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How to cope with the emotional toll of infertility
Reviewed by Sipra Laddha, M.D., perinatal psychiatrist
What is hyperprolactinemia, and can it affect your fertility?
Reviewed by Sasha Hakman, M.D., M.S., ob-gyn
Pregnancy after an abortion
Reviewed by Emily Holthaus, M.D., ob-gyn
What is a hysterosalpingogram (HSG) test?
Reviewed by Edward Marut, M.D., ob-gyn and infertility expert
Can birth control make you infertile? No – here's the real story
Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM
Pregnancy symptoms: 10 early signs of pregnancy
Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM
What do implantation cramps feel like?
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Can Mucinex really help you get pregnant?
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What is implantation bleeding?
Reviewed by Shannon Smith, M.D., FACOG, ob-gyn
Can you get pregnant on or right after your period?
Reviewed by Sasha Hakman, M.D., M.S., ob-gyn
Choosing the sex of your baby: Are the old wives' tales true?
Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM
Fertility foods: What to eat when trying to conceive
Reviewed by Sally Urang, MS, RN, CNM, midwife
Does taking fish oil for fertility really help?
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Can HPV cause infertility?
Reviewed by Sally Urang, MS, RN, CNM, midwife
Can you get your period while pregnant?
Reviewed by Sally Urang, MS, RN, CNM, midwife
Is it okay to get in a hot tub while trying to conceive?
Reviewed by Sally Urang, MS, RN, CNM, midwife
Is there a best time to have sex to get pregnant?
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Is it safe to take medication while trying to conceive?
Reviewed by Cheryl Axelrod, M.D., ob-gyn
How often should you have sex to get pregnant?
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How to have a girl or boy: Does sex selection work?
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Can a yeast infection cause infertility?
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How long should you wait to get pregnant after having a C-section?
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Getting pregnant in your 30s
Reviewed by Cheryl Axelrod, M.D., ob-gyn
How to prepare for pregnancy
Reviewed by Sally Urang, MS, RN, CNM, midwife
Pregnancy after 40: Here's what to know
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Age and fertility: Getting pregnant in your 20s
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How to get pregnant fast: 4 tips to help you conceive
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How your menstrual cycle works
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What brown discharge means before or after a period
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Irregular periods: What causes them, and how to get yours back on track
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Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding?
Reviewed by Sally Urang, MS, RN, CNM, midwife
What does a faint line on a pregnancy test mean?
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How to take a home pregnancy test
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What is pregnancy test tweaking?
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Health & Safety
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Your complete guide to sex during pregnancy
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How to support a woman in labor: A childbirth cheat sheet for partners
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Everything you need to know about the NIPT test
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All about pregnancy ultrasounds, including when you'll have yours
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When can I hear my baby's heartbeat?
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How hCG levels change by week of pregnancy
Reviewed by Shannon Smith, M.D., FACOG, ob-gyn
When and how can I find out my baby's sex?
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How to get relief from round ligament pain
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Can you get a tattoo while pregnant?
Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM
What is a chemical pregnancy?
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Everything you need to know about 3D and 4D ultrasounds during pregnancy
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Can you take melatonin while pregnant?
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What the glucose test during pregnancy is really like
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Brown spotting during pregnancy
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Miscarriage: Signs, symptoms, and causes
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Is it okay to be pregnant with no pregnancy symptoms?
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I'm pregnant: What do I do now?
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Safe medications during pregnancy
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Can you lose weight while pregnant?
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Fever during pregnancy
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Tiny seed to giant watermelon: How big your baby is this week
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How fast is your baby growing? See how fetal weight and height change by week during pregnancy
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What is your mucus plug and what does it look like?
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How to get relief from pregnancy gas and bloating
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What does vaginal discharge (leukorrhea) during pregnancy mean?
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When does morning sickness start and end?
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Why your pregnant belly feels tight and heavy
Reviewed by Shannon Smith, M.D., FACOG, ob-gyn
How your belly button changes during pregnancy
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What is lightning crotch?
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Braxton Hicks contractions
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What's the best sleeping position during pregnancy?
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Membrane sweep: One way to get your labor started
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Hospital bag checklist: What to pack for labor and postpartum
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Here's exactly what happens during a C-section, and how long it takes
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The stages of labor and delivery
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Inducing labor: Why and how providers induce labor
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Recognizing the signs of labor
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Live birth: Natural
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Inside pregnancy: Labor and birth
Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM
Inside pregnancy: Weeks 1 to 9
Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM
Heightened sense of smell during pregnancy
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What it feels like when your water breaks
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When will my pregnancy start to show?
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Stuffy nose during pregnancy
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Is it normal for my baby to have hiccups in the womb?
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What is pregnancy brain?
Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM
Cramping during pregnancy
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Linea nigra
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PUPPP rash during pregnancy
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Natural ways to induce labor
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Breast changes during pregnancy
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Cervical dilation and effacement
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Why do breasts leak colostrum during pregnancy?
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Positions to ease labor pain
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Getting an epidural
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Inside pregnancy: Weeks 28 to 37
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Inside pregnancy: Weeks 15 to 20
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Inside pregnancy: Weeks 21 to 27
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Twins in the womb: Fetal development month by month
Reviewed by Cheryl Axelrod, M.D., ob-gyn
Can you have caffeine while pregnant?
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Which teas are safe to drink while pregnant?
Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM
10 healthy snacks for pregnancy
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15 healthy recipes for pregnancy
Reviewed by Erin Hinga, M.S., R.D., registered dietitian
The 12 best foods to fuel your pregnancy
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15 fun baby gender predictor tests to try
By Jenny Des Jarlais
Baby shower games for everyone
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Safe skin care during pregnancy
Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM
Maternity leave: A guide for expecting moms
By Haley Longman
How do maternity clothing sizes work?
By Haley Longman
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Newborn Baby
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Crying & Colic
Bathing & Body Care
Premature Babies
Baby Sleep Guides
Baby Development
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Solids & Finger Foods
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Why do babies grab their private parts?
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
Why do babies arch their back?
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
Baby poop: Everything you need to know but were afraid to ask
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
Why green baby poop is usually nothing to worry about
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
Yeast diaper rash
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
Is it normal that my newborn poops after every feeding?
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
3 fun facts about baby poop
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
When can babies see clearly and recognize colors?
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
When do babies' eyes change color? It depends
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
How to take care of a newborn baby
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
Why babies spit up
Reviewed by Dawn Rosenberg, M.D., pediatrician
Common questions about life with a newborn, answered
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
Does your baby have a formula allergy? Here's how to tell
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
How to supplement with formula when you're breastfeeding
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
How to switch baby formula
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
How long is formula good for? Here's how to prepare and store formula safely
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
How much formula newborns and babies need
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
Does gripe water actually work to soothe colic?
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
Five types of baby cries and what they might mean
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
What to do when your baby's crying for no reason
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
What is baby witching hour?
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Why babies cry, and how to soothe them
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
Sample baby schedules for 11- and 12-month-olds
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Sample baby schedules for 9- and 10-month-olds
Reviewed by Dina DiMaggio, M.D., pediatrician
Sample baby schedules for 5- and 6-month-olds
Reviewed by Dina DiMaggio, M.D., pediatrician
Sample baby schedules for 7- and 8-month-olds
Reviewed by Dina DiMaggio, M.D., pediatrician
Sample baby schedules for 1- and 2-month-olds
Reviewed by Dina DiMaggio, M.D., pediatrician
Sample baby schedules for 3- and 4-month-olds
Reviewed by Dina DiMaggio, M.D., pediatrician
Baby schedules: Why, when, and how to start a routine
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
How to use a bulb syringe or nasal aspirator
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
When can my baby go in the shower?
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
How to bathe a newborn or older baby
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
Stressing about your supply? Here’s how to tell whether your baby's getting enough breast milk
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Coping with cracked, bleeding, or scabbed nipples while breastfeeding
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Making breast milk: When and how you start producing it
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Breasts leaking milk? Here's what to do
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What to do if your baby only nurses on one side
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How long to breastfeed a newborn or older baby at each feeding
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How to get your baby to take a bottle
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
Feeding your premature baby
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
Your preemie baby's growth and development
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
What to expect if your baby is in the NICU
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
Premature babies' survival rates and health outcomes
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
How to sleep train your baby and 6 popular methods to make it happen
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26 baby lullabies to help your child sleep (with lyrics)
By Colleen de Bellefonds
Baby naps and nap schedules, explained
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Newborn sleep: Your complete guide
Reviewed by Funke Afolabi-Brown, M.D., sleep medicine expert
Why does my baby sweat so much while sleeping?
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
Gentle sleep training: No cry methods, explained
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
Baby sleep training: Cry it out method
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
Night weaning your baby
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
Sleep regression in babies and toddlers: When and why it happens
Reviewed by Dina DiMaggio, M.D., pediatrician
When can my baby sleep through the night without a feeding?
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
Your baby's milestones in their first year
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
When do babies start laughing?
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
When do babies start to sit up?
Reviewed by Dawn Rosenberg, M.D., pediatrician
When babies start walking and how they learn to take those first steps
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
What to know about baby growth spurts
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
When do babies roll over?
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
Baby head circumference
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When do babies start talking?
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
When do babies start crawling?
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
Baby growth charts, explained
Reviewed by Dawn Rosenberg, M.D., pediatrician
When do babies start grabbing things?
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
When do babies start remembering faces and things?
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
When do babies hold their head up?
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
A week-by-week timeline for your C-section recovery
Reviewed by Shannon Smith, M.D., FACOG, ob-gyn
6 items you’ll want to have on hand for postpartum recovery
Still look pregnant after birth? It's okay, your postpartum belly is totally normal
Reviewed by Kristin Cohen, DNP, CNM, WHNP-BC, midwife
What to know about diastasis recti
Reviewed by Catherine Cram, M.S., exercise physiologist
Warning signs of postpartum complications
Reviewed by Society for Maternal-Fetal Medicine
Postpartum hemorrhoids
Reviewed by Jane van Dis, M.D., ob-gyn
Your most common postpartum recovery questions, answered
Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM
Your postpartum checkup
Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM
Postpartum sweating
Reviewed by Jane van Dis, M.D., ob-gyn
Is it normal to have no interest in sex after having a baby?
Reviewed by Juli Fraga, Psy.D., psychologist
When can I have sex after giving birth?
Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM
How to cope with postpartum fatigue: Tips for exhausted moms
Reviewed by Sally Urang, MS, RN, CNM, midwife
Postpartum bleeding (lochia)
Reviewed by Cheryl Axelrod, M.D., ob-gyn
Postpartum back pain: How to get relief
Reviewed by Sally Urang, MS, RN, CNM, midwife
When will I get my first period after birth?
Reviewed by Layan Alrahmani, M.D., ob-gyn, MFM
Postpartum swelling (edema)
Reviewed by Sally Urang, MS, RN, CNM, midwife
Postpartum cramping
Reviewed by Cheryl Axelrod, M.D., ob-gyn
How much should your baby eat? Here's a visual guide to baby food portions
Reviewed by Erin Hinga, M.S., R.D., registered dietitian
Our baby feeding charts can help you figure out what (and how much) to feed your baby
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
Baby food recipes for babies 6 to 12 months old
Reviewed by Dina DiMaggio, M.D., pediatrician
When and how to introduce a sippy cup
Reviewed by Dina DiMaggio, M.D., pediatrician
The 10 best foods for babies
Reviewed by Erin Hinga, M.S., R.D., registered dietitian
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Toddler Sleep Guides
Toddler Potty Training Guides
Warning signs of a speech delay in toddlers
Reviewed by Jennifer Lano, M.S., CCC-SLP, speech-language pathologist
What every toddler needs to thrive
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
Growth charts: Understanding the results (12 to 24 mo.)
Reviewed by Paul Young, M.D., pediatrician
How much should your toddler eat?
Reviewed by Erin Hinga, M.S., R.D., registered dietitian
How much vitamin C kids and toddlers need in their diet
Reviewed by Erin Hinga, M.S., R.D., registered dietitian
When can babies drink milk?
Reviewed by Dina DiMaggio, M.D., pediatrician
4 signs it's time to transition to a toddler bed
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
Why your baby or toddler wakes up screaming at night
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Night terrors in toddlers and children
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Weird toddler sleep habits: Grinding teeth, snoring, twitching, and more
Reviewed by Dina DiMaggio, M.D., pediatrician
18-month sleep regression
Reviewed by Funke Afolabi-Brown, M.D., sleep medicine expert
12-month sleep regression
Reviewed by Funke Afolabi-Brown, M.D., sleep medicine expert
How to wean your toddler off of night feedings
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
Everything you need to know about potty training boys
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
Tricks to get your toddler to poop on the potty
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
How to kick-start potty training in three days
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
Signs your toddler is ready to potty train
Reviewed by Jennifer Shu, M.D., FAAP, pediatrician
Potty training tips for girls
Reviewed by Jennifer Shu, M.D., FAAP, pediatrician
Temper tantrums: Why they happen and how to deal with them
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
7 common toddler behavior issues and how to handle them
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
Toddler hitting and aggression: How to stop your toddler from hitting
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
Why do toddlers throw things?
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
Why your baby or toddler is banging their head
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
How to calm your screaming toddler
Reviewed by Shawnté James, M.D., neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
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Gifted Children
Learning & Education
Parenting Strategies
Food & Nutrition
Kids Sleep Guides
Activities & Play
Gifted kids: Signs to look for
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
Wondering about preschool age? Here's when kids typically start preschool and pre-k
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
First day of preschool: 5 tips for a successful start
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
How to help a shy child participate in school
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
Math for kids: Fun ways to build math skills and teach math concepts
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
Fun activities for early readers
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
How to talk to your child about race
Reviewed by Juli Fraga, Psy.D., psychologist
How babies are made: A guide to talking to kids about sex
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
How to cope with school shootings as a parent
Reviewed by Juli Fraga, Psy.D., psychologist
How to talk about war with your young child – and help them feel safe
Reviewed by Juli Fraga, Psy.D., psychologist
22 quick and healthy snacks for kids
Reviewed by Erin Hinga, M.S., R.D., registered dietitian
How to help an overweight child lose weight
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
Why do kids lie?
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
Nose picking: Whether it's bad and how to stop it
Reviewed by Dawn Rosenberg, M.D., pediatrician
Anger and aggressive behavior in children
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
How to handle your young child's defiant behavior
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
Growth spurts in toddlers and kids: Ages, signs, and what to know
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
Common speech and language problems in children
Reviewed by Jennifer Lano, M.S., CCC-SLP, speech-language pathologist
3- and 4-year-old speech milestones
Reviewed by Jennifer Lano, M.S., CCC-SLP, speech-language pathologist
When and how to wean your toddler off their pacifier
Reviewed by Denise Fisher, DDS, pediatric dentist
Depression in children
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
Signs of anxiety in children
Reviewed by Kelley Yost Abrams, Ph.D., developmental psychologist
Childhood nightmares: Why they happen and how to help
Reviewed by Funke Afolabi-Brown, M.D., sleep medicine expert
Why your child might be coughing in their sleep
Reviewed by Liz Donner, M.D., pediatric hospitalist
How to handle nighttime visits from your child
Reviewed by Funke Afolabi-Brown, M.D., sleep medicine expert
Is it normal that my child sweats a lot at night?
Reviewed by Chandani DeZure, M.D., FAAP, pediatric hospitalist
How much screen time is too much for kids? Recommendations by age
Reviewed by Jennifer Shu, M.D., FAAP, pediatrician
Kids' jokes: 71 hilarious riddles, puns, and knock knocks
By Betsy Shaw
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neonatal and pediatric hospitalist
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