Indian Readers discussion

Book Polls > October 2012 - India

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message 1: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
As usual, books by Indian authors or books on India are welcome. Do give your suggestions. The first four will be put up for vote.

message 2: by Krishna (new)

Krishna Bajaria (krishnabajaria) Tea for two and a piece of cake by Preeti Shenoy.

message 4: by Rags (new)

Rags | 805 comments would have jumped with my nominations but after the chowringhee disater will keep away :D

message 5: by Ananthu (new)

Ananthu (tumblingweed) Joseph Anton: A Memoir by Salman Rushdie (Releasing on 18th September).

message 7: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
Joseph Anton for October group read.

message 8: by Ananthu (new)

Ananthu (tumblingweed) yay! :)

message 9: by I am Dangerous (new)

I am Dangerous | 104 comments 1)Oops!I had a love story
2)Can love ever happen again?

They are two books by Indian writers and are really nice...

message 10: by Anbu (new)

Anbu (anbutheone) | 4469 comments Asna wrote: "1)Oops!I had a love story
2)Can love ever happen again?

They are two books by Indian writers and are really nice..."

Hi Asna.. "Joseph Anton" is selected for Oct read.. PLs nominate for Nov as and when the thread is open..

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