Challenge: 50 Books discussion

Finish Line 2009! > Vicki Jeans 09

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message 1: by Melanie (new)

Melanie (melobrien) | 71 comments Thats a good list of books you got there. How was Undead and Unemployed?? I am waiting for that one at the library.

message 2: by Melanie (new)

Melanie (melobrien) | 71 comments No, I'll have to check some out. We live in a tiny town(well tiny for me anyway) and our library is really not that great. So I always have to wait for book to come from other towns. I'm still wait for the Undead books :(

message 3: by Melanie (new)

Melanie (melobrien) | 71 comments So true...thanks for the info. I am going to check out the swap.

message 4: by Melanie (new)

Melanie (melobrien) | 71 comments What do you think of the House of Night books??

message 5: by Melanie (new)

Melanie (melobrien) | 71 comments I have them on my list at the libreary, but haven't got them yet. I just started the "Undead" books by Davidson. I am really lovin those books. I am waiting on the 3rd book.

The only gripe I have about the House of Night books is the boy drama she is ALWAYS having. It's starting to get to be a bit much for me.

That said... I do like them.

message 6: by Melanie (new)

Melanie (melobrien) | 71 comments 5 more....almost there!! Did you like the books by Cassandra Clare? I thought they were very interesting.

message 7: by Susanna (new)

Susanna (jb_slasher) Vicki Jean wrote: "Last book to read for this year is....

50)Anthem- Ayn Rand"

I have Atlas Shrugged which I hope to tackle this year. I need to get a few books out of the way first.

message 8: by Carol (new)

Carol Neman | 469 comments VickieJean, I had a box of Janny Wurtz's books given to me, which I had intended to re-sell and donate proceedings...then I just decided to keep them (at least for awhile). I had never heard of her, and am not usually into that genre, but it intrigued me that all of her books are at least three inches high...and there are at least a half-dozen or 8 in the box...I wondered if they were all the same? Similar? A continuing story, or different characters? The Golden Bough also sounds I am very interested in the study of Homeopathy. What did you get out of these two kinds of books?

message 9: by Carol (new)

Carol Neman | 469 comments Vicki Jean wrote: "The Golden Bough I have not gotten to read yet, it mysteriously disappeared (A girlfriend had been over just prior) Carol I believe that chapter was titled more tongue in cheek than anything, the b..."
Vickie Jean, I will look at the JW books the next time I go to my storage area to see if I have either (or both) of the books you mentioned. I'll let you know...should be within the next two weeks.

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