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Getting pregnant
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Before you conceive
Trouble conceiving
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When is it safe to get pregnant after a c-section delivery?
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Sample basal body temperature / cervical mucus chart
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Should I reduce my working hours if I'm trying for a baby?
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9 tips to getting pregnant fast: photos
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Is it OK to diet while trying to conceive?
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Can a high-protein diet affect my chances of getting pregnant?
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Diet for a healthy mum-to-be
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I have lupus. Is there anything I should know before conceiving?
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I'm underweight. Will this affect my ability to get pregnant?
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I have epilepsy. What do I need to know before I get pregnant?
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I have asthma. What do I need to know before I get pregnant?
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I get migraines. Is there anything I should know before I get pregnant?
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How to get your body ready for a baby
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My husband doesn't want a fertility test. How can I convince him to see a doctor?
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Can I get pregnant after two miscarriages?
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Follicular study: an overview
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Pelvic inflammatory disease (PID)
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Will having cannabis (bhang, ganja or charas) affect our chances of getting pregnant?
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Donor insemination
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Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
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I am not ovulating. What can be done?
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Fertility drugs for men
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Egg and embryo donation
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Your age and fertility
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Whose fault is it that we can't conceive?
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Foods to Cool the Body in Pregnancy
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Is it safe to eat sesame (til) seeds while you are pregnant?
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Is it safe to eat mangoes during pregnancy?
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Eating betel leaves or paan during pregnancy: risks and benefits
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Drinking saffron (kesar) milk in pregnancy: benefits and risks
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Indian diet chart for gestational diabetes (GD)
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Pregnancy diet charts: trimester by trimester
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Will drinking ghee in my ninth month of pregnancy make my delivery easier?
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Can iron pills taken during pregnancy darken my baby's complexion?
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Is it safe to cook food in iron vessels?
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Is it safe to take Tulsi (Holy Basil) during pregnancy?
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Baby size week-by-week: fruits and vegetables comparison guide
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My baby's age on the scan report is different to my stage of pregnancy. What does this mean?
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Ultrasound scans during pregnancy
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Doppler ultrasound scans in pregnancy
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Nuchal translucency (NT) scan
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Third trimester fetal growth and wellbeing scan
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Transvaginal scan (TVS) in pregnancy
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Can having repeated ultrasound scans during pregnancy affect my baby?
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Is it safe to have a transvaginal scan (TVS) in early pregnancy?
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When will I have my first scan in pregnancy?
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Fetal growth chart: length and weight week by week
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Is a solar eclipse or lunar eclipse harmful during pregnancy?
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Is it safe to sit cross-legged on the floor during pregnancy?
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Is it safe to use household cleaning products during pregnancy?
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Is it safe to use a computer or laptop during pregnancy?
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Can household chores be dangerous during pregnancy?
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Is it safe to use a mobile phone during pregnancy?
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Is it safe to use a squat toilet during pregnancy?
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Is it harmful to live near a mobile phone tower in pregnancy?
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Is it safe to varnish wood during pregnancy?
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Is it safe to use aerosols and air fresheners during pregnancy?
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Growth and development
Starting baby food
Daily care
Newborn care
Baby health
Seasonal Care
Baby growth charts: understanding the results
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Baby Weight and Length Chart for Girls
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Baby Weight and Length Chart for Boys
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Why is the measurement of my baby's head circumference important?
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Growth charts and your baby's first year: video
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Does my baby need more milk during a growth spurt?
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Signs that your baby is having a growth spurt: photos
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Tracking your baby's growth
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How often should I get my baby weighed and measured?
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Delicious first food recipes for your baby: photos
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Nutritious purée recipes for your baby: photos
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Finger food recipes for your baby: photos
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Breakfast recipes for your baby: photos
By Dr Shaveta Kaushal
Healthy snack recipes for your baby: photos
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Travel food recipes for your baby: photos
By Dr Shaveta Kaushal
Menu for a one-year-old's birthday party
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Juices and shakes for toddlers
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Nutritious desserts for your little one
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Baby food: first soups
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Your guide to baby massage
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At what age should I start and stop massaging my baby?
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Best massage oils for your baby
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Will pinching my baby's nose make it pointed?
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Baby massage: step-by-step photo guide
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Baby massage: helping digestion (video)
How to massage your baby: video
15 common newborn bathtime customs
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What can I do to help newborn's odd-shaped head become round?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
My baby has fine dark hair all over her body. Is this normal and can I do anything about it?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Low birth weight (LBW) babies: causes, risks and treatment
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
How do I take care of my low birth weight baby?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
My baby's breasts seem enlarged and have a milky discharge. Is it safe to squeeze the fluid out?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Caring for your newborn's umbilical cord stump
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
How your baby's umbilical stump heals: photos
By Priya Solomon Bellani
Bathing your newborn
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Is it safe to put a few drops of oil in my newborn’s ears and navel?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Caring for your baby in summer
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Common questions new parents ask
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Is it safe to use a nazariya on my baby to ward off the evil eye?
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How can I correct the alignment of my cross-eyed baby's eyes?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Is it normal for my newborn to lose weight after birth?
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18 surprising newborn baby facts: photos
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My baby's skin colour is changing. What affects his complexion?
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Great gifts for newborns
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Is it safe to apply surma or kajal to my newborn's eyes?
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When can I leave my baby unattended?
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Can my baby get sick from mould in my house?
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Viral infection in babies
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Baby poop guide: what's normal and what's not
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Vomiting in babies: causes, treatment and prevention
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Urate crystals: should I be worried about the red-orange stains in my baby's diaper?
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Typhoid fever in babies and toddlers
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
How will I know if my baby's fever is due to the heat or an illness?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
How to know if your baby or toddler has worms
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Dengue fever in babies and children
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Malaria in babies and toddlers
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Rabies in babies and children
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10 safe home remedies for coughs and colds in babies and toddlers
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Can my baby catch a cold from being wet and cold?
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Will steam inhalation help my baby's blocked nose? How should I do it?
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Are mosquito coils or plug-in repellents safe to use for my baby?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
What should I do if my baby has eaten a mosquito repellent mat?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
7 ways to keep mosquitoes away from your baby
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Circumcision in baby boys
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Stomach flu (gastroenteritis) in babies and toddlers
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Viral flu in babies
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Pus boils in babies and toddlers
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Coughing in babies
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Colds in babies
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How do mosquito repellents work?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Baby poo - a visual guide: photos
By Priya Solomon Bellani
Safe mosquito repellents for your baby: photos
By Diane Rai
Newborn jaundice
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Diarrhoea in babies
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Gas in babies
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Constipation in babies
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Reflux in babies
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Bird flu in babies and toddlers
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Heat stroke in babies and toddlers
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Chikungunya in babies and toddlers
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How safe are chemical repellents for children?
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Are essential oils a safe and effective mosquito repellent?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Is it true that my child's immunity is weak if she catches a cold often?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
How to burp your baby: video
I've heard that taking lots of steam and sweating can help cure your baby's cold or flu. Is this true?
By Diane Rai
Are air conditioners and coolers safe for newborns?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Caring for your baby or toddler during a power cut
By Priya Solomon Bellani
How can I keep my baby cool and comfortable in summer?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Is it safe to put sunscreen on my child's hands if she puts them in her mouth?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
See all
Toddler health
Behaviour and habits
Toddler development
Menu for a two-year-old's birthday party
By Priya Solomon Bellani
Menu for your three-year-old's birthday party
By Priya Solomon Bellani
Toddler meal plans
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Solid foods by age: 12 to 18 months
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Meal plan for your three-year-old (vegetarian)
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Meal plan for your two-year-old (vegetarian)
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Meal plan for your two-year-old (non-vegetarian)
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Meal plan for your one-year-old (non-vegetarian)
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Meal plan for your one-year-old (vegetarian)
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Feeding your toddler well: photos
By Diane Rai
What should I feed my child if he has diarrhoea and vomiting?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Feeding a sick child: light and easy recipes
By Pooja Pasricha
My toddler has a cold, cough and fever, and no appetite. What do I feed her?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Best and worst drinks for thirsty kids: photos
By Diane Rai
My toddler won't sit down and eat for more than a few minutes. What should I do?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
I think my toddler is underweight. What should I do?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
How can I get my toddler to drink from a cup instead of the bottle?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
When will my toddler be able to feed herself with a spoon?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Is thumb-sucking an indication of hunger?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Can I give nongu or taadgola to my toddler?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Can I give my toddler more than one dose of multivitamins a day if his diet is especially bad one week?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Sugar and sweets in your child's diet
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Is it safe to give my toddler raw egg beaten in a glass of milk?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
My toddler prefers cheese over milk. Is it OK to replace a glass of milk with a slice of cheese?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Is it okay to substitute proper meals with milk if my child isn't eating well?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
How much water should my toddler drink every day?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
How to feed your toddler
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
How can I make my child's chapatis or paranthas more nutritious?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
How can I teach my child good eating habits?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
What are the benefits of coconut water for my toddler?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Solid foods by age: 24 to 36 months
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Solid foods by age: 18 to 24 months
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Is it important to get my two-year-old dewormed?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
9 ways to protect your child’s eyes and ears from screen time
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
What can I do about my toddler's constipation?
Reviewed by Dr Pankaj Vohra, Paediatric gastroenterologist
Can my toddler's hearing be affected by loud volume?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Is it true that sitting too close to the television or computer screen can cause myopia in my child?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
5 ways to help your child's fear of thunder
By Pooja Pasricha
Parents' tips: 7 ways to cheer up your child
By The BabyCenter Editorial Team
Preparing your child for preschool
By Priya Solomon Bellani
Keeping discipline consistent
By Priya Solomon Bellani
Preparing your child for preschool
By Priya Solomon Bellani
Social and emotional issues: bullying and hitting
By Priya Solomon Bellani
Anxiety in toddlers
By Dhivya George Valerian
Your toddler’s frustration with toys and other children
By Priya Solomon Bellani
Digital violence and its influence on toddlers
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Digital games and their influence on toddlers
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
My toddler copies her big brother all the time. How can I help her to be her own person?
By Priya Solomon Bellani
Teaching your toddler about culture and traditions
By Dhivya George Valerian
How can I get my toddler to stay at the table for family meals?
By Diane Rai
How to encourage and develop your toddler's independence
By Priya Solomon Bellani
What can I do to avoid tantrums?
By Priya Solomon Bellani
Encouraging your child's imagination
By Dhivya George Valerian
Helping your child to be confident
By Priya Solomon Bellani
How to teach respect
By Diane Rai
Height and Weight Chart for Girls: 2 yr - 3 yrs
By Diane Rai
Height and Weight Chart for Boys: 2 yr - 3 yrs
By Diane Rai
Height and Weight Chart for Boys: 1 yr - 2 yrs
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Height and Weight Chart for Girls: 1 yr - 2 yrs
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Toddler developmental milestones charts
By The BabyCenter Editorial Team
My 18-month-old doesn't talk yet. What should I do?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Why is my toddler developing slower than his friends?
Reviewed by Dr Saroja Balan, Paediatrician and Neonatologist
Helping your child to love reading
Reviewed by Jill Irving RN (Adult) RN (Child) RM (Lapsed), Health visitor
Developmental milestones: talking
Reviewed by Gemma Caton, Specialist health visitor
Developmental milestones: writing
Reviewed by Jill Irving RN (Adult) RN (Child) RM (Lapsed), Health visitor
Why does my toddler love repetition?
By Priya Solomon Bellani
When and how should I teach my child the alphabet?
By Priya Solomon Bellani
Helping your toddler to talk
Reviewed by Gemma Caton, Specialist health visitor
Toddler developmental milestones chart: 31 to 36 months
By Joanne Lewsley
Toddler developmental milestones chart: 25 to 30 months
By Joanne Lewsley
Toddler developmental milestones chart: 13 to 18 months
By Joanne Lewsley
Toddler developmental milestones chart: 19 to 24 months
By Joanne Lewsley
See all
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Geetika Gangwani
Breastfeeding Counsellor and Antenatal Educator
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