Blogger Lift discussion

Comment/Feedback Seekers > Comment love!

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message 1: by Kaykay (new)

Kaykay Obi (kaykayobi) | 64 comments Nice idea, Ruby.

My blog link: http://theartistcreativeforum.blogspo... /"

message 2: by Tiana Lemons (new)

Tiana Lemons | 16 comments Kaykay wrote: "Nice idea, Ruby.

My blog link: http://theartistcreativeforum.blogspo... /""

Commented on one of your posts! Comment on mine?

message 3: by Tiana Lemons (new)

Tiana Lemons | 16 comments Ruby wrote: "Sooooooooo, I thought we could all share some comment love by commenting on other blogs and stuff. So if you just leave you link below, then we can get started on sharing this commenting love!

My ..."

Commented on yours too! Comment on mine?

message 4: by Kaykay (new)

Kaykay Obi (kaykayobi) | 64 comments Tiana wrote: "Kaykay wrote: "Nice idea, Ruby.

My blog link: http://theartistcreativeforum.blogspo... /""
Commented on one of your posts! Comment on mine?"

Thanks, Tiana. Commented on your blog too.

message 5: by Kaykay (new)

Kaykay Obi (kaykayobi) | 64 comments Ruby wrote: "Sooooooooo, I thought we could all share some comment love by commenting on other blogs and stuff. So if you just leave you link below, then we can get started on sharing this commenting love!

My ..."

Hi, Ruby. I commented on your 2012 End of Year Book Survey. Great list!!

message 6: by Lisa (new)

Lisa (lisa_rd) Good idea. Mine is


message 8: by Devin (new)

Devin Foster | 7 comments Thanks. Ill post on yours when I can. I'm on my phone so its hard

message 9: by Jeanette (new)

Jeanette (goodreadscomlifeandliterature) | 35 comments I need some comments pretty please.


message 10: by Kaykay (new)

Kaykay Obi (kaykayobi) | 64 comments The Beach Man; a 400-Word Story


message 12: by Matilda (new)

Matilda L. (tillyl) This is a great idea! I love comments so much more than just silent follow-for-a-follow! :D
Here is my link:

And now I will visit all your blogs for some Comment love :)

message 13: by Amy, ~Bookworm Lift~ (new)

Amy (amy_bookworm) | 207 comments Mod
Kimberley wrote: "This is a great idea! I love comments so much more than just silent follow-for-a-follow! :D
Here is my link:

And now I will visit all your blogs for some Com..."

Fantastic Kimberly! I agree. I'll check your blog out, and perhaps follow... Non-silently XD

message 14: by Matilda (new)

Matilda L. (tillyl) Amy wrote: "Kimberley wrote: "This is a great idea! I love comments so much more than just silent follow-for-a-follow! :D
Here is my link:

And now I will visit all your ..."

Thanks for checking out my blog :)

message 15: by Probably (new)

Probably A Serial Killer This is a cool idea! If any of you wish to comment, mine is
Now to check out these. ^_^

message 16: by Amy, ~Bookworm Lift~ (new)

Amy (amy_bookworm) | 207 comments Mod
I participated in the What's Next? meme! I choose 5 books & am asking you which one(s) you'd like me to read first... Want to order them for me? Please comment (:

message 17: by [deleted user] (last edited May 17, 2013 12:41PM) (new)

Such a great idea!!!

Our blog is Schmexy Girl Book Blog at

Can't wait to visit some of yours :)


message 18: by [deleted user] (new)

Awesome idea!! Working on commenting on your blogs!!!

message 19: by Amber (new)

Amber (mybookshelfisneverfull) | 165 comments I can't wait to see some of you on my blog and I'll definitely check yours out too!

message 21: by Amy, ~Bookworm Lift~ (new)

Amy (amy_bookworm) | 207 comments Mod
Do any of you have specific posts you want comments on? Like non-meme's or a unique feature...?

message 22: by Cleo (new)

Cleo (cleo_lenox) Here's my blog! I'll check out everyone's, and I hope you do the same!

message 23: by Annoushka (new)

Annoushka (annoushkadomynique) | 65 comments Hey everyone!

Just updated my blog slightly, check it out and let me know what you think :)

message 24: by Angela (last edited Jul 01, 2013 04:52PM) (new)

Angela | 32 comments Here's a collaborative blog I'm part of:

Please check it out! (:

message 25: by Kate (new)

Kate (kaitlins16) Here's my blog. Let me know if you stop by and comment and I'll come by and comment on a few of your posts. :)

message 26: by Holly (new)

Holly  (skizzles22hju) | 392 comments I love it when people stop by my blog. I respond to all comments and love checking out other people's blogs. :)

message 27: by Brittney (new)

Brittney (brittneywalker) | 10 comments I just love when people read my blog, and especially when they leave comments.

message 28: by Jamie (new)

Jamie Bone (heart4teaching) | 7 comments I just launched my blog last night. I would love it if people viewed my blog and left comments. I plan on using the comments in the next post.

message 29: by Jamie (new)

Jamie Bone (heart4teaching) | 7 comments Brittney wrote: "I just love when people read my blog, and especially when they leave comments."

I just viewed your blog. Very awesome

message 30: by Book Bunny (new)

Book Bunny Hi guys!
Annoushka, I just commented on your cute blog :)

Here's a link to my blog:

message 31: by Kendra (new)

Kendra (champagneandbooks) Great idea! Comments make the day so much better!

message 32: by Sibella (new)

Sibella | 157 comments Hey! Comments make me smile! I always reply!

message 33: by Gillian (new)

Gillian | 3 comments Comments make the day brighter!

message 34: by Simone (new)

Simone (HarleeQue) | 3 comments This is a great idea! I'd love some comments on my fairly new blog :)


message 35: by Amy, ~Bookworm Lift~ (new)

Amy (amy_bookworm) | 207 comments Mod
I don't how it still doesn't have comments...

I read and reviewed another book @ Once Upon a Series... This one was a joint-review with Rita & we used 3 gif's as well as introducing the new feature for Friday's: Kid's Korner!

Tethers (The Tethers Trilogy #1) by Jack Croxall
I know ratings don’t always belong first but I’d like to mention that on Goodreads Rita gave Tethers a 3/5; I rated it 4* out of the same amount. Did either of us have to round? You shall see! But anyway, this is why its a good 'Kid's Korner' choice...

message 36: by Rachel (new)

Rachel (rkann) | 22 comments I love to hear other people's opinions on books I am reading,reviews or recommendations.

message 37: by Nena (new)

Nena (nenath) | 27 comments I love comments, who doesn't ? haha, here is my blog and hopefully some of you will like it and comment!,

Sandee is Reading (sandeeisreading) | 163 comments here's my blog:


will check on yours! ^__^

message 39: by Li (new)

Li Jung (englishearlgrey) | 10 comments Just started up, would love some comments!

message 40: by *Thea (last edited Dec 28, 2013 12:12PM) (new)

*Thea 'Wookiee'sMama' Wilson* My blog has only been running since the beginning of December and I would love some feedback and some comments so I can figure out if I'm doing the right thing and headed in the right direction. I've been running a craft blog for a few years but book blogging is pretty new to me so I could use the advice if anyone is willing to share..... I'll definately be checking out the blogs above and leaving some comments! xx


Just My Bucking Book Blog (justmybuckingbook) | 1 comments Book Blog: Just My Bucking Book Blog

I just started my book blog up at the end of October, 2013. New comments and visitors would be greatly appreciated :)

message 42: by Lesley (new)

Lesley (laparks) | 17 comments Can I jump in too? My blog is only about 3 days old, but I have big plans for it this year. With it being so new, it's not alot to look at yet, but hopefully I can get it looking prettier, and add more features as I go.


You can see 2 reviews, my top 10 New Adult reads of 2013, which book I'm eagerly awaiting to be released and even help me choose which book of 3 I should start next! Hope to see you there!

message 43: by Janussa (last edited Jan 20, 2014 07:13AM) (new)

Janussa | 7 comments my blog is The Perks of Being a Bookworm and I would love it if you would check it out

message 44: by Peggy (new)

Peggy and me… I'm another quite new blogger Thanks so much.

message 45: by Rimsha (new)

Rimsha Salam (rimshasalam) | 22 comments My very new blogs about books, and a bookworm's ramblings:



stop by leave a comment, take the poll, follow, share, give this newbie a lift :)

message 46: by Algel (new)

Algel Crestfall (algelcrestfall) | 92 comments Update my blog name and design, got some new posts and need some feedbacks! :)

message 47: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Roy (lucyroy) | 68 comments Tlonie, Janussa, Rimsha, and Algel, I just started following you! Here's mine, I'd love for you to check it out. It's relatively new, only a few posts so far.


Kim at Divergent Gryffindor (divergentgryffindor23) | 29 comments So, this review is in desperate need of comment love! I would appreciate it if you could comment, and I would return the favor if you leave a link in the comment box. Thanks! :)

Check out my review for Nadia Simonenko's Chasing Wishes! :)

message 49: by Marty (new)

Marty Dickinson | 1 comments I love making blog comments. Even better that if I do so here, I might get a comment on one of my blogs in reply! If you have a new blog or a particular post you need someone to jump on to start the comment wave, hit me up. I'm going to work backwards a few a day to add a comment to a post on everyone's blog in this thread. You can support me with commenting on two new blogs I've started recently: (Getting better sleep) (Caring for aging parents)

Biena (The Library Mistress) | 12 comments I'm a new blogger. Please follow me. I will definitely follow back. :D

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