Indian Readers discussion

Reading Progress 2019 > Indian Literature

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message 1: by Arshad (new)

Arshad KT (ktarshad) | 23 comments This year I decided to going through the famous Indian books. Then I select some books

1 "The Glassblower’s Breath" of Sunetra Gupta
2 "A Fine Balance" of Rohinton Mistry
3 "The Inheritance of Loss" of Kiran Desai
4 "The God of Small Things" of Arundhati Roy
5 "A Bend in the River" of V.S. Naipaul

message 2: by Selva (new)

Selva | 3271 comments Such a long Journey is a better book than A Fine Balance. Tales from Firozsha Bhag is a good one too. I mean among the ones written by Rohinton Mistry. I also didn't quite enjoy The Inheritance of Loss. TGST is totally awesome.

message 3: by Arshad (new)

Arshad KT (ktarshad) | 23 comments I already read Tales from Firozsha Bhag, is such a good book.

message 4: by Selva (new)

Selva | 3271 comments Arshad wrote: "I already read Tales from Firozsha Bhag, is such a good book."

I loved it too.

message 5: by Divya (new)

Divya | 11 comments I have read TGST and TIOL. TGST is awesome. Simply next level. TIOL is pretty tedious. Certain parts of the novel is awesome. Need some patience. At the end it is a pretty decent work. The rest I have not read. Once you read them let us know how it is.

message 6: by Arshad (new)

Arshad KT (ktarshad) | 23 comments Of course

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