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Your child will grow and change so much over the years, it can be hard to keep up. Find out more about the physical, social and emotional, and language development milestones to expect, and get great ideas for taming tantrums, handling potty training and bedtime battles, feeding picky eaters, choosing a preschool, starting elementary school, and more.
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- PreschoolersBy preschoolprepI have a 2.5 year old, and started looking at preschools recently. My daughter is very shy and has some separation anxiety - I'm sure COVID didn't help the socialization factor. I've been thinking about how great it would be to have a "preschool prep" option, where she and I could go to school/cla10
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- July 2020 Birth ClubBy EMLEMw123789I have been doing various methods to get my son (7/18 birthday) potty trained to no avail. I got him into a private preschool which was a headache enrollment wise and hard to get into but he had to be fully potty trained which he is not STILL. It kills me but now looks like he cannot go there and it110
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