Indian Readers discussion

Wrong Info of Indian Books

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message 1: by Nick906 (new)

Nick906 (tarun906) | 91 comments Hello Indian readers,
I want to draw your attention to very big mistake. Probably in the GR's policies. Have a look at this book

The Mahabharata

Now look at the "other editions" of this book, It appears that all the books based on work of Mahabharata have been merged with each other. That can't be write. If I understand correctly the rating and reviews are for individual book/book-set rather than the original work it is translated from/based on.

I have already requested to demerge it. But I request you all to report too.


message 2: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
Thanks for letting know. Shall look into it

message 3: by dely (new)

dely | 5483 comments It is right as it is. I don't understand why you want to demerge those editions.

message 4: by dely (new)

dely | 5483 comments The only problem could the author because it should be "anonymous" if I don't go wrong.

message 5: by Nick906 (last edited Apr 03, 2019 12:37AM) (new)

Nick906 (tarun906) | 91 comments dely wrote: "The only problem could the author because it should be "anonymous" if I don't go wrong."

Well, If you really want to know, then open some of the "Other editions" in separate pages. You will find that a book written in 1951 by an author 'A' has been merged with a book written after 2010 by an author 'B'. Those "editions", those are different books by different authors. In some places, even description is the same for different books. Even the retellings and fictionalized accounts based on original work have been marked in "Other editions".

I really don't see how that is right.

message 6: by dely (last edited Apr 03, 2019 12:56AM) (new)

dely | 5483 comments Nick wrote: "dely wrote: "The only problem could the author because it should be "anonymous" if I don't go wrong."

Well, If you really want to know, then open some of the "Other editions" in separate pages. Yo..."

Have you already asked in the Librarian Group?

Different editions of the same book must be combined:
From the general guidelines:
do combine:
- Different publications of the same book.
- Different formats of the book (hardcover, paperback, audio).
- Editions/translations of the book in other languages. Even though many translations differ significantly, we've made the decision to combine them all, and have people note the differences in their reviews.

I usually don't touch religious books because there are shorter editions and longer editions; the author usually should be "anonymous" but someone always adds the name of the editor or translator as "author", etc. It's always a mess.

If I were you I would ask about the correct policy in the group with librarians.

message 7: by Kavitha (last edited Jun 03, 2019 03:57PM) (new)

Kavitha Sivakumar | 626 comments Nick wrote: "Hello Indian readers,
I want to draw your attention to very big mistake. Probably in the GR's policies. Have a look at this book

The Mahabharata

Now look at the "other editions" o..."

Nick, I agree, many books of various authors are merged into one. The same story is retold by many different authors. It is not the multiple editions of the same book. I didn't see whether the original book is even listed.

This merging is wrong. Some can be separated. I am goodreads librarian. It will take me some time to look into details to demerge some of the books.

Thank you for bringing to this group's attention.

message 8: by Muddle head (new)

Muddle head (adic) | 4646 comments Being a goodreads librarian, I started on it. I separated 3 versions on a trial basis and saw that it is updated, however it took a lot of time to separate them. I will continue with the other editions too.

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