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Book Challenges > Aly's Book Challenge!!!!

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message 1: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments Ok, so I'm new to this group, but I wanted to post a personal challenge to myself. I want to read fifty books this year. I've read four, and I'm halfway through my fifth, sixth and seventh. Ok, here's what I got so far:
1. The King's Rose, Alisa Libby
2. Dead until Dark, Charlaine Harris
3. Are These My Basoomas I see before me?, Louise Rennison
4. The Lovely Bones, Alice Sebold.
I'm currently reading Russia, by Gregory (or George? i can't remember!) Hosking, The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by Douglas Adams, Wolf Hall by Hilary Mantel, and Sunne in Splendour by Sharon Kay Penman. Actually, I'm kinda reading a lot right now, but I'm currently plugging away at Sunne the most diligently. There are a couple other books that I've started reading (just the first couple of pages to get my curiosity up. The Kindle has been a very bad device for me because I start several books at once LOL).

message 2: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
Good for you Aly! You are going at the same pace as me! I am planning on readin 60 but I doubt I could do as much since school started up. I figure it I read 4-5 books a month I should be OK.

I am afraid of getting the Kindle/E-reader/Nook for the same reason LOL


message 3: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments Thanks, Donna!!! yeah, school just started for me too, so I have to do some school book reading too :( I usually don't read the whole book, so I didn't put any on my challenge list that I'm reading for that reason.

message 4: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 5. Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
Donna, I just bought two more books for my Kindle. This is really really bad for my book buying habit!!

message 5: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments Yeah Aly! I am so excited you are here and doing the book challenge with us!!! How did you like Hitchhiker?
That's one of the books I have been wanting to read for a while and finally got myself the complete set via a book swap on swaptree.com

message 6: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments It was great!!! The last 15 pages or so though was dedicated to the making of the movie. And I don't really care how they made the movie. It was a good one, but very different from the book, and yet not at the same time. I can't wait to read the next one in the series.

message 7: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments The book is always better than the movie anyway IMO! :)

message 8: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 6. Vampire Academy!!

message 9: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 7. Living Dead in Dallas

message 10: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments Two books in two days, sweet, good job Aly!

message 11: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments Thanks, Colleen!! I've been battling a recent bout with insomnia. I figured instead of laying in bed frustrated that I can't sleep, I would just read until I fell asleep and it's working!! HURRAY!!!

message 12: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
I'm glad it's working for you. It doesn't for me. It makes me wanna keep going LOL

message 13: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments I have been battling insomnia for years, it comes and goes. When I have insomnia I either read or knit; I actually taught myself knitting several years ago because I couldn't sleep. It was extra hard since I am left handed but I got it now and I love it! Insomnia also got me through MoC ;)

message 14: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments Insomnia is helping me get through MoC too!!! I would love to learn how to knit. My brother's wife just had a baby (about three months ago) and I would like to knit her a blanket.
I have had it for years too, but it hasn't really hit me in awhile. It might be stress related for me. I don't know. I do know that being tired all the time is getting OLD

message 15: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments I am with you there on being tired all the time getting old. If you go to Wal-Mart they have some great starter kits for learning to knit or crochet back in the crafts section.

message 16: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments Thanks for the tip Colleen!!! I picked one up the other day!

Ok... the moment I have been waiting for since I picked up this book... drumroll please.....

8. Memoirs of Cleopatra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

message 17: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod

message 18: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments You are welcome Aly, I love knitting so I hope you love it too! Can't wait to hear about what you make!

So excited you finally finished Cleo, so what did you think of it? Did you write a review?

message 19: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments I liked it. The last two hundred or so pages went by pretty quickly. I had a little over half of the book to read before the weekend, but I had nothing to do so I put down Sunne in Splendour and just read the rest of this one. I was really sad when Cleo died. I felt bad for her when Antony died, but honestly, he annoyed me so much at the end, so I wasn't as upset when he died. I haven't written a review yet. I should though.

message 20: by Wen (new)

Wen (thespoilingone) | 109 comments Aly wrote: "Thanks for the tip Colleen!!! I picked one up the other day!

Ok... the moment I have been waiting for since I picked up this book... drumroll please.....

8. Memoirs of Cleopatra!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Congrats on finishing the book.
I wanted to ask what you thought of your book The King's Rose, Alisa Libby. I have heard of it but had not seen it yet.

On the knit/crochet stuff. I am also one of the Non Sleepers. I dont yet know how to Knit but I did learn to Crochet last year and have made many things since then. I also had the added issue of being left handed. I got a How To book at the store thinking I could do it all by myself...Unfortunately the Leisure Arts book on how to Crochet for lefties ....um...left out a Step so no matter how many times I did it, it came out wrong. It finally took my mom coming up and my watching her and asking ...Hey what is that part you just did there for me to realize WHY I was not getting it.
SO if you get a book look it up online first to make sure there are no corrections ..which are typically listed on crafty sites where the books/patterns are concerned.

message 21: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments Thanks, Wen! That's good to know!! I haven't tried to knit yet, but I'm planning on attempting this weekend!

The King's Rose was great. Alisa Libby didn't take too many liberties with the story, and it was really well written. It is a YA book, so she toned down some of the sexual stuff, but it still read better than most of the adult type books I've read about Katherine Howard! You could tell it was really well researched.

message 22: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 9. Frostbite

message 23: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 10. Jurassic Park!

I feel like I'm falling behind. Stupid school!

message 24: by Donna, The Pusher (new)

Donna (dfiggz) | 3119 comments Mod
I know. It keeps getting in the way!!!!

message 25: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments LOL Aly, I have a math book giving me the stink eye when I grab my Cromwell book and run outside.

message 26: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 11. Sunne in Splendour

I finished it last night. I cried afterwards. I haven't been so emotionally involved in a book ever!

message 27: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments Wow Lyn really? The last time a book brought me to tears was about two years ago when I read The Time Traveler's Wife. Congrats for finishing SiS!!! Which part made you cry?

message 28: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments I think what made me most upset was how personally I felt I knew some of the characters and of course, most of them die. I think it was also so emotional for me because the entire time I knew what was going to happen, that no matter how hard Richard fought, the Tudors were still going to prevail. And for once, I didn't want them to! It made me question how much I like the Tudors, and that makes me uncomfortable!

message 29: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 12. Shadow Kiss

message 30: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 13. The Lost World

Now I'm starting to catch up LOL. I'm almost done with another book too (Spring Break!!! I've done no homework and have just read!!)

message 31: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 14. Blood Promise

I have spent literally all day reading!!

message 32: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments Horray for reading marathons! I have the epilouge to read and then I am done with Cromwell, so excited to be done with March as well! Interseting about SiS, I know I will read it but I am just not sure when, hoping to get it fitted in this year.

message 33: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 15. Club Dead
Hurray!!!!!!!!!!! I'm all caught up and now I can even read ahead for next month!!!!! Hurray for insomnia letting me read all night!!! Hurray for fluff!!!!!

I've decided that I started getting too bogged down with such huge books. So, I'll try to read only two huge books a month which should help with the bogged-downness.

message 34: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments Yea for you! I just caught u on March last night and am trying to do my first April book. Unfortunately it is the Pol Pot book which is 500 some odd pages... gotta try to finish before Cambodia.

I agree, three cheers for insomnia!!! Thank you fluff for allowing us to be on track with our book challenges!

message 35: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 16. Dead to the World.

I'm going to get all my fluff out of the way before April starts so that I can concentrate on Wolf Hall!

message 36: by Colleen (last edited Mar 23, 2010 10:21PM) (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments I am trying to read 60 pages of my Pol Pot book a day. Good read but I have been so busy the past few weeks getting ready for Cambodia! Eek!

We don't have it set in stone but Jennifer and I are planning to go to London April of next year. Just gotta save money and buy tickets! Would you be coming back to Britain around the first or second week of April 2011 or will you be tooling around Europe still?

message 37: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 17. Succubus Blues
Enough fluff, I think I'm going to tackle Wolf Hall now.

I could totally be in Britain around then. If you guys came over, I would be there for sure. I think that would be the coolest thing ever. AND if we all plan things right, we can go to the Ceremony of the Keys at the Tower at night. How creepy and awesome would that be??? LOL

message 38: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments Well, that would be awesome so I will let you know for sure!

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) Aly - there are some great books on your list here. Hitchhikers Guide is on my son's favorites, but I haven't read it yet. How did you like it?

Colleen - you and Jennifer are going to London together, I'm jealous. I'll bet you will have a lot of fun.

message 40: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments Yeah, we are planning on it and at about 98% certainty!

Hitchhiker's is on my TBR for this year, I have the whole set.

message 41: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments I loved Hitchhiker's. I can't wait to read the next one. I'm slowly reading through the series, because there is nothing like reading a book for the first time. It's so witty and fun but intelligent. I LOVE that!

Colleen, that's so awesome!!!! It would be so much fun to see you guys there!!!!!!

message 42: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments I love the first time readings too. :D

I know, we are both so excited to go!!!

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) I will have to pry Joe's copy away from him so that I can read it. Although, it may be falling apart. I think he has read it 7 times or more.

message 44: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments Wow, must be good then!

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) Colleen - I think it is kind of quirky and sarcastic, which is why he likes it so much. The quotes that he has read me were pretty good.

message 46: by Colleen (new)

Colleen (nightoleander) | 676 comments Yeah like the dolphins in the beginning saying "so long, and thanks for all the fish" LOL

message 47: by Aly (last edited Mar 29, 2010 02:48PM) (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 18. Dead as a Doornail
19. Definitely Dead

So I know I said I was done with fluff and on to the harder, more intense books, but I've gotten really caught up in the Sookie Stackhouse series and just want to finish it (plus they are super easy and fast to read, which boosts up my numbers for times when I might not be able to read for my challenge!).

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) I have the first 7 or 8 books of that series, Aly, and hope to get to them soon.

message 49: by Aly (new)

Aly (Alygator) | 204 comments 20.All Together Dead

They are pretty good with the exception of book five or six. The author adds in some random information which i discovered is in a short story that you can only get on the internet somewhere. Other than that, they are really good!! And quick reads!!

Lyn (Readinghearts) (lsmeadows) That's what I hear, Aly.

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