YA LGBT Books discussion

New Releases > May 2018 New Releases

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message 1: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17221 comments This is for YA books with significant LGBTQ content released in May 2018 - anyone can post books here (author or not.) If the book is on Goodreads please link it (and maybe show us the cover.) If you read it, feel free to add a short comment or synopsis. Consider also adding the book to our group bookshelf.

Thanks for helping to keep our group up to date.

message 2: by Rez (new)

Rez Delnava (rez_delnava) Harmony Ink's May Releases

Schooled (Codename Winger, #2) by Jeff Adams Schooled by Jeff Adams releases May 1st.

Alpha Wave by Andrew Demcak Alpha Wave by Andrew Demcak releases May 15th.

Rage to Live (Finding the Strength, #1) by Shirley Anne Edwards Rage to Live by Shirley Anne Edwards releases May 29th.

message 3: by Rez (new)

Rez Delnava (rez_delnava) Various releases:

I Was Born For This by Alice Oseman I Was Born For This by Alice Oseman releases May 3rd.

We Are Young by Cat Clarke We Are Young by Cat Clarke releases may 3rd.

The Queen Underneath by Stacey Filak The Queen Underneath by Stacey Filak releases May 8th.

I Felt a Funeral in My Brain by Will Walton I Felt a Funeral in My Brain by Will Walton releases May 29th.

message 4: by Kaje (new)

Kaje Harper | 17221 comments <3 Thanks Rez

message 5: by Rez (last edited May 04, 2018 11:35PM) (new)

Rez Delnava (rez_delnava) A few more releases:

Ship It by Britta Lundin Ship It by Britta Lundin released May 1st.

Girl Made of Stars by Ashley Herring Blake Girl Made of Stars by Ashley Herring Blake releases May 15th.

Love & Other Carnivorous Plants by Florence Gonsalves Love & Other Carnivorous Plants by Florence Gonsalves releases May 15th.

Out of the Blue by Sophie Cameron Out of the Blue by Sophie Cameron releases May 15th.

Nothing Happened by Molly Booth Nothing Happened by Molly Booth releases May15th.

The Brightsiders by Jen Wilde The Brightsiders by Jen Wilde releases May 22nd.

Anger Is a Gift by Mark Oshiro Anger Is a Gift by Mark Oshiro releases May 22nd.

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