Indian Readers discussion

Indian literature (English) > Suggest new Indian authors

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message 1: by Rajesh (new)

Rajesh Singh (raj303) Sometime we want to read a new story which is free from stereotype. To Avoid stereotype books I am suggesting to read atleast a new Author Book.
please suggest which book we need to keep in Poll for August month from new authors.

I suggest
1. Guruji's Ashram by sunil sinha.
please suggest other book.

message 2: by Shoa, @TheCupboardUnderTheStairs (new)

Shoa Khan (shoathekhan) | 10173 comments Mod
Hi Rajesh,
The book for August Group Read has already been decided by the polls.
You can nominate a book of your choice when the nominations thread for September is put up by this month-end or Aug 1.

message 3: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
Rajesh, hopefully it is not a promotion, seeing that you have pm'd me the same and I have already answered you.

message 4: by Rajesh (new)

Rajesh Singh (raj303) I wanted to read new author book. is the asking suggestion is promotion? like me may be many other also interest in reading new author book. so I am asking , you may also suggest if you find any new books from new authors. I have given one book name(which I really liked) as example.

message 5: by Rajesh (new)

Rajesh Singh (raj303) ya, one way it may promote Indian New Authors. as I asked new book from Indian New Authors. then what is the wrong.

message 6: by Rajesh (new)

Rajesh Singh (raj303) I am new in this group. I dont know how to nominate ? I will try to find out.

Shoa wrote: "Hi Rajesh,
The book for August Group Read has already been decided by the polls.
You can nominate a book of your choice when the nominations thread for September is put up by this month-end or Aug 1."

message 7: by Shoa, @TheCupboardUnderTheStairs (new)

Shoa Khan (shoathekhan) | 10173 comments Mod
Well, looks like you've already read the book.
Please feel free to recommend it to your friends.
But this is a huge platform, and there are rules.
There are books by new authors which come out every day.

You can make use of the promotions folders to spread word about the book in question.

message 8: by Rajesh (last edited Jul 22, 2015 03:18AM) (new)

Rajesh Singh (raj303) Thanks. yes, I read that book and I can recommend, but I dont want to do promotion as I am not author of that book.

message 9: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
Okay, Rajesh. My apologies if you weren't actually promoting your acquaintance"s work. After having to defend the group from umpteen such promotions I guess I have grown prickly and am being over cautious. You can surely suggest the book for September group read, the suggestion thread of which will open on August 1st. if it is voted the winner, we can go ahead with the group read. :-)

message 10: by Muddle head (new)

Muddle head (adic) | 4646 comments Please post your threads in appropriate folders, else they will be trashed by the garbage man.

message 11: by Rajesh (new)

Rajesh Singh (raj303) Thanks MADitya, I will takecare now on-words. if you feel something I posted at wrong place then please delete it. I dont have any issues.

message 12: by Pawan (new)

Pawan Mishra (pawanmishra) | 3 comments Coinman: An Untold Conspiracy Dear fellow readers - Free kindle book today from a new Indian author - office based satire novel "Coinman: An Untold Conspiracy" is free on kindle only today (11/29).

URL to the free book:

You can also look at the quotes from the book on the URL below to get a sense of the book.

message 13: by IndianReview (last edited Dec 15, 2015 11:04PM) (new)

IndianReview | 2 comments At Indian Review (
) we bring you the best literature and poetry from India and around
the world. Visit us and share your work and we promise you an audience
that loves reading good literature

message 14: by Vidhya (new)

Vidhya | 15 comments Hey All -

ENDING TODAY - FREE - 8th August!

Please take a moment to look at my debut novel that gives you a peek into the afterlife!

This book is available on amazon in both kindle and paperback format!
It's the start to an intriguing new series!
Incensa (The Quadrant, #1) by Vidhya V.L

message 15: by Sudhir (last edited Aug 15, 2018 10:33AM) (new)

Sudhir Jangir | 3 comments One can also try survival sandstorm by Mehul Jangir, first time author at the age of 14.

Survival Sandstorm: The Journey that Changed the Course of World War II

message 16: by Mridula (new)

Mridula | 5 comments Dear friends,
My short story collection ‘Still Loved Still Missed’ is available.

Paperback –

Ebook-Will let you know once it is available.

It is a quick read. Hope you all will really like it.


message 17: by Swarupa (new)

Swarupa Chavan (swarupac) | 8 comments Hello Everyone,

I am a published Indian Writer. You may visit my profile for details of my published books.

message 18: by Ann (new)

Ann D’Silva (anndsilva) Hello Everyone,

I’m a published Indian Author. My book is called Sand & Sea; Footprints in the Sand.
It’s available on Amazon and Kindle.
Romantic Genre.

Give a shout and do read my book.
Much love,

message 19: by Neeraj (new)

Neeraj Bharti Hello Everyone, I published my debut mystery-thriller novel - THE CURSE TO ASHWATHAMA. Though I am looking to increase the reader base, I got all 4 stars from all authentic reviewers on Netgalley and GoodReads.
To skim through the first 2 chapters free of cost, and to know more about the book, kindly visit my website, to see if the 2 chapters generate some interest in you.
Below are the links of amazon and notionpress (only India) in case any interested reader wants to buy the book.

Amazon India (Ebook/ Paperback)

Notion Press (India):

Amazon Ebook and Paper Back USA market

Amazon Hardcover USA market

message 21: by Richa (new)

Richa Badola, Author | 16 comments Hey Indian Readers,
I am Richa Badola and I am looking for some reviews for my latest literary fiction book called 'Pine in the Tale' which is set amid the green and cool locales of Uttarakhand and Dehradun. It is a collection of interesting stories about the people and place of this patch of Himalayas.
I hope to find some eager and interested readers to give me their feedback on my ebook which is on a countdown deal from 5-11 February2020.
Find the link here-->

P.S. This is not a promotion but request for interested and keen readers.


message 22: by Summerita (new)

Summerita Rhayne (summeritarhayne) | 13 comments Having book release day today for my novella Physiology of Love. Do check it out if you like love stories. Live at Amazon now at

message 23: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
all those who self promote in this thread , please read the rules . If you persist moderators will ban you from the group

message 24: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
this thread is not a promotional thread
it is for unbiased suggestions .

message 25: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
Anyone who promotes here in future will be banned from the group because there's time constraints don't allow the moderators to request you all to adhere to the group rules again and again..

message 26: by Darshana (new)

Darshana | 5 comments Brand new book
Un...PLANNED by Darshana Krishna

Give it a go

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