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Esosa Kolawole
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YA Blogs > Reviewers needed!

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message 1: by Esosa (new)

Esosa Kolawole (thequirkypengirl) | 1 comments Hey everyone. I'm so glad I found this group. My book will be ready by June and I'm in need of serious reviewers.
Here's the blurb:

Aaron Oni has just two more months to live.

When Fibikemi lost her eyeglasses, a magical barrier protecting her from herself, she encounters something strange.

It’s only the beginning of a weird and terrifying journey and in a matter of time, someone dangerous will come for her. Her obsession with saving Aaron pushes her to do the unimaginable and eventually, she discovers exactly why she must never take off her eyeglasses outside her home.

Brilliantly paced, with an exciting heroine and a twisting, imaginative story line, Fib and the Axe of fury is a strange African mythological story.

Combining the elements of paranormal and West African mythology, Fib and the Axe of fury is complete at 78,000 words.

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