A Good Thriller discussion

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Books > Just Finished

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message 1: by Sean, Moderator (last edited Apr 30, 2014 09:56PM) (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod

Like many I have a selection of authors I follow and read regulary. This author I have just read was a first, Andrew Gross, sometimes writes with James Patterson, but also has his stand alone books. I have just read 15 Seconds, and thoroughly enjoyed this book. Gripping, tense and exciting.

Also just finished Catch Me, by Lisa Gardner, which was very good.

kind regards

moderator The Good Thriller

message 2: by Sean, Moderator (last edited Oct 16, 2014 11:14AM) (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod

Just finished yesterday the book "Kill Me If You Can", read this in three days. A record for me, but this book, a first read of a James Patterson novel for me, was so fast paced with incredible twists and turns and great characters.

Highly recommended, very highly.



message 3: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod

Just finished my next James Patterson book, the 11th Hour, a good book, not as good as Kill Me If You Can.

Now reading debut author and Richard and Judy good read book. David Mark's a Dark Winter.



message 4: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod
Just finished David Mark's The Dark Winter, a little slow to start but gets better about half way through.

Just starting Lee Child The Hard Way



message 5: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod
Just finished another Jack Reacher novel.

Lee Childs never lets you down with his gripping, fast paced novels. Read The Hard Way.

Great, exciting book



message 6: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod
Just finished 61 Hours, another great novel in the Reacher collection, not quite as fast paced as The Hard Way, but still great.

For the first time, correctly guessed the main killer.

Next book has to be Worth Dying For !

kind regards


Olivia "So many books--so little time."" | 51 comments I just finished The Fifth Assassin by Brad Meltzer. It was so good I gave it five stars.

message 8: by Sean, Moderator (last edited Apr 30, 2013 06:18PM) (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod
Hi Olivia,

Will add to my reading list. Continueing with my Lee Childs books, and have read, Gone Tomorrow and The Visitor, I found Gone Tomorrow his
weakest book.

Now reading Bad Luck and Trouble and this is very exciting.

kind regards


message 9: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod

my last two books are SJ Bolton books, now on her third book Blood Harvest.

Read Dead Scared and Now You See Me, she is a fantastic author, very chilling, very good tension and story, I do highly recommend her to you all.



message 10: by Sean, Moderator (last edited Aug 25, 2013 08:04PM) (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod

Finished Blood Harvest by S J Bolton. Really enjoyed.

But a book I had ordered recently I have just finished reading this incredible book.

It is called Frozen In Time by Mitchell Zuckoff.

I can not recommend this book enough, it is a biography and really autobiography as the author is very much involved in the 2012 part of the book, but the main story is in 1942/1943.

A story that touches your heart with the bravery of so many people and how the body and mind fights for life.

The story is a true story, of one plane crashing in the freezing wilderness of Greenland with five passengers and the second plane sent to help to trace this plane and five passengers. The second plane has nine passengers and this also is lost in the wilderness.

So a third plane from a coast guard ship is sent to rescue, and this also is lost on a second trip.

How so many helped on different rescue missions.

Please read, so many heroes. Also the story in 2012 of a returning to Greenland to search and recover the planes.

Highly recommended.



message 11: by Michael (new)

Michael (micky74007) just finished Two Graves (Pendergast, #12) by Douglas Preston

and starting Murder on Fifth Avenue (Gaslight Mystery, #14) by Victoria Thompson

message 12: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod

Just finished.

The Wanted Man by lee Childs


The Day After Tomorrow by Allan Folsom


Never Go Back by Lee Childs

now reading

Chris Ryan's Osama.



message 13: by Sean, Moderator (last edited Nov 16, 2013 07:20PM) (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod

My second book in a row by this author after his latest book Payback.

This on reading my research on this author was the book that was his first international bestseller, the top selling book in the UK in 2007, and added him to the list of top selling crime mystery writers.

This is a fantastic book, fast paced, action packed, shocks all the way through, twists and turns, with each chapter like an episode of 24 !!

Like another of my favourite British authors S J Bolton brings another ingredient to their books with using the same character in more than one book, maybe a small role in one book, then the main role in another book. Done so well by SJ Bolton.

I highly recommend this more just a notch above Payback, but I am now trying to find all his books.

I really could not put this book down !!

What a treat this year finding SJ Bolton, Allan Folsom and Simon Kernick !!



message 14: by Sean, Moderator (last edited Dec 19, 2013 09:01PM) (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod

My first book by Nora Roberts (The Witness), but it won't be my last !!

This book is great, it has everything. It grabs from the start, and you just have to keep reading as quick as you can.

It has all I ask from a book. A great story, a credible story, gripping tension, action, fast paced, and with a hint of humour, and a little romance, which adds to the tension.

I highly recommend this author and this book, and will now go searching for more of her books, especially as she has written nearly two hundred !!

This has lived up to many of the exciting thriller/mystery authors of today but with added mystery/romance and humour.



message 15: by [deleted user] (new)

I've been reading The Accident by Linwood Barclay. I really enjoyed Trust Your Eyes but I'm enjoying the Accident. Anyone want to compare.

message 16: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod
Hi Ron,

The Accident is a great book, I really enjoy Linwood's books.

I just finished in four days ! Simon Kernick's Siege it is brilliant highly recommended, his books are always so fast paced, read three of his now.



message 17: by [deleted user] (new)

Sean wrote: "Hi Ron,

The Accident is a great book, I really enjoy Linwood's books.

I just finished in four days ! Simon Kernick's Siege it is brilliant highly recommended, his books are always so fast paced, ..."

I bought Siege with it was on sale for $2.99. I guess I'll read it after I finish The Accident.

message 18: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod

will start tonight my next book Target by Simon Kernick.



message 19: by [deleted user] (new)

Sean wrote: "Hi

will start tonight my next book Target by Simon Kernick.



I don't see it on Kindle. Will check the library & B&N for that one.

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

Not sure if a lot of people read The Dinner by Herman Koch. It's a good psychological thriller although I thought it had a lot of hype and flaws. This was my review.


message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

One writer that is worth checking out is Barry Eisler. His books are about a Japanese hitman with a conscious. It's a great series if you haven't read them yet. A Clean Kill in Tokyo is the first book if you want to get started.


message 22: by Sue (new)

Sue (coccotoro) | 2087 comments Just finished The Fixer A Justice Novel by T.E. Woods

This was a really good thriller that I am sure some other members in the group would enjoy. Check it out.


message 23: by [deleted user] (new)

I was curious if anyone is reading JA Konrath. I really enjoyed Whiskey Sour. Here is my review.


message 24: by Mary (new)

Mary (broomemarygmailcom) The "Fireball" series-young adult by John Christopher. I read his books when my kids were kids and am enjoying his books again. Always great adventures, strange settings, good plots and characters.

Also Book of Counted Sorrows by Dean Koontz--Probably one of my favorite writers but this book is a dud-2/3rds of book seems to be written by an adolescent-very stupid, silly violence but I did like the poetry at the end of book.

message 25: by [deleted user] (new)

Just finished The Accident by Linwood Barclay. Will post a review later on. Great book. Don't miss this one. Barclay is at his best.

message 26: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod
Hi Ron,

told you !!

great book



message 27: by [deleted user] (new)

In 1989, I bought this book at Barnes & Noble and it had a money back guarantee that if I didn't like the book, then I could return it. I never returned it because it was a great book. It's called Blind Side by William Bayer. Other than writing under the alias of David Hunt, this was his best book. It's $2.99 on Kindle. It's a real bargain and a great psychological thriller. Here are the links to the book and my review.



message 28: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod
Another book read by Simon Kernick, a little slower to start with but builds to a fast pace in the second half, and you follow the story with the two
main characters.

As usual lots of characters, and following it from two very different personalities, lots of guessing?

The last few chapters were very exciting.




message 29: by [deleted user] (new)

I did finish The Accident by Linwood Barclay. Have to say it's one of the top books I have read this year. Here is my review.


message 30: by [deleted user] (new)

Finished On Dangerous Ground by Jack Higgins. Like the series with Sean Dillon and will continue the series. Could have been better though.


Lorrea - WhatChaReadin'? (whatchatreadin) I finished The Invention of Wings. Not a thriller, but definitely a good book.


message 32: by [deleted user] (new)

Just finished Siege by Simon Kernick. Great book. Really enjoyed it. Here's my review.


message 33: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod
Hi Ron

As recommended The Siege it is a great book with different plots going on to keep the action going.

I so highly recommend Simon Kernick as an author.

You will see Tina Boyd comes up in most of his books, as well as Dennis Milne.

In fact you should have read Payback first as it explains so much of what happened to Tina Boyd.

Payback is great, one of the most exciting is Relentless.



message 34: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod

Just finished another Nora Roberts books

Northern Lights.

Many may have read my review, but just a quick mention here.

Started like a like romantic book, then built up to a good pace and then kept you guessing with many red herrings.

Interesting characters.

Nora Roberts seems to write novels with a hint of romance but always with a thriller/suspence as well, and adds two well together.



Reading Jeff Abbott book for the first time, after 3-4 chapters building into a good book

message 35: by Maikku (new)

Maikku | 26 comments I just finished Killing floor by Lee Child. It was awesome. I really wanted to continue with the next one Die trying but I have so many new authors I want to read this year (list of 39) so decided to start on the Black Echo by Michael Connelly instead.

message 36: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod
Die Trying is even a stronger Lee Childs book.

message 37: by Maikku (new)

Maikku | 26 comments Sean wrote: "Die Trying is even a stronger Lee Childs book."
You are making me want to start it now. Lol. :)

message 38: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod
Once you start you cannot stop. So hard deciding on the next book !

good luck

message 39: by Perri (new)

Perri | -43 comments Sean wrote: "Hi,

Finished Blood Harvest by S J Bolton. Really enjoyed.

But a book I had ordered recently I have just finished reading this incredible book.

It is called Frozen In Time by Mitchell Zuckoff.


I loved that book too. Sometime truth trumps fiction

message 40: by Sue (new)

Sue (coccotoro) | 2087 comments Will start reading A Tap on the Window by Linwood Barclay tomorrow. Need some sleep.

message 41: by Irene (new)

Irene (zavrou) | 44 comments Sue, I have finished this and would love to know what you think.

message 42: by Sue (new)

Sue (coccotoro) | 2087 comments Okay, plan on starting it, after I clear out all my emails.

message 43: by Kerry (new)

Kerry Hunter (kerryelizabeth) I've just finished reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and I'm in two minds about whether I like it or not. Compared to the hype, it was underwhelming. I'm just so unsure about it.

message 44: by Sean, Moderator (new)

Sean Peters | 10333 comments Mod
It's on my to read books and authors but for some reason I keep hesitating and going back to my typical thriller authors I know

message 45: by Dipanjan (new)

Dipanjan | 314 comments @ Sean - Same with me. Every time I finish a book, I look at Gone Girl, nurture it for a few seconds and pick up one from a more familiar zone.

message 46: by Perri (new)

Perri | -43 comments Kerry wrote: "I've just finished reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and I'm in two minds about whether I like it or not. Compared to the hype, it was underwhelming. I'm just so unsure about it."

There's a long thread on having a love/hate relationship with it that describes my feelings well. But there's no way I'd read a sequel!! I'm interested in the movie version coming out later.

message 47: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Kerry wrote: "I've just finished reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and I'm in two minds about whether I like it or not. Compared to the hype, it was underwhelming. I'm just so unsure about it."

I've noticed this reaction to the book. Personally, when I closed the last page, I knew that I had just read one of the best books I've ever come across. I also loved her previous novels. It does seem to divide people, though.

message 48: by Jessica (new)

Jessica I just re-read Harlan Coben's Just One Look. Love this book. I enjoy an author who can combine humor, thrills, and mystery. For me, he is just one of those authors that I can read over and over again.

message 49: by Ty (new)

Ty Patterson | 401 comments Kerry wrote: "I've just finished reading Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn and I'm in two minds about whether I like it or not. Compared to the hype, it was underwhelming. I'm just so unsure about it."

i found it underwhelming. i have found that i find most of the hyped books underwhelming!

message 50: by Irene (new)

Irene (zavrou) | 44 comments Gone Girl is probably the most forgettable book I have read in a long time.

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