EVERYONE Has Read This but Me - The Catch-Up Book Club discussion

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[ARCHIVES] CHALLENGE CORNER > Alphabet Soup Challenge 2019

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message 1: by Marcos (last edited Jan 12, 2019 04:26PM) (new)

Marcos Kopschitz | 1766 comments This a >>>> proposed <<<< format for our 2019 version.

The challenge has not started yet.

There is a discussion in another thread where you can make suggestions:
2019 Alphabet Soup Challenge - Preliminary discussion


Welcome to the 2019 A-L-P-H-A-B-E-T S-O-U-P Challenge!

February 1 – December 31 2019

1. General outline

The goal is very simple:

Read 26 books, each one starting with
a different letter of the alphabet.

2. Starting

To start, comment on this thread with the 26 English Alphabet letters in a column and the other two necessary details, difficulty level and score.

See the example below (message 2), which you can just entirely copy and paste to your comment message. Edit the information according to your choices.

3. Choosing your difficulty level

Choose the level you want to compete at. Indicate it at the top of your comment, as in the template in message 2.

And yes, you can change the level any time, up or down, if you feel your first choice was not the right one for you.

If you ever decide to change, just go back to your message and edit the level previously informed (from difficult to medium for instance). Then post a message at the END of this thread to let us know you changed.

3.1. Level 1 – DIFFICULT

> At this level you can use EITHER

- the FIRST LETTER OF THE FIRST WORD of the book title


- the FIRST letter of the author’s LAST name.

You MUST choose one of these two criteria.

> Wildcard: only one can be used

3.2. Level 2 – MEDIUM

> At this level you can use BOTH

- the FIRST LETTER OF THE FIRST WORD of the book title


- the FIRST letter of the author’s LAST name.

You can use both criteria, mixed, like title for one letter, author for another.

> Wildcards: two can be used

3.3. Level 3 – EASY

> At this level you can use ANY OF the following criteria:

- the FIRST LETTER OF THE FIRST WORD of the book title (and you can also use or ignore, as you like, “A”, “An”, “The”, etc.

- the FIRST letter of the author’s FIRST name.

- the FIRST letter of the author’s LAST name.

> Wildcards:
- FOUR can be used.
- They can be either "number titled" books or any book that has the letter placed anywhere either in the title or in the author's name.
- Participant only has to indicate the use of a book as a wildcard by adding "(wildcard)".

4. Scoring

When you finish reading a book starting with a particular letter, you need to do two things.

First, score your book! Next to the applicable letter, type

a. the title of the book (in a link format, like this: R - Robinson Crusoe

b. If you chose to go by author's name, include the title of the book read as well:
Z - Markus Zusak (The Book Thief)

b. the date you finished reading the book (format: December 31)

Second, update your score! At the top of your comment, post your score out of 26 (ex. 3 letters read would be 3/26).

You should EDIT ONLY YOUR ORIGINAL COMMENT, please do not start a new comment.

No need to post a message whenever you update a book. BUT you have to:

1. Keep the score updated. People tend to forget to do this, but this is how we track who has finished.

2. Post a final message at the end of the thread when you finish. Just say "I finished my challenge. Message 1234".

5. Editing your challenge score in your message

> Find your comment in the challenge thread.

See how to find your comment in message 3 below.

> On the bottom right of your comment, there should be four hyperlinks:

"reply | edit | delete | flag". Select "edit".

> Add your completed book per above instructions.

> Click the "Edit Post" button once you are done.

6. Which books count for which letters?

6.1. The “FIRST LETTER OF THE FIRST WORD of a book title” rule.

> The articles “The”, “An” and "A" do NOT count for "T" and "A". Please use the SECOND word in the title

Except at level 3- Easy.

Example: “The Book Thief” should score for the letter “B”.

6.2. Reading books in a language that is not English

> How you score the book is up to you.

> You can use the original title, the title of the translation from English you’re reading, or the translation into English of the original title, when there is one.

> Similar article rules ("The", "A") apply. Use the edition you actually read, and link to that one.

Example: “El Cuento de la Criada”, translated to Spanish from “The Handmaid's Tale” can count as “C” or “H”, depending on which edition you link to in your comment.

6.3. Wildcards

> If you read a book with a title that starts with or is a number, consider this your WILD CARD - you can use that book for any letter in the alphabet.

Examples: “1984”, “1Q84”, “2001: A Space Odyssey”

Words that are numbers DO NOT count as wild cards (“One”, Two”, etc.).

6.4. Books in a series

Books in a series with books all starting with the same letter but with a clear subtitle should be approached like this:

> If you only read ONE book, then the very first letter (like H) OR the first letter of the subtitle (S, in the example below).

2. If you read more than one, then only the first letter of the subtitle (like "S" for "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone").

But in this case no "H"!

7. Are we keeping a tally?

That will appear in one of the "reserved" messages from message 4 below.

Three separate tallies, actually - one for each level.

8. When can I join?

You can join the challenge at ANY TIME in 2019.

9. Which books are eligible?

Within the the rules for your choice of level, books you finished reading in 2019, including those read in January - actually, all those you have read in 2019 before taking up the challenge.

message 2: by Marcos (last edited Jan 09, 2019 10:56PM) (new)

Marcos Kopschitz | 1766 comments >>>> Template - copy and paste to your message if you like <<<<

It is important to use the standard format, it helps the moderators.


Current score: 2/26

Difficulty level: Level 3 - EASY

A -
B -
C -
D -
E - Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close - January 6
F -
G -
H -
I -
J -
K -
L -
M -
N -
O -
P - Pinocchio - January 15
Q -
R -
S -
T -
U -
V -
W -
X -
Y -
Z -

message 3: by Marcos (last edited Jan 10, 2019 03:12AM) (new)

Marcos Kopschitz | 1766 comments How to find your message in the thread

(It may seem simple at the beginning, but soon there will be many pages).

Some ways suggested before by our members.

1. Every message has a number. Every page has 50 messages. So, memorize that your comment is in message "X" on page "Y".

How to go to that page? See the small numbers on the top and bottom of every page (“previous 1 2 3 4... next”)?. They're links. Click on your page number, there you go. :-)

2. Remember your message number, each page displays 50 messages, with a simple math you can find which page is your post. Press Ctrl+F and type your name in that page so that the page scrolls to your post immediately.

3. Remember your page number, and follow the previous steps

4. Go to your post, click on the date posted at the right corner, the link that opens will be a direct link to your specific post. You can copy the link to an external note, or you can post it as a comment in your profile so that you can access it easily next time.

message 4: by Marcos (new)

Marcos Kopschitz | 1766 comments Reserved

message 5: by Tori (last edited Aug 17, 2019 01:47AM) (new)

Tori | 1163 comments Mod

Completed Challenges:
Betty - message 37
JustJennifer - message 28
Pixiegirl105 - message 92
Brian - message 11
Ninna - message 65

message 6: by Tori (last edited Aug 13, 2019 12:23AM) (new)

Tori | 1163 comments Mod
Level 2 - MEDIUM

Completed Challenges:
Jana - message 96

message 7: by Tori (last edited Apr 10, 2019 06:37AM) (new)

Tori | 1163 comments Mod
Level 3 - EASY

Completed Challenges:

message 8: by Tori (new)

Tori | 1163 comments Mod

message 9: by Tori (last edited Feb 08, 2019 09:10PM) (new)

Tori | 1163 comments Mod
Hello everyone!

We have just started the second week of February and Joanna and I felt that we should open this challenge despite having not heard back from Marcos yet. So, although the first message says "The challenge has not started yet." This Challenge has started!
Please start posting your comments below.

Thank you everyone for being patient with the yearly challenges!

message 11: by Brian (last edited Dec 31, 2019 04:23PM) (new)

Brian | 314 comments Difficulty level: Level 1 - DIFFICULT

Current Score
Challenge 1: 26/26 Completed July 18 Completed November 25 Moved wildcard to help with second challenge
(view spoiler)
Challenge 2: 26/26 Completed December 30
(view spoiler)

message 12: by Diane (last edited Dec 25, 2019 10:17PM) (new)

Diane Current score: 26/26 - * COMPLETED *

Difficulty level: Level 3 - Easy

A - Aurel, Jean M - Clan of the Cave Bear - Mar 23
B - Born Standing Up: A Comic's Life - Steve Martin - Feb 15
C - Colum McCann - Let the Great World Spin - Aug 30
D - Daphne du Maurier - Rebecca - Mar 5
E - Emma - Jane Austen - May 6
F - Fishbowl by Bradley Somer - Feb 5
G - George Hunter - We Were the Lucky Ones - Jan 14
H - Homecoming - Yaa Gyasi - Jun 29
I - Irving Stone - Lust for Life - Apr 6
J - Jennifer Chiaverini - Mrs. Lincoln's Dressmaker - Feb 25
K - Khalid Hosseini - A Thousand Splendid Suns - Jan 25
L - Madeline L'Engle - A Wrinkle in Time - Feb 10
M - Margaret Atwood - The Blind Assassin - May 25
N - Neverwhere - Neil Gaiman - Aug 17
O - Orczy, Baroness Emmuska - The Scarlet Pimpernel - Jun 3
P - A Piece of the World - Christina Baker Kline - Jul 15
Q - Quindlen, Anna - One True Thing - Oct 13
R - Roxane Gay - The Best American Short Stories 2018 - Dec 25
S - Sadaris, David - Calypso - Jul 2
T - Tim Bauerschmidt - Driving Miss Norma - Jul 4
U - Uris, Leon - Exodus - Aug 5
V - Victor Hugo - The Hunchback of Notre Dame - Jan 3
W - White, E.B. - Charlotte's Web - Aug 7
X - Wildcard - The 23rd Psalm for the 21st Century - Lon Solomon - Jan 20
Y - Yang, Kelly - Front Desk - Jun 18
Z - Zusak, Markus - I Am the Messenger - Jun 9

message 13: by Kerri (last edited Dec 21, 2019 01:16AM) (new)

Kerri | 710 comments Yay! Thank you Tori!!

Difficulty level: Level 1 - Difficult: Book Titles

A - All Dressed in White - May 22
B - The Book of Three - Jan. 22
C - The Castle of Llyr - Feb. 1
D - The Divided Earth - Jan. 15
E - Leven Thumps and the Eyes of the Want - Mar. 5
F - The First Wife: A Tale of Polygamy - Mar. 23
G - Leven Thumps and the Gateway to Foo - Feb 27
H - The High King - Feb. 13
I - Inkheart - Jan. 9
J - Janitors - Oct. 20
K - The Kept - Oct. 23
L -Legion - May 5
M - The Magician's Elephant - Jan. 4
N - The Nameless City - Jan. 13
O - Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats - Aug 11
P - The Pocket Pema Chodron - Oct 18
Q - Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking - Oct. 26
R - Leven Thumps and the Ruins of Alder - Apr 16
S - The Stone Heart - Jan. 13
T - Taran Wanderer - Feb. 6
U - The Universe Versus Alex Woods - Oct. 30
V - Vanity Fair - Dec 9
W - The Witch of Blackbird Pond - Feb 22
X - 1776 - Dec 20
Y - You Should Have Left - Nov 24
Z - The Zookeeper's Wife - Nov 29

Level 3 - Easy

A- Anne of Avonlea - Jun 12
B- The Black Cauldron - Jan 28
C- The Cat Who Played Brahms - Sep 11
D- Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World - May 5
E- Dead Wake: The Last Crossing of the Lusitania by Erik Larson - May 20
F- The Forgotten Garden - July 10
G- The Graveyard Book - June 21
H- Hadji Murat - May 29
I- Inkspell - Jan 15
J- Girls in White Dresses by Jennifer Close - Aug 23
K- The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind: Creating Currents of Electricity and Hope by William Kamkwamba - Oct 31
L- The Lace Reader - Aug 10
M- My Grandmother Asked Me to Tell You She's Sorry - April 30
N- North and South - April 21
O- Otherland City of Golden Shadow - Nov 5
P- Eugene Onegin by Alexander Pushkin - April 9
Q- Ugly Cat & Pablo by Isabel Quintero - Nov 29
R- River of Blue Fire - Nov 10
S- Skin Deep - May 6
T- A Thousand Splendid Suns - Feb 20
U- *WILD 1: Bridge of Clay by Marcus Zusack - Oct 13
V- A Conjuring of Light by V. E. Schwab - Nov 9
W- Watership Down - April 2
X- *WILD 2: Found by Margaret Peterson Haddix - Aug 30
Y- *WILD 3: Leven Thumps and the Wrath of Ezra by Obert Skye - March 16
Z- The Embassy of Cambodia by Zadie Smith - Nov 13

message 14: by Laura H L (last edited Sep 25, 2019 04:40AM) (new)

Laura H L (laurah30) | 646 comments Current score: 26/26 Finished on Sept 24

Difficulty level: Level 1 - Difficult

A - The Alice Network Apr 8
B - The Breakdown Jan 11
C - Cards on the Table Feb 26
D - The Dry Feb 22
E - Educated Feb 14
F - The Fix Jan 6
G - The Gunslinger Mar 27
H - The Huntress May 19
I - The Illegal Feb 10
J - Just What Kind of Mother Are You? Mar 13
K - The Keeper of Lost Things Apr 13
L - Late Nights on Air Jan 19
M - The Murder of Roger Ackroyd July 5
N - The Night Tiger July 4
O - Obama's Wars Mar 15
P - The Pearl Jan 15
Q - Q is for Quarry Apr 22
R - Redemption July 27
S - Still Me Feb 20
T - A Thousand Splendid Suns Jan 21
U - Us Against You Jan 4th
V - The Vegetarian Sept 24
W - Wild: From Lost to Found on the Pacific Crest Trail Jan 23
X - The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle (wildcard) Aug 8
Y - Y is for Yesterday March 7
Z - Zero Day Feb 9

message 17: by Ekiamx (last edited Dec 27, 2019 05:20PM) (new)

message 19: by Rachel (last edited Oct 22, 2019 03:00AM) (new)

Rachel Current score: 21/26

Difficulty level: Level 1- Difficult

A - Anne of Green Gables-January 3rd
B - The Big Four-February 16th
C - The Clue of the Broken Locket-January 22nd
D - Death at Victoria Dock-January 24th
E - Educated-February 7th
F - The Fellowship of the Ring-February 17th
G - Good Omens: The Nice and Accurate Prophecies of Agnes Nutter, Witch-June 5th
H - Hunting for Hidden Gold-February 23rd
I - In Cold Blood-September 30th
J - Jurassic Park-October 21st
K -
L - Look Alive Twenty-Five-January 6th
M - The Marvelous Land of Oz-January 15th
N - Nancy's Mysterious Letter-January 5th
O - Ozma of Oz-February 3rd
P - Password to Larkspur Lane-January 11th
Q - The Quest of the Missing Map-October 13th
R - The Road to Oz-February 23rd
S - The Sign of the Twisted Candles-January 6th
T - The Things We Do for Love-January 6th
U -
V - Vixen 03-April 19th
W - The Witch Elm-February 3rd
X -
Y -
Z -

message 20: by Joanna Loves Reading (last edited Nov 11, 2019 12:15AM) (new)

Joanna Loves Reading (joannalovesreading) Thanks Tori!

Current score: 22/26

Difficulty level: Level 1 - DIFFICULT

Here’s my bookshelf where I am keeping track for this challenge: https://www.goodreads.com/review/list...

A - Again, My Lord May 9
B - Beginner's Luck January 14
C - The Countess Conspiracy January 2
D - The Duke's Suspicion January 3
E - Embers March 26
F - For Your Arms Only March 13
G - A Gentleman in Moscow October 8
H - Heartless January 31
I - Indigo June 27
J - Just Like Heaven July 23
K -
L - Like No Other Lover February 24
M - Must Love Chainmail February 28
N - Never Deny a Duke June 9
O - One Night in London May 19
P - The Perils of Pleasure January 28
Q -
R - A Rake's Guide to Seduction January 16
S - The Suffragette Scandal January 20
T - A Thousand Splendid Suns January 16
U - An Unnatural Vice April 18
V - Venus January 8
W - The Wayward Bride March 18
X -
Y - You Only Love Once April 18
Z -

message 21: by Han (new)

Han Current score: 5/26

Difficulty level: Level 1 - DIFFICULT

A -
B -
C -
D - Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows 1/21
E -
F -
G -
H - The Haunting of Hill House 1/12
I -
J -
K -
L - Love Her Wild 1/5
M -
N -
O -
P - Pachinko 1/2
Q -
R -
S -
T -
U -
V -
W - A Walk to Remember 1/27
X -
Y -
Z -

message 22: by Andrea (new)

Andrea | 67 comments Current score: 3/26

Difficulty level: Level 2 - Medium

A -
B -
C -
D -
E -
F -
G - The Girl with the Lower Back Tattoo - 06Feb2019
H -
I - Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me? 02Feb2019
J -
K -
L -
M -
N -
O -
P -
Q -
R - Rich People Problems 26Jan2019
S -
T -
U -
V -
W -
X -
Y -
Z -

message 23: by Satrina (last edited Dec 16, 2019 04:08PM) (new)

Satrina T | 375 comments Yay!

Current score: 23/26

Difficulty level: Level 1 - DIFFICULT: FIRST LETTER OF THE FIRST WORD of the book title

A - Anne of Green Gables - January 14
B - Battle Angel Alita Vol. 1 - February 14
C - El cuento número trece - January 2
D - Dangerous Liaisons - April 17
E - El embarazo de mi hermana - June 27
F - Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic - March 13
G - The Governess Affair - February 17
H - Home - March 8
I - The Innocents - January 20
J - Jackaby - December 16
K - Kehinde
L - Locos, ricos y asiáticos - March 19
M - Me dijeron que habría pastel - February 2
N - The Night Masquerade - March 26
O - Old Man Odyssey - June 2
P - Persona Normal
Q - The Queen of Distraction: How Women with ADHD Can Conquer Chaos, Find Focus, and Get More Done - December 2
R - El ruiseñor - February 21
S - Smile - January 3
T - La Torre de los Sueños - February 5
U - An Unkindness of Ghosts - September 19
V - Vault of Verona - July 26
W - The Wife Between Us - January 27
X - X-Men Origins: Firestar - October 20
Y - Yerma - June 18
Z - Zen in the Art of Writing

message 24: by Diana (last edited Apr 21, 2019 04:15AM) (new)

Diana | 101 comments Current score: 15/26

Difficulty level: Level 1 - Difficult - Book Titles

A - Anne of Green Gables - January 10
B - Bad Blood - March 18
C - Crazy Rich Asians - April 21
D - The Da Vinci Code - April 19
E -
F - Fahrenheit 451 - February 19
G -
H - The Help - April 14
I -
J -
K -
L - Little Women - January 31
M - The Mystery of Three Quarters - March 13
N - The Nightingale - February 15
O - Origin - April 01
P - The Plains of Passage - January 03
Q -
R -
S - The Shelters of Stone - January 07
T - The Tooth Tattoo - February 08
U -
V -
W - Wuthering Heights - March 29
X -
Y -
Z - Z: A Novel of Zelda Fitzgerald - April 7

Wildcard - The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle - April 10

message 25: by Sophie (last edited Oct 09, 2019 07:06PM) (new)

Sophie | 122 comments Current score: 19/26

Difficulty level: Level 2 - MEDIUM

A - Anne of Green Gables - January 10
B - Holly Black (The Wicked King) - January 20
C - Dhonielle Clayton (The Belles) - February 21
D - Sarah Dessen (The Truth About Forever) - March 28
E -
F - The Fill-In Boyfriend - January 1
G - Stephanie Garber (Legendary) - June 16
H - Joseph Heller (Catch-22) - April 22
I - It Only Happens in the Movies - April 27
J - Maureen Johnson (Truly Devious) - March 9
K -
L - Little Women - February 9
M - My Brilliant Friend - January 3
N -
O - Michelle Obama (Becoming) - May 15
P -
Q -
R - Radio Silence - January 27
S - The Shadow of the Wind - September 25
T - Two Dark Reigns - April 20
U -
V - The Vanishing Stair - March 16
W - Kasie West (Love, Life, and the List) - January 30
X - 10 Blind Dates - October 9 (Wildcard)
Y - David Yoon (Frankly in Love) - September 19
Z -

message 27: by Mariana (last edited Nov 21, 2019 02:38PM) (new)

message 28: by JustJennifer (last edited Oct 11, 2019 01:32AM) (new)

JustJennifer | 95 comments First Challenge - Complete 7/4/19
Current score: 26/26
Level 1 - Difficult. 1st letter of the 1st word
(view spoiler)

Second Challenge
Current score: 26/26
Level 1 - Difficult. 1st letter of the 1st word

A - Altered Carbon 3/20
B - The Bridge on the Drina 2/18
C - Cloud Atlas 6/5
D - David Copperfield 4/20
E - Educated 6/10
F - The Five Dysfunctions of a Team: A Leadership Fable 1/28
G - The Great Hunt 9/8
H - The Handmaid's Tale 6/5
I - The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate The Three Essential Virtues 8/15
J - Jurassic Park 9/27
K - Kokoro 9/20
L - Lonesome Dove 3/24
M - Les Misérables 2/22
N - The Notebook 9/27
O - The Ocean at the End of the Lane 9/28
P - Parable of the Sower 6/4
Q - A Quest of Heroes 9/30
R - The Radetzky March 6/6
S - Stardust 2/24
T - Things Fall Apart 10/1
U - Uprooted 10/8
V - A Virtuous Woman 10/1
W - Where'd You Go, Bernadette 6/11
X - The 120 Days of Sodom 8/10
Y - Yes Please 10/10
Z - Zero Day 9/29

message 29: by JustJennifer (new)

JustJennifer | 95 comments Tori wrote: "Hello everyone!

We have just started the second week of February and Joanna and I felt that we should open this challenge despite having not heard back from Marcos yet. So, although the first mess..."

Thank you Tori for stepping up and starting this challenge. It is much appreciated. :-) I hope that Marcos comes back soon and we an begin more challenges.

message 30: by Renn (last edited Feb 24, 2019 07:09PM) (new)

message 31: by Sonsoles (last edited Oct 12, 2019 06:19PM) (new)

Sonsoles (sonsoles190) | 394 comments Current score: 6/26

Difficulty level: Level 1 - DIFFICULT - 1st Letter of the Book Title

A -
B -
C - Caín January 7
D - Diez divertidos fantasmillas March 25
E -
F -
G -
H - Los hombres que no amaban a las mujeres 9 Oct
I -
J -
K -
L - Little Fires Everywhere May 5
M - El mapa del tiempo January 14
N -
O -
P -
Q -
R -
S -
T -
U -
V - Voz September 3rd
W - We Stand On Guard January 6
X -
Y -
Z -

message 33: by Amy (last edited Feb 15, 2019 05:14PM) (new)

Amy (amyshick) Current score: 9/26

Difficulty level: Level 2 - MEDIUM

A -
B -
C - Children of Blood and Bone Januray 7
D -
E -
F -The Fourteenth Goldfish January 13
G - The Go-Between January 15
H - The Hate U Give February 14
I -
J -
K -
L - The Last of August January 9
M - The Meanest Doll in the World January 6
N -
O -
P - Penny from Heaven January 18
Q -
R - Red Queen February 12
S -
T -
U -
V -
W - War Horse February 5
X -
Y -
Z -

message 34: by KelB (last edited Oct 19, 2019 11:33AM) (new)

KelB (kelb24) | 810 comments Current score: 26/26...Finished 10/19/19

Difficulty level: Level 1 - DIFFICULT

A - Akata Warrior – January 4
B - Beyond the Velvet Rope – February 9
C - A Clash of Kings – January 20
D - Devil and the Bluebird – March 4
E - Educated – January 17
F - Ferocious – April 29
G - Girl Divided - March 15
H - How Long 'til Black Future Month? - March 15
I - In the Midst of Winter – February 1
J - Jubilee - October 17
K - Kings of the Underworld: Monroe: Rise of the Phoenix King – July 25
L - Let's Talk About Love – March 7
M - MEM – January 22
N - No One Is Coming to Save Us – January 12
O - One Dark Throne – January 28
P - Pick Me – January 10
Q - Qualify - September 9
R - Recursion – July 19
S - Song of Blood & Stone – January 5
T - Three Dark Crowns – January 14
U - An Unkindness of Ghosts - August 29
V - The Venture Capitalist - July 28
W - The Wedding Date – February 19
X - Xan and Ink - September 25
Y - Yellow Crocus - October 19
Z - (*) The 7½ Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle - May 10

message 35: by KelB (last edited Dec 17, 2019 11:00PM) (new)

KelB (kelb24) | 810 comments **SECOND CHALLENGE**

Current score: 26/26...Finished 12/17/19

Difficulty level: Level 1 – DIFFICULT

A - American Gods– January 10
B - Barracoon: The Story of the Last "Black Cargo" – February 17
C - The Culmination of Everything – February 22
D - Dirty Rotten Liar – February 16
E - East of Eden - May 28
F - Friday Black - August 10
G - The Girl on the Train - February 26
H - Harlem – January 23
I - The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks -February 15
J - The Job Offer - December 9
K - The Killing Curse - November 25
L - The Last Mrs. Parrish - April 18
M - My Sister, the Serial Killer – January 24
N - Natural Born Liar – February 10
O - The Only Harmless Great Thing – January 20
P - The Poet X – February 20
Q - Quantum Lens - December 17
R - Reckless Love: A McAllister Crossover - July 21
S - Sexy Little Liar - February 11
T – Two Dark Reigns – February 6
U - The Unexpected Hero - August 3
V - Vigilant Love - July 22
W - Washington Black - March 24
X - (*) 30 Minute Plan - September 9
Y - You Sang to Me - November 29
Z - Zero Cool: A Novel - December 4

message 36: by Julie (last edited Dec 31, 2019 03:57PM) (new)

Julie Pecaut Renaud | 137 comments Current Score: 26/26

Difficulty Level: Level 1 - Difficult -- Titles

A - At the Water's Edge Jan. 28
B - Barracoon: The Story of the Last "Black Cargo" Mar. 21
C - Commonwealth Feb. 3
D - The Dreamers July 30
E - Elevation Feb. 19
F - Fahrenheit 451 Jan. 23
G - Grey Jan. 16th
H - How to Stop Time Feb. 9
I - Into the Water Mar. 13
J - J Is For Judgement Dec. 31
K - The Kite Runner Mar. 22
L - Little Women Jan. 9th
M - A Man Called Ove Jan. 22
N - The Nightingale Jan. 19
O - The Outsider Feb. 28
P - The President Is Missing Mar. 24
Q - Queenie July 28
R - Ready Player One June 16
S - Sometimes I Lie July 2
T - A Thousand Splendid Suns Jan. 20
U - Unsheltered July 18
V - Visions of Sugar Plums Dec. 1
W - The Woman in the Window Feb. 4
X - X Feb. 26
Y - You Apr 20
Z - The Zookeeper's Wife July 27

Score: 22/26
Difficulty Level: Level 1 --Author's Last Names

A - Achebe, Chinua Things Fall Apart May 23
B - Brown, Brene Dare to Lead: Brave Work. Tough Conversations. Whole Hearts. Sept. 1
C - Card, Orson Scott Zanna's Gift: A Life in Christmases Dec. 2
D - Doerr, Anthony All the Light We Cannot See Apr. 2
E - Evans, Richard Paul The Noel Diary Dec. 30
F - Frankl, Viktor E. Man's Search for Meaning Jan. 6
G - Golding, William Lord of the Flies Feb. 21
H - Honeyman, Gail Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine July 14
I -
J - James, E L Fifty Shades of Grey Jan. 14
K - Kwan, Kevin Crazy Rich Asians Feb. 25
L - Lippmann, Laura After I'm Gone June 2
M - Millard, Candace Hero of the Empire: The Boer War, a Daring Escape, and the Making of Winston Churchill Jan. 1
N - Niven, Larry Lucifer's Hammer Sept. 8
O - Orlean, Susan The Library Book March 16
P - Peck, Richard A Season of Gifts Dec. 21
Q - Quinn, Kate The Huntress June 1
R - Redding, Helen How to Win at Adulting: Your Guide to Living in the Grown Up World June 29
S - Silver, Josie One Day in December May 28
T - Towles, Amor A Gentleman in Moscow July 24
U -
V -Vonnegut, Jr., Kurt Slaughterhouse-Five Mar. 23
W- Wilson, Kip White Rose June 2
X -
Y - Yousafzai, Malala I Am Malala: The Story of the Girl Who Stood Up for Education and Was Shot by the Taliban May 23
Z -

message 37: by Betty (last edited May 10, 2019 12:44AM) (new)

message 38: by Arvind (last edited Dec 28, 2019 06:08PM) (new)

Arvind Raj | 49 comments Current score: 22/26

Difficulty level: Level 1 - DIFFICULT

A - Anne of Green Gables - March 10
B - Batman, Volume 1: The Court of Owls - August 18
C - Codename Villanelle - May 9
D - The Day I Shot Cupid: Hello, My Name Is Jennifer Love Hewitt and I'm a Love-aholic - May 9
E - The Elite - April 23
F - Flashpoint - August 14
G - The Grownup - May 13
H - Villanelle: Hollowpoint - May 12
I - If I Stay - October 8
J - Justice League, Vol. 1: The Extinction Machines - November 9
K - Kane and Abel - August 12
L - Looking for Alaska - November 9
M - The Metamorphosis - November 24
N - The Boys, Volume 1: The Name of the Game - June 29
O - The One - April 26
P - Point Blank - December 18
Q - Queen Song - December 28
R -
S - The Selection - April 19
T - Thanos Rising - August 9
U -
V - Vicious - January 6
W - When Dimple Met Rishi - November 23
X -
Y - Batman: Year One - August 5
Z -

message 39: by Zainab (last edited Nov 12, 2019 08:26AM) (new)

Zainab Al Lawati (zainaballawati) | 224 comments Since I managed to complete last year's challenge despite it being really hard to me, I thought I should attempt an even harder challenge this time.
So I am doing two types of difficults :D

Difficulty level: Level 1 - DIFFICULT (Book Titles)
Current score: 16/26

A -
B - Bridge of Clay - Jul 24
C - City of Ghosts - Jan 22
D - Dry - Jan 19
E - Elantris - Jun 18
F - The Fifth Season - Apr 10
G -
H - The Heart of Betrayal - Jan 26
I - The Invention of Hugo Cabret - Feb 19
J -
K - The Kiss of Deception - Jan 22
L - Library of Souls - May 23
M - Muse of Nightmares - Feb 28
N - The Night Diary - Jan 31
O -
P -
Q -
R - The Raven Boys - Jun 10
S - Scrum: The Art of Doing Twice the Work in Half the Time - Jan 8
T - A Thousand Splendid Suns - Jan 19
U - The Unhoneymooners - Jul 5
V -
W - Warbreaker - Oct 1
X -
Y -
Z -

Difficulty level: Level 1 - DIFFICULT (Authors' Last Name)
Current score: 11/26

A - Renée Ahdieh (The Wrath and the Dawn) - Aug 7
B -
C - John Carreyrou (Bad Blood: Secrets and Lies in a Silicon Valley Startup) - Feb 14
D -
E -
F -
G - Jasmine Guillory (The Wedding Date) - Jul 15
H - Christopher Hadnagy (Social Engineering: The Science of Human Hacking) - Apr 21
I -
J - Shirley Jackson (We Have Always Lived in the Castle) - Jan 15
K -
L -
M -
N - Naomi Novik (Spinning Silver) - Nov 11
O -
P - Mary E. Pearson (The Beauty of Darkness) - Mar 28
Q -
R - Ransom Riggs (Hollow City) - May 14
S - Courtney Summers (Sadie) - Feb 10
T - Laini Taylor (Strange the Dreamer) - Feb 18
U -
V -
W - Sara Wachter-Boettcher (Technically Wrong: Sexist Apps, Biased Algorithms, and Other Threats of Toxic Tech) - Aug 12
X -
Y -
Z - Francesca Zappia (Eliza and Her Monsters) - Jul 13

message 40: by Allegra (last edited Jan 01, 2020 03:39AM) (new)

Allegra | 251 comments I'll do Titles, because I'm doing authors with another group...and because I've already got my Z

Level 1 – DIFFICULT (Titles)

A - The Almost Sisters Feb 9
B - Book Of The Dead Mar 20
C - Crime & Punctuation Feb 28
D - Disgrace Feb 13
E - Exit West Sep 28
F - Fillets of Plaice Feb 22
G - The Good Women of China: Hidden Voices Mar 6
H - Humorists: From Hogarth to Noel Coward Jul 13
I - Inferno May 13
J - The Job Aug 20
K - Killer Crab Cakes Aug 1
L - Lost Cat Feb 19
M - Mermaids in Paradise Feb 27
N - Number One Chinese Restaurant Feb 12
O - Only Human Jun 11
P - The Pisces Mar 13
Q - Queen of the Sea Dec 10
R - The Red House Mystery Mar 7
S - Scoop Feb 17
T - Transatlantic Apr 2
U - The Under Dog and Other Stories May 21
V - The Valley of Fear May 22
W - The Wedding Date Feb 6
X - X Marks the Pedwalk
Y - The Young Inferno May 13
Z - Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories Feb 5

Z Zlateh the Goat and Other Stories by Isaac Bashevis Singer W The Wedding Date (The Wedding Date, #1) by Jasmine Guillory A The Almost Sisters by Joshilyn Jackson N Number One Chinese Restaurant by Lillian Li D Disgrace by J.M. Coetzee S Scoop by Evelyn Waugh L Lost Cat by Jason F Fillets of Plaice by Gerald Durrell M Mermaids in Paradise by Lydia Millet C Crime & Punctuation (Deadly Edits #1) by Kaitlyn Dunnett G The Good Women of China Hidden Voices by Xinran R The Red House Mystery by A.A. Milne P The Pisces by Melissa Broder B Book Of The Dead (Kay Scarpetta, #15) by Patricia Cornwell T Transatlantic by Colum McCann I Inferno by Dante Alighieri Y The Young Inferno by John Agard V The Valley of Fear by Arthur Conan Doyle
O Only Human (Themis Files, #3) by Sylvain Neuvel U The Under Dog and Other Stories by Agatha Christie H Humorists From Hogarth to Noel Coward by Paul Johnson K Killer Crab Cakes (A Fresh-Baked Mystery, #4) by Livia J. Washburn J The Job (Fox and O'Hare #3) by Janet Evanovich E Exit West by Mohsin Hamid Q Queen of the Sea by Dylan Meconis X X Marks the Pedwalk by Fritz Leiber

message 41: by Sarah (last edited Jun 03, 2019 04:34PM) (new)

Sarah Nolan (sarahnolan11) | 11 comments Current score: 12/26

Difficulty level: Level 1 - Difficult (Book title)

A -
B -
C - Cloud Atlas (26th May)
D -
E -
F -
G -
H - H is for Hawk (13th April)
I - In Cold Blood (20th Jan)
J - Jurassic Park (7th March)
K -
L - Little Women (9th Feb)
M - Milk and Honey (28th April)
N - The Nightingale (17th Feb)
O - Oh My God, What a Complete Aisling (26th Jan)
P - The Poisonwood Bible (28th April)
Q -
R - The Rules Do Not Apply (19th Feb)
S - The Shortest History of Europe (26th Feb)
T -
U -
V -
W - Watership Down (28th May)
X -
Y -
Z -

message 42: by Brandi (last edited Aug 02, 2019 07:21AM) (new)

Brandi | 115 comments Current score: 22/26

Difficulty level: Level 1 - DIFFICULT

A – All the Ugly and Wonderful Things - April 29
B - The Boy in the Striped Pajamas – January 29
C - Crazy Rich Asians – March 24
D – Dolores Claiborne – July 8
E – Educated - June 2
F - Fantastic Beasts the Crimes of Grindelwald: The Original Screenplay – January 1
G - Ghettoside: A True Story of Murder in America – March 9
H –
I – I Let You Go – April 1
J –
K – Killers of the Flower Moon: The Osage Murders and the Birth of the FBI – June 15
L - Little Women – January 14
M - Misery – January 19
N – No One Belongs Here More Than You – January 30
O - Once Upon a Time in Russia: The Rise of the Oligarchs—A True Story of Ambition, Wealth, Betrayal, and Murder – January 27
P - Pet Sematary – April 9
Q – The Queen of the Damned – February 24
R – Rich and Pretty - August 1
S - Special Topics in Calamity Physics – March 19
T - A Thousand Splendid Suns – January 10
U - Under the Dome – February 12
V – The Verdict - February 15
W – The Wonder – February 19
X –
Y – You Will Know Me – April 10
Z – Zone One – April 28

message 43: by Audra (last edited Dec 31, 2019 03:25AM) (new)

Audra (themonkeygirl) | 8 comments Current score: 20/26

Difficulty level: Level 1 - Difficult

A - The Aftermath (1/6)
B - The Black Echo (4/27)
C - Caraval (4/21)
D - Death of Riley (7/19)
E - Enchantress of Numbers (10/6)
F - The Forbidden Door (5/16)
G - The Goldfinch (8/30)
H -
I - Impeachment: An American History (12/30)
J - Just Between Us (11/3)
K -
L - Lying in Wait (9/22)
M - Mightier Than the Sword (10/5)
N - The Next Girl (5/5)
O - Once We Were Brothers (2/3)
P - The President Is Missing (1/29)
Q - Queenie (12/9)
R -
S - Stalking Jack the Ripper (10/31)
T - The Tuscan Child (3/17)
U -
V - The Victory Garden (5/11)
W - Where the Crawdads Sing (11/23)
X - X Saves the World: How Generation X Got the Shaft But Can Still Keep Everything from Sucking (11/25)
Y -
Z -

message 44: by Dorina (last edited Sep 29, 2019 08:32PM) (new)

Dorina | 2 comments Current score: 15/26

Difficulty level: Level 1 - DIFFICULT

A - The Angry Tide - February 05.
B - The Book Thief - March 12.
C - A Column of Fire - January 22.
D - Devil in Winter - July 03.
E - Eric - March 14.
F - From Sand and Ash - September 25.
G - Guards! Guards! - March 04.
H -
I - It Happened One Autumn - April 02.
J -
K - Kings of America - January 10.
L - Lords and Ladies - September 15.
M - Moving Pictures - March 28.
N -
O -
P - Pyramids - February 22.
Q -
R - The Rooster Bar - March 30.
S - Sourcery - January 05.
T -
U -
V -
W - Wyrd Sisters - January 20.
X -
Y -
Z -

message 45: by Tamatha (last edited Oct 01, 2019 01:45AM) (new)

Tamatha Lewis Current score: 15/26

Difficulty level: Level 1- Difficult
Book Titles only


A - A is for Alibi (Apr 17)
B - Black Hills (May 29)
C - Connections in Death ( Feb 10)
D - Daisy Jones and The Six (Apr 23)
E - Everything I Never Told You (Feb 26)
F -
G - Gemini (Apr 30)
H -
I - Illuminae (Apr 26)
J -
K -
L - Last Seen Alive (Jan 25)
M - Magic Hour (Feb 24)
N -
O -
P - Part of Your World (Sept 27)
Q -
R -
S - The Shadow Queen (Feb 22)
T - Two Can Keep a Secret (Feb 12)
U - Under Currents (Aug 7)
V - Vendetta in Death (Sept 12)
W - Wild (July 2)

message 46: by Storm (last edited Jun 17, 2019 03:55AM) (new)

Storm | 170 comments Current score: 20/26

Difficulty level: Level 1 - Difficult

A - An American Marriage - Mar 25
B - The Birds - Jan 17
C - The Clearing of Travis Coble - Apr 7
D - Diary of a Wimpy Kid - Feb 21
E - Ella Enchanted - Jan 16
F - Footprints in the Fog - Jan 17
G - Ghost Beach - Jun 8
H - A House Called Awful End: Book One in the Eddie Dickens Trilogy - Mar 10
I - In Real Life - Jan 13
J - Jumanji - Jan 23
K - King Henry VI, Part 2 - Feb 19
L - The Lying Game - Jan 27
M - Mary Poppins - Jan 9
N - The Night at the Museum - Jan 27
O - Our Souls at Night - Jan 14
P - Pet Sematary - Feb 6
Q -
R - The Reader - Mar 19
S - The Sittaford Mystery - Feb 2
T - To All the Boys I've Loved Before - Feb 22
U -
V -
W - Who Killed Mr. Boddy? - Jan 17
X -
Y -
Z -

message 47: by Sierra (last edited Feb 11, 2019 09:41PM) (new)

Sierra J (sierraj0303) | 115 comments Current score:13/26

Difficulty level: Level 1 - Difficult

A - In an Absent Dream Jan 16
B - Baby Teeth Jan 1
C - City of Ghosts Feb 5
D - In a Dark, Dark Wood Feb 10
E -
F - Fire Touched Jan 12
G - Gone with the Wind Jan 13
H - The Hazel Wood Feb 1
I - In the House in the Dark of the Woods Jan 6
J -
K -
L -
M -
N - Night Broken Jan 5
O -
P -
Q -
R -
S - The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde Jan 16
T - The Thirteenth Tale Feb 9
U -
V - Vicious Jan 14
W -
X -
Y - Your Name. Another Side : Earthbound T01 Jan 1
Z -

message 48: by [deleted user] (new)

The goal? All classics!

Book Titles

Current score: 2/26

Difficulty level: Level 1 - DIFFICULT

A - Anne of Green Gables 1/11
B - Brave New World 2/11
C -
D -
E -
F -
G -
H -
I -
J -
K -
L -
M -
N -
O -
P -
Q -
R -
S -
T -
U -
V -
W -
X -
Y -
Z -

message 50: by Nadaira (last edited Sep 15, 2019 06:50PM) (new)

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