The AAUP condemns the escalating assault on academic freedom at the University of Pennsylvania and across the United States. Academic freedom and the autonomy of colleges and universities are being undermined by an opportunistic governmental interest in “antidiscrimination” and “campus safety” deployed to restrict what can be said or expressed on campuses.
- About
- Programs
- Issues
- Academic Freedom
- Political Attacks on Higher Education
- Resources on Collective Bargaining
- Shared Governance
- Campus Protests
- Faculty Compensation
- Racial Justice
- Diversity in Higher Ed
- Financial Crisis
- Privatization and OPMs
- Contingent Faculty Positions
- Tenure
- Workplace Issues
- Gender and Sexuality in Higher Ed
- Targeted Harassment
- Intellectual Property & Copyright
- Civility
- The Family and Medical Leave Act
- Pregnancy in the Academy
- Publications
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