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Reviewing Contract
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Huh. I clicked the link and it said "404 not found"
Weird... it works fine for me. Here's the long URL (
We bloggers are providing a FREE service to assist these authors in promoting their books. We're doing them a FAVOR so there's absolutely no room for snarky behavior from the authors.
I do have a rule that I won't post a review on a book by a NEW author if I have to rate the book lower than 3/5. If I didn't enjoy the read... I won't rate it. Why? Well, because new authors that are starting out are already struggling. They need honesty but not everyone is going to LOVE a book and a poor review is going to hurt a new author way more than an established one. There are plenty of others out there who are going to give honest low-ratings. I prefer to just offer constructive criticism privately and leave it at that.
As bloggers we need to be honest, yes, but also sensitive to NEW authors and their precarious positions in the book-world. Wouldn't you want the same if you'd just recently published?
Anyway. As a blogger you don't have to put up with bull from an Author with a bad attitude. I like this contract idea.
Accepting a review copy does not guarantee a review, and I am under no obligation to provide one.
I do not guarantee a time frame for a review.
Reviews are based on my honest opinion, and as such I cannot guarantee a positive review. I will endeavor to explain my rating so that readers can make an informed choice.
All reviews are my intellectual property and I reserve the right to post them on other sites.
Please check out my blog here!
This is my twitter.
The contract is under "Requesting a Review" on my Review Policy page. Just click on it and it will take you to the google doc. Thank you so much!
The contract is under "Requesting a R..."
I love it! Imo you should add what you're going to do with the book when you're done with it. I've heard some nasty stories where authors are angry when you give it to someone (even the library).
Personally I'm not keeping all the books on my shelf. I'm too poor to buy more shelf space, lol.
I might have to use this.
While I'm here, can I get some advice on my review policy? I don't know if it's fair enough.
I thought of doing that, but I was too tired at the time. I'll edit it.
Thanks! :)
You say if the author doesn't like your review you won't publish it because you want them to succeed. OK, in that case, you should be offering the author a book critique, that is, a service to them, the author. A readers review is a service to the readers of a book review blog. They want to know what you think about the book offered for review.
Real authors welcome constructive criticism from their readers, also, it is a risk they take when offering up their work for public review.
If they want a private critique, they should pay you for it.
the only time an author should quibble about bad reviews is if it's just nasty, saying things like "I hated this book" without a qualifying explanation
In the contract I state if the book is under 3 stars I'll ask if I can still review it. Big difference.
Of course there are people that will speak their mind no matter if it's 1 or 5 stars, but for me it's different.
If I've written a review that's three stars and they don't like it, too bad. It's my review and I'll say what I want. I'm not going to change it for them, BUT if it's less than three I won't bother.
The contract isn't set it stone. I'm not saying everyone should abide by these rules. You can take that part out if you don't like it.
When a review is 2 stars of below I give them the options of whether they would like for me to post it, along with criticisms I have so they know why I gave the rating. Link to my review policy is below if you would like to take a look.
I've been blogging for over one year, so this is my experience as well. I've had authors say nasty words, or telling me they're going to sue me over 4/5 stars, so this will help weed out some over reacting people. You can download and change what you want, this is just a backbone for a contract.
Google Doc:
Thank you and I hope this helps. :)