Technical data and reviews of Mazda car models
Mazda real fuel consumption by user reviews
According to user reviews, average Mazda real daily fuel consumption is approximately 9% higher for petrol engines and is approximately 16% higher for diesel engines compared to the manufacturer's stated consumption. Learn more about Mazda fuel economy by model, year and engine.
According to user reviews, average Mazda real daily fuel consumption is approximately 9% higher for petrol engines and is approximately 16% higher for diesel engines compared to the manufacturer's stated consumption. Learn more about Mazda fuel economy by model, year and engine.
The latest Mazda car reviews
Mazda 3 2011
Pros: its sporty, its fun while still practical and elegant
Cons: the real fuel usage is lot higher than advertised, may be due to age
Mazda Xedos 6 1999
Pros: A classic that requires no technical investment.
Cons: Rust in the arches
Mazda MX-3 1998
Pros: It's attractive, stylish, quite comfortable and convenient, cheap to run, fun to drive. Almost a retro ...
Cons: Body corrosion
Mazda 323 1999
Pros: 323f has a great engine and drives well on the road. A great car for hauling wares. Has good acceleration ...
Cons: Ended up costing more in repairs (mainly steering and suspension) than I had bought it for. Cars that age ...