Challenge: 50 Books discussion
Finish Line 2014
JB's Challenge List for 2014
Pragmatically, #1 was a highlight. I will definitely have to return to it at some point and work through it in greater detail.
Spiritually, definitely #8. It was thoroughly refreshing, and I hope to keep its lessons in mind. Buchanan is beautiful as a writer.
I can now add another to the list:
9) Jesus Christ and the Life of the Mind by Mark A. Noll
Here's hoping! I'm hoping to be appointed to a church this year (*fingers crossed*), so I decided to lowball my reading estimate just in case I am and in case it results in a significant reduction in my reading time.
Here's hoping! I'm hoping to be appointed to a church this year (*fingers crossed*), so I decided to lowball my reading estimate just..."
I've heard largely good things about Francis Chan's work, though I haven't gotten around to reading any of it yet. I'm not familiar with Angela Thomas at all. Thanks!
Don't get too cocky in the duathlon just because you're ahead in the running leg, brother. ;) By my calculations, I've taken well over 1052 pages of single-spaced notes on this year's books so far.
Don't get too cocky in the duathlon just because you're ahead in the running leg, brother. ;) By my cal..."
That sounds like a lot of notes. Memory slipping? ;)
Just making sure I don't have to rely on just memory, say, thirty or forty years from now. :P
Books mentioned in this topic
Milestones (other topics)Abusing Scripture: The Consequences of Misreading the Bible (other topics)
The Ordinances of Government (other topics)
Princeton Readings in Islamist Thought: Texts and Contexts from Al-Banna to Bin Laden (other topics)
Miracles in Greco-Roman Antiquity (other topics)
Authors mentioned in this topic
Sayyid Qutb (other topics)Manfred T. Brauch (other topics)
Ali Ibn Muhammad Al-Mawardi (other topics)
Muhammad Qasim Zaman (other topics)
Roxanne L. Euben (other topics)
In the year 2008, I read 100 books.
In the year 2009, I read 165 books.
In the year 2010, I read 145 books.
In the year 2011, as I began to start taking notes on a portion of my reading, I read 82 books.
In the year 2012, I read 62 books
Last year, in 2013, I read 90 books.
For this year, I have a goal of reading 70 books. So far, one down, 69 to go!
1) Advanced Strategic Planning: A 21st-Century Model for Church and Ministry Leaders by Aubrey Malphurs