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Other Books > Alice series

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message 1: by Alethea (last edited Apr 20, 2009 04:46PM) (new)

Alethea A (frootjoos) | 246 comments Mod
Has anyone read the Alice series by Phyllis Naylor? A lady came up to me the other day and talked about it like I was an idiot to work in a bookstore and never have heard of it. I'll confess, when I hear Naylor I think of Shiloh. And when I hear Alice I think Wonderland. She didn't bother to clarify.

In any case it doesn't look like the books are typically carried by our company (on the shelf, that is, of course we can order them any time). Should we? Let me have it!

Alice In-Between (Alice) by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor The Agony of Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Alice in Rapture, Sort of (Alice) by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Dangerously Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Alice in April by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Alice on Her Way (Alice) by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Reluctantly Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Alice the Brave (Alice) by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Alice in Lace by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Alice in the Know (Alice) by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Outrageously Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor All But Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Alice Alone by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Simply Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Patiently Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Starting with Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Achingly Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Including Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Alice in Blunderland (Alice) by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor The Grooming of Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Lovingly Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Alice On The Outside by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor Almost Alice by Phyllis Reynolds Naylor

message 2: by Jane (new)

Jane (janeg) | 248 comments Mod
I've heard of it-- but only because I've seen them before, not because someone asked for them. Knowing Borders, I feel if you stock it, it will end up on RPL. And no, I haven't read it.

message 3: by Alethea (new)

Alethea A (frootjoos) | 246 comments Mod
Well, I can't anyway. They are even turning down Store Requests. And I can't spo to stock.

message 4: by Jane (new)

Jane (janeg) | 248 comments Mod
I checked our library system, and ours have been checked out about 50 times in the last 2 years... so who knows? Maybe it is very popular.

message 5: by Carrie (last edited Apr 21, 2009 10:41AM) (new)

Carrie Goodall (booklady1) The books can be very popular if promoted by a librarian and/or if you buy the newer edition with the updated covers. They are a good series for young girls and follows Alice from primary school through high school at least. Most of the ones you have pics of above are the new covers. The issues that Alice deals with are pretty timeless.

message 6: by [deleted user] (new)

so far I've read about I think 6 of them or so & I really like them. I just recently found out that they made a movie about her Alice upside down & it was cute. i give the books a 5 star

message 7: by Jane (new)

Jane (janeg) | 248 comments Mod
Is it anything like Sweet Valley or Babysitters Club?

message 8: by Carrie (new)

Carrie Goodall (booklady1) I'm not sure about Babysitters Club. I've never read them. But it isn't too similar to Sweet Valley. I read all of those as a kid (and loved them), but the Alice series has more substance.

Naylor is on the list of most frequently challenged authors from 1990 to present because of the Alice series. It is usually challenged for sexual content and being unsuited to age group. Occasionally for offensive language. I haven't read them all yet. I've only just started buying them for my library. But my guess is that they are a healthy exploration of adolescent and teenage issues about dating and sexuality as well as other stuff.

message 9: by Alethea (new)

Alethea A (frootjoos) | 246 comments Mod
Mrs. Goodall wrote: "Naylor is on the list of most frequently challenged authors from 1990 to present because of the Alice series. It is usually challenged for sexual content and being unsuited to age group. Occasionally for offensive language."

I think my mom would usually ask herself, do I want her to learn this from a book, or a boy? Then let me read the book. (*she* learned from the boy ^_^ but he's my dad now, so I guess that's all right.)

message 10: by Jane (new)

Jane (janeg) | 248 comments Mod
You're right, Sweet Valley doesn't really have substance. I'm surprise that I liked those. I read them when I was in middle school. I would compare those to today's Gossip Girls.

Alice sounds like Judy Blume's books. I think I'll have to try at least one.

message 11: by Carrie (last edited Apr 24, 2009 06:31AM) (new)

Carrie Goodall (booklady1) I'm not surprised that I liked Sweet Valley. I still read frivolous books! :)

Alethea: That's fantastic! Your mom is right on the money.

message 12: by Alethea (new)

Alethea A (frootjoos) | 246 comments Mod
I don't know about Sweet Valley ~ Gossip Girls! I'm much more for The Luxe.

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