Technical data and reviews of Honda car models
According to user reviews, average Honda real daily fuel consumption is approximately 7% higher for petrol engines and is approximately 16% higher for diesel engines compared to the manufacturer's stated consumption. Learn more about Honda fuel economy by model, year and engine.
The latest Honda car reviews
Pros: Excellent ergonomics (with the exception of the window control placement). Very reliable, electrics almost ...
Cons: Dull as ditchwater to drive. This car may look sporty like the prelude, but the steering is dead, the ...
6/10Pros: Great steering feel, road holding and general driving enjoyment. Spacious, supportive seats and amazing ...
Cons: No overhead light in the front, many electronics prone to failure, heating dial always fails on all of ...
8/10Pros: The 1.8 petrol engine is economical enough, but a little short on power. The rear row is very comfortable ...
Cons: Outside noises and wind are fairly loud. Engine power could be higher.
6/10Pros: Allegedly it was one a a few hand built in Japan, it has never had a engine or clutch problem, it retains ...
Cons: None to my knowledge
8/10Pros: A sedan, great handling, powerful enough - a noticeable difference from the 1.6 petrol engine. Very ...
Cons: A very small detail - it would require a button on the tailgate to open (have to use remote control or a ...