Reading the 20th Century discussion

General > How the Group works

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message 1: by Susan (new)

Susan | 13392 comments Mod
Welcome to Reading the 20th Century. We just wanted to explain how the group works. Each month we will vote for a particular theme, or decade, linked to the 20th Century. We will vote two months ahead, so the book we vote for in November (for our new members, who have joined us in October 2017), will be our first January 2018 group read.

We will also have an alternate 'Mod-Led Read,' where one of our moderators will suggest a group read. We will have our first Mod-Led read in December, which will be announced in November, to give members time to get hold of the book.

Members can suggest books for our monthly vote, connected to our theme/period. These can be fiction or non-fiction. Although we may sometimes stray further afield, most of our choices will be related to the UK or Europe.

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