- Piyomon: Bird 0-5, Holy 11-15, Dragon 20.
- Kokabuterimon: Beast 0-5, Insect/Plants 11-15, Dragon 20.
- Otamamon: Insect/Plants 6-10, Water 6-10, Dragon 20.
Blade Kuwagamon
- Kokabuterimon: Beast 0-5, Dragon 11-15, Insect/Plants 20.
- Agumon: Holy 0-5, Dragon 11-15, Insect/Plants 20.
- Otamamon: Water 0-5, Dragon 11-15, Insect/Plants 20.
- Piyomon: Holy 0-5, Dragon 11-15, Bird 20.
- Kokabuterimon: Insect/Plants 0-5, Beast 11-15, Dragon 20.
- Patamon: Beast 0-5, Holy 11-15, Bird 20.
- Otamamon: Insect/Plants 0-5, Water 11-15, Dragon 20.
- Liollmon: Holy 0-5, Beast 11-15, Water 20.
- Patamon: Bird 6-10, Beast 6-10, Holy 20.
- Piyomon: Dragon 6-10, Bird 6-10, Holy 20.
- Agumon: Insect/Plants 6-10, Dragon 6-10, Holy 20.
- Liollmon: Water 6-10, Holy 6-10, Beast 20.
- All Child Digimon: When you do not fulfill the requirements of other Digimon.
Loader Leomon
- Liamon: Water 0-5, Holy 11-15, Beast 20. 50% or more Win Ratio.
- Revolmon: Dragon 0-5, Holy 6-10, Machine/Mutant 20.
- Aquilamon: Bird 0-5, Holy 11-15, Beast 20.
- JOGRESS: Liamon + Revolmon
Metal Greymon (X-Antibody)
- Greymon: Beast 6-10, Holy 6-10, Dragon 20.
- Revolmon: Dragon 6-10, Holy 6-10, Machine/Mutant 20.
- Coelamon: Water 0-5, Beast 6-10, Machine/Mutant 20.
Metallife Kuwagamon
- Blade Kuwagamon: Water 0-5, Dragon 0-5, Insect/Plants 20.
- JOGRESS: Blade Kuwagamon + Coelamon
Garudamon (X-Antibody)
- Aquilamon: Beast 6-10, Holy 6-10, Bird 20.
- Pegasmon: Holy 0-5, Bird 6-10, Beast 20.
- All Adult Digimon: When you do not fulfill the requirements of other Digimon.
Holy Angemon
- Pegasmon: Beast 0-5, Bird 0-5, Holy 20.
- Liamon: Water 0-5, Beast 0-5, Holy 20.
- Greymon: Beast 0-5, Holy 0-5, Dragon 20.
- Coelamon: Water 6-10, Machine/Mutant 11-15, Beast 20.
- Blade Kuwagamon: Water 0-5, Dragon 6-10, Insect/Plants 20.
Bancho Leomon
- Loader Leomon: Holy 6-10, Machine/Mutant 11-15, Beast 20. 80% or more Win Ratio.
- Chimairamon: Machine/Mutant 0-5, Dark 6-10, Beast 20.
- JOGRESS: Loader Leomon + Metal Greymon (X-Antibody)
War Greymon (X-Antibody)
- Metal Greymon: Beast 0-5, Machine/Mutant 11-15, Dragon 20.
- Volcdramon: Dark 0-5, Machine/Mutant 11-15, Dragon 20.
- Loader Leomon: Beast 0-5, Machine/Mutant 11-15, Holy 20.
Tyrant Kabuterimon
- Metallife Kuwagamon: Beast 11-15, Water 11-15, Insect/Plants 20. 60% or more Win Ratio.
- Dagomon: Beast 0-5, Water 11-15, Dark 20. 60% or more Win Ratio.
- JOGRESS: Metallife Kuwagamon + Chimairamon
- Garudamon (X-Antibody): Dragon 6-10, Holy 11-15, Bird 20.
- Holy Angemon: Water 6-10, Holy 11-15, Bird 20.
Metal Etemon
- All Perfect Digimon: When you do not fulfill the requirements of other Digimon.
Omegamon (X-Antibody)
- All Child to Ultimate Digimon: When X Point gauge reaches 20. (You gain one from battling with Perfect/Ultimate on the Pendulum X. And 2 when winning by hyper hit.)
- JOGRESS: Bancho Leomon (Justice Genome) + Darkdramon (Evil Genome)
- JOGRESS: Bancho Leomon (Justice Genome) + Valdurmon (Nature Genome)
- JOGRESS: Bancho Leomon (Justice Genome) + Sleipmon (Ultimate Genome)
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