Challenge: 50 Books discussion

Finish Line 2014 > JB's Challenge List for 2014

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message 1: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Brown | 1324 comments In the year 2007, I read 79 books.
In the year 2008, I read 100 books.
In the year 2009, I read 165 books.
In the year 2010, I read 145 books.
In the year 2011, as I began to start taking notes on a portion of my reading, I read 82 books.
In the year 2012, I read 62 books
Last year, in 2013, I read 90 books.
For this year, I have a goal of reading 70 books. So far, one down, 69 to go!

1) Advanced Strategic Planning: A 21st-Century Model for Church and Ministry Leaders by Aubrey Malphurs

╟ ♫ Tima ♪ ╣ ♥ (tsunanisaurus) Wow, way to be storming through some heavy-hitters already this year. Has one stood out more than the others yet?

message 10: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Brown | 1324 comments That's a good question, Tima! Academically, I'd say that #7 has definitely been a highlight. Very hefty work, quite thorough. I didn't care much for #6, in spite of my general agreement with the author's ultimate conclusion. I valued #2 a great deal, but found the bulk of it exceptionally repetitive.

Pragmatically, #1 was a highlight. I will definitely have to return to it at some point and work through it in greater detail.

Spiritually, definitely #8. It was thoroughly refreshing, and I hope to keep its lessons in mind. Buchanan is beautiful as a writer.

I can now add another to the list:
9) Jesus Christ and the Life of the Mind by Mark A. Noll

message 19: by Bryan (new)

Bryan Wisdom | 86 comments I think you set the bar too low with 70 books!

message 20: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Brown | 1324 comments Bryan wrote: "I think you set the bar too low with 70 books!"

Here's hoping! I'm hoping to be appointed to a church this year (*fingers crossed*), so I decided to lowball my reading estimate just in case I am and in case it results in a significant reduction in my reading time.

message 21: by Bryan (new)

Bryan Wisdom | 86 comments JB wrote: "Bryan wrote: "I think you set the bar too low with 70 books!"

Here's hoping! I'm hoping to be appointed to a church this year (*fingers crossed*), so I decided to lowball my reading estimate just..."


message 30: by Alison (new)

Alison G. (agriff22) | 540 comments Have you read any Francis Chan or Angela Thomas books? If not I would definitely recommend giving them a shot!

message 31: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Brown | 1324 comments Alison wrote: "Have you read any Francis Chan or Angela Thomas books? If not I would definitely recommend giving them a shot!"

I've heard largely good things about Francis Chan's work, though I haven't gotten around to reading any of it yet. I'm not familiar with Angela Thomas at all. Thanks!

message 33: by Alison (new)

Alison G. (agriff22) | 540 comments Beth Moore is good too! I saw her speak a couple years ago.

message 43: by Bryan (new)

Bryan Wisdom | 86 comments Oh my dear friend, you are falling behind. You knew we were racing right? ;)

message 44: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Brown | 1324 comments Bryan wrote: "Oh my dear friend, you are falling behind. You knew we were racing right? ;)"

Don't get too cocky in the duathlon just because you're ahead in the running leg, brother. ;) By my calculations, I've taken well over 1052 pages of single-spaced notes on this year's books so far.

message 46: by Bryan (new)

Bryan Wisdom | 86 comments JB wrote: "Bryan wrote: "Oh my dear friend, you are falling behind. You knew we were racing right? ;)"

Don't get too cocky in the duathlon just because you're ahead in the running leg, brother. ;) By my cal..."

That sounds like a lot of notes. Memory slipping? ;)

message 47: by Jonathan (new)

Jonathan Brown | 1324 comments Bryan wrote: "That sounds like a lot of notes. Memory slipping? ;)"

Just making sure I don't have to rely on just memory, say, thirty or forty years from now. :P

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