English Translations of Scandinavian/Nordic Mysteries & Thrillers discussion

Black River (Tuva Moodyson Mystery, #3)
This topic is about Black River
NetGalley > Will Dean - Black River

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message 1: by Ken, Moderator (U.S.A.) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ken Fredette (klfredette) | 6580 comments Mod
NetGalley has Will Dean's latest book Black River Black River by Will Dean to be published 12 March 2020. Sweden.

Black River is an electrifying return for relentless reporter Tuva Moodyson, from the author of Dark Pines and Red Snow.


Tuva’s been living clean in southern Sweden for four months when she receives horrifying news. Her best friend Tammy Yamnim has gone missing.


Racing back to Gavrik at the height of Midsommar, Tuva fears for Tammy’s life. Who has taken her, and why? And who is sabotaging the small-town search efforts?


Surrounded by dark pine forest, the sinister residents of Snake River are suspicious of outsiders. Unfortunately, they also hold all the answers. On the shortest night of the year, Tuva must fight to save her friend. The only question is who will be there to save Tuva?

message 2: by Ken, Moderator (U.S.A.) (last edited Nov 26, 2019 12:47PM) (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ken Fredette (klfredette) | 6580 comments Mod
Just finished Red Snow, can't wait to read Black River. Tuva is really something. Anyone else read both books?

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