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The Bachelor Challenge Archive > The BTC3 - Puppy Love (5)

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message 1: by MountainKat, Moderator (last edited Dec 21, 2019 10:29PM) (new)

MountainKat | 29253 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 3🌹
🌹Theme - First Love🌹

Team 5 Members

✓ Captain - Nicole


message 2: by MountainKat, Moderator (last edited Dec 13, 2019 06:37AM) (new)

MountainKat | 29253 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 3🌹
🌹Theme - First Love🌹

The dates will begin on Saturdays at 6 PM EST, at that time the task for each date will be announced. Books must be completed and posted by the following Friday at Midnight EST, except when on your 'DestinationDate' when you will have until the second Friday. Roses will be awarded before the next date begins. Each date we will be working towards spelling out B-A-C-H-E-L-O-R. The tasks for each letter will be posted in advance, but you will not know which task will be used until the date begins.

Roses are earned by:
🌹 The First Rose 🌹 Teams earn this rose by reading 4 books fitting the task during the date. (One rose possible per team per date.)
Bonus roses may be earned by:
🌹 Speed Dating Rose 🌹 The team that finishes has 4 members finishing 4 books (1 each) and posts in the Q&A/Announcement thread first wins this bonus rose. Note, posting is required to earn this rose. (One rose possible per date.)
🌹 Team Dating Rose 🌹 Teams with each member completing the task (with a minimum of 6 books read) earn this additional rose. (One rose possible per team per date.)
🌹 Serial Dating Rose 🌹 For every multiple of 8 books read, teams will earn a rose. So 8 books is one rose, 16 books is 2 roses, 24 books is 3 roses and so on. (Number of roses will vary each date.)
🌹 Multiple Date Rose 🌹 The player who reads the most books for the date earns this bonus rose for their team. (One rose possible per date unless there is a tie.)
🌹 Longest Date Rose 🌹 The player that reads the longest book for the date earns this bonus rose for their team. (One rose possible per date unless there is a tie.)
🌹 Page Turner Rose 🌹 The team that reads the most combined pages for the date, English language editions only for page count, earns this bonus rose. (One rose possible per date unless there is a tie.)
🌹 Scavenger Hunt Rose 🌹This special rose is earned by finding a book that fits each rule for the letter the date represents, for example B is for Big Apple (set in NYC), Body Art (tattoo on cover), Beginning (first in series/trilogy) and Beach (beach on cover or setting with beach). After posting your completion, post in the Q&A thread. This rose may be earned multiple times per date but only once per book. The first person to post each book claims the rose for that book, other books could earn it though. (Number of roses available per date will vary.)

Teams will not be eliminated even if they earn no roses, they will have a chance to catch up by earning additional roses on other dates. Players will be eliminated if they do not complete the task on two consecutive dates. Eliminated players will not be replaced. Remember, players are allowed to read multiple books for a given date in order to earn bonuses and/or to make up for teammates who do not read their book or who have been eliminated.

message 3: by MountainKat, Moderator (last edited Dec 13, 2019 06:38AM) (new)

MountainKat | 29253 comments ❤️ Information required when posting your completion/s: ❤️

❤️ Date Task
❤️ Book/cover link
❤️ Page numbers with source
❤️ How book qualified, with links or cover as necessary. Links required for lists, tags and other editions.
❤️ Dated Completed with Rating.
❤️ If this is your second (or more) book for the task, also include that information.

Please include only this information. A small review may be included if desired, but is not required. No other discussion allowed though.

❤️You will need make a new post for your completions.❤️ If you update a prior post, i.e., if you saved posts for your completions, they will be missed when I do the accounting for each date. Make sure your books count - make a new post!

Although you will not need to make selection posts like in the PtP, your teammates might like ideas for what to read so sharing what you're reading could be very helpful. If you have any question if your book qualifies, it would be better to find out before you read it - ask your teammates or in the Q&A/Announcement thread.

DO NOT DELETE COMMENTS OR POSTS! Even if your book doesn't qualify or you are asked for corrections, do not delete your comment. Deleted comments will confuse the tracking and may lead to books being missed! If you wish, you may strike through your comment using < s > ... < /s > without the spaces, but do not delete the comment or post!

message 4: by MountainKat, Moderator (last edited Dec 13, 2019 06:37AM) (new)

MountainKat | 29253 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 3🌹
🌹Theme - First Love🌹

Books must be a minimum of 90 pages and MPG Romance. Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Paranormal Romance or similar is acceptable, but it must be romance. There will be NO EXCEPTIONS on the MPG Romance rule. Audiobooks and rereads are ok. Books can only be read once per person during the challenge even if it fits multiple categories. Once the task for the date is announced, you may not tag a book so that it fits or edit any lists - this must be done before the date begins.

MPG = Main Page Genre:
On the main page of the book on the right hand side there is a section that says "Genres". Anything listed under that section is counted as an MPG.

MPG Romance = Main Page Genre Romance:
In the "Genres" section described above, there must be 'Romance". It could be Contemporary Romance, Historical Romance, Paranormal Romance or MM Romance, but it has to have 'Romance' listed.

message 5: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 29253 comments Completion Posts

When making your completion posts, remember you must include how the book/s qualify. If the task states, for example (and this is just an example!):

A is for Athlete - Read a sports romance, qualification from the title, précis, list or tags.

Saying 'the hero is a runner' or 'MC is an athlete' doesn't qualify the book. Using 'précis states that hero is a football player' or 'tagged sports by 7 people' does qualify the book. Remember that links are required for lists, tags and different editions.

Also, when using the cover as the qualifier, post the cover image in your completion.

Please remember that all tags/lists must qualify IN CONTEXT!! Links MUST be provided.

Don't make more work for yourself than necessary - if the qualifier is in the title or on the cover, use it! You don't have to go searching for tags to make it work. 😊 If the link you use for the book is the same you are using for the page count and edition - say so (see above edition or something similar)! That saves us all some steps. But please double check your links!

You may use separate editions of your Scavenger Hunt books to qualify for the different tasks. Links MUST be provided.

message 6: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 29253 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 3🌹
🌹Theme - First Love🌹

I will be tracking each team's completions and using the captains' tracking to confirm before awarding roses at the end of each date.

Captains, anything you can do to help is appreciated, particularly with the Longest Date and Page Turner Roses!

message 7: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 29253 comments 🌹The Bachelor Team Challenge - Round 3🌹
🌹Theme - First Love🌹

Captains, please reserve a few spaces for tracking.

Introduce yourselves to your teammates. Let then know where you are from, what your interests are in life and in books! Consider friending each other, that makes it easier to follow the goings on.

Your first task as a team is to come up with a team name. The theme of First Love and your team name should relate to that. Captains, please post your team name in the Q&A thread when you have decided.

message 8: by Nicole (last edited Feb 23, 2020 01:58AM) (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments 🌹 TASKS 🌹

(view spoiler)

Date 1: B is for Beast - Read a shapeshifter book. Qualification can be from the title, series, précis, tags or lists.

Date 2: A is for Award - Read a book that has won an award. This info needs to be included on the GR main book page.

Date 3: C is for Curiosity - Read a book with a mystery tag.

Date 4: H is for Helper - Read a book written by more than one author. Qualification will be on the GR main book page or provide a link to the author page if the duo uses a pseudonym.

Date 5: E is for Elf - Read a holiday book, any holiday works. Qualification can be from the title, précis or tags.

Date 6: L is for Lasso - Read a western/cowboy romance. Qualification can be from the title, précis, list or tags.

Date 7: O is for Obedient - Read a BDSM or Inspirational romance. Qualification from précis, list or tags.

Date 8: R is for Recent - Read a book initially published in the last year.

message 9: by Nicole (last edited Feb 23, 2020 02:04AM) (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments 🥀 ROSES EARNED 🥀

Date 1: 🌹 31 🌹
First Rose
Speed Dating Rose
Team Dating Rose
Serial Dating Roses - 10
Scavenger Hunt Roses - 15
Multiple Date Rose (Nicole)
Longest Date Rose (Nicole)
Page Turner Rose

Date 2🌹 18 🌹
First Rose
Speed Dating Rose
Team Dating Rose
Serial Dating Roses - 5
Page Turner Rose
Scavenger Hunt Roses - 9

Date 3🌹 20 🌹
First Rose
Speed Dating Rose
Team Dating Rose
Serial Dating Roses - 6
Multiple Date Rose - Nicole
Longest Date Rose - Nicole
Page Turner Rose
Scavenger Hunt Roses - 8

Date 4 🌹 8 🌹
First Rose
Speed Dating Rose
Team Dating Rose
Serial Dating Roses - 4
Multiple Date Rose - Nicole

Date 5 🌹 31 🌹
First Rose
Speed Dating Rose
Team Dating Rose
Serial Dating Roses - 7
Page Turner Rose
Scavenger Hunt Roses - 20

Date 6 🌹 22 🌹
First Rose
Speed Dating Rose
Team Dating Rose
Serial Dating Roses - 5
Multiple Date Rose - Nicole
Longest Date Rose - Nicole
Page Turner Rose
Scavenger Hunt Roses - 11

Date 7 🌹 12 🌹
First Rose
Speed Dating Rose
Team Dating Rose
Serial Dating Roses - 5
Multiple Date Rose - Nicole
Longest Date Rose - Nicole
Page Turner Rose
Scavenger Hunt Rose - 1

Date 8 🌹 13 🌹
First Rose
Speed Dating Rose
Team Dating Rose
Multiple Dating Rose - Nicole
Longest Date Rose - Nicole
Page Turner Rose
Serial Dating Roses - 4
Scavenger Hunt Roses - 3

Grand Total: 🌹 155 🌹

message 10: by Nicole (last edited Jan 04, 2020 05:42AM) (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments COMPLETION POST DATE 1

Team Spreadsheet

BarbaraAnn: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Book 8 | Book 9 | Book 10
Chan: Book 1 | Book 2
Courtney: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Book 8 | Book 9 | Book 10 | Book 11 | Book 12 | Book 13 | Book 14 | Book 15 | Book 16 | Book 17 | Book 18 | Book 19
Lynne: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6
Nicole: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Book 8 | Book 9 | Book 10 | Book 11 | Book 12 | Book 13 | Book 14 | Book 15 | Book 16 | Book 17 | Book 18 | Book 19 | Book 20 | Book 21 | Book 22 | Book 23 | Book 24 | Book 25 | Book 26 | Book 27 | Book 28 | Book 29 | Book 30 | Book 31 | Book 32 | Book 33 | Book 34 | Book 35 | Book 36 | Book 37 | Book 38 | Book 39 | Book 40 | Book 41 | Book 42
Sally906: Book 1

📚 Total Number of Books for Date 1: 80

📕 Team Member who read the most books for Date 1: Nicole - 42 books

📗 Total Number of Pages: 23,768

📘 Team Member who read the longest book for Date 1: Nicole - Book 26 - 976 pgs

message 11: by Nicole (last edited Jan 11, 2020 04:50AM) (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments COMPLETION POST DATE 2

Team Spreadsheet

BarbaraAnn: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3
Chan: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4
Courtney: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5
Lynne: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6
Nicole: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Book 8 | Book 9 | Book 10 | Book 11 | Book 12 | Book 13 | Book 14 | Book 15 | Book 16 | Book 17 | Book 18 | Book 19 | Book 20 | Book 21
Sally906: Book 1

📚 Total Number of Books for Date 2: 40

📕 Team Member who read the most books for Date 2: Nicole - 21 books

📗 Total Number of Pages: 16,276

📘 Team Member who read the longest book for Date 2: Nicole - Book 19 - 976 pgs

message 12: by Nicole (last edited Jan 18, 2020 09:15AM) (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments COMPLETION POST DATE 3

Team Spreadsheet

BarbaraAnn: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6
Chan: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Book 8
Courtney: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7
Lynne: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7
Nicole: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Book 8 | Book 9 | Book 10 | Book 11 | Book 12 | Book 13 | Book 14 | Book 15 | Book 16 | Book 17 | Book 18 | Book 19
Sally906: Book 1

📚 Total Number of Books for Date 3: 48

📕 Team Member who read the most books for Date 3: Nicole - 19 books

📗 Total Number of Pages: 16,455

📘 Team Member who read the longest book for Date 3: Nicole - Book 18 - 1,406 pgs

message 13: by Nicole (last edited Jan 25, 2020 05:29AM) (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments COMPLETION POST DATE 4

BarbaraAnn: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7
Chan: Book 1 | Book 2
Courtney: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7
Lynne: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5
Nicole: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Book 8 | Book 9 | Book 10 | Book 11 | Book 12 | Book 13 | Book 14 | Book 15 | Book 16 | Book 17 | Book 19 | Book 20 | Book 21
Sally906: Book 1

📚 Total Number of Books for Date 4: 41

📕 Team Member who read the most books for Date 4: Nicole - 20 books

📗 Total Number of Pages: 10,660

📘 Team Member who read the longest book for Date 4: Nicole - Book 15 - 1,163 pgs

message 14: by Nicole (last edited Feb 01, 2020 05:37AM) (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments COMPLETION POST DATE 5

Team Spreadsheet

BarbaraAnn: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Book 8
Chan: Book 1
Courtney: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7
Lynne: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Book 8 | Book 9 | Book 10 | Book 11
Nicole: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Book 8 | Book 9 | Book 10 | Book 11 | Book 12 | Book 13 | Book 14 | Book 15 | Book 16 | Book 17 | Book 18 | Book 19 | Book 20 | Book 21 | Book 22 | Book 23 | Book 24 | Book 25 | Book 26 | Book 27 | Book 28 | Book 29 | Book 30
Sally906: Book 1

📚 Total Number of Books for Date 5: 58

📕 Team Member who read the most books for Date 5: Nicole - 30 books

📗 Total Number of Pages: 14, 254

📘 Team Member who read the longest book for Date 5: Nicole - Book 23 - 918 pgs

message 15: by Nicole (last edited Feb 08, 2020 08:24AM) (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments COMPLETION POST DATE 6

Team Spreadsheet

BarbaraAnn: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5
Chan: Book 1 | Book 2
Courtney: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4
Lynne: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7
Nicole: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Book 8 | Book 9 | Book 10 | Book 11 | Book 12 | Book 13 | Book 14 | Book 15 | Book 16 | Book 17 | Book 18 | Book 19 | Book 20 | Book 21 | Book 22 | Book 23
Sally906: Book 1

📚 Total Number of Books for Date 6: 42

📕 Team Member who read the most books for Date 6: Nicole - 23 books

📗 Total Number of Pages: 13,624

📘 Team Member who read the longest book for Date 6: Nicole - Book 20 - 1,052 pgs

message 16: by Nicole (last edited Feb 15, 2020 05:27AM) (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments COMPLETION POST DATE 7

BarbaraAnn: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5
Chan: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7
Courtney: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4
Lynne: Book 1
Nicole: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Book 8 | Book 9 | Book 10 | Book 11 | Book 12 | Book 13 | Book 14 | Book 15 | Book 16 | Book 17 | Book 18 | Book 19 | Book 20 | Book 21 | Book 22 | Book 23 | Book 24 | Book 25
Sally906: Book 1

📚 Total Number of Books for Date 7: 43

📕 Team Member who read the most books for Date 7: Nicole - 25 books

📗 Total Number of Pages: 13,278

📘 Team Member who read the longest book for Date 7: Nicole - Book 18 - 1,045 pgs

message 17: by Nicole (last edited Feb 22, 2020 05:32AM) (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments COMPLETION POST DATE 8

BarbaraAnn: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6
Chan: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | | Book 4 | Book 5 | my link text
Courtney: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | my link text
Lynne: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | my link text
Nicole: Book 1 | Book 2 | Book 3 | Book 4 | Book 5 | Book 6 | Book 7 | Book 8 | Book 9 | Book 10 | Book 11 | Book 12 | Book 13 | Book 14 | Book 15
Sally906: Book 1 | my link text

📚 Total Number of Books for Date 8: 35

📕 Team Member who read the most books for Date 8: Nicole - 15 books

📗 Total Number of Pages: 11,333

📘 Team Member who read the longest book for Date 8: Nicole Book 12 - 993 pgs

message 18: by Nicole (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments Res

message 19: by Nicole (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments Res

message 20: by Nicole (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments Res

message 21: by Nicole (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments Hey team! I'm Nicole and I'm from South Africa but am currently living and working in the Middle East. It's my 3rd time playing this particular team challenge and I'm sure it's going to another fun and crazy round! 2nd time captaining and will attempt to keep on top of everything.

Romance is my favorite genre of all and I pretty much like all sub-genres, except for historical (and for some reason historical romances really match up with a lot of the tasks, so I'll be rolling my eyes hard as usual). What are you favorite genres? Least favorite?

The theme is First Love. Our first task is to come up with a team name that could possibly incorporate first love + reading + romance. I don't have a creative bone in my body but am a master at Google. So will see what I can find. Go ahead and introduce yourself and give any and all suggestions for a team name.

And totally random, but does anyone watch The Bachelor? I asked this the last round. And even though I've participated 2 times in this challenge I haven't had the urge to watch the show. I've never watched one episode 🙈

message 22: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 843 comments Hi all

I am Sally - I am from Australia. I don’t watch the show - but I have played Bachelor Challenge before.

Only name I can think of for first love is Puppy Love

Maybe Puppies love reading?

I love romance - pretty much read it all except MM romance - but lots of my friends do though, so they make up for me :)

The romance genre I like are IHistorical (mail order brides anyone?) paranormal, sci fi (got to love those blue aliens) - but really pretty much any romance.

message 23: by Chan (new)

Chan | 4987 comments Hello All. I enjoy all romance sub genres except thriller. I have even branched into paranormal recently and surprisingly found that I wanted more. I don't like vampires and such, but supernatural abilities are interesting.

I do not watch the bachelor and have never seen an episode either. I've thought about watching, but never seem to get around to it.

My name suggestion is Shiny Love Bud.

I added the Shiny to make it fit with the theme First Love

message 24: by Courtney (new)

Courtney | 2931 comments Hi, I'm Courtney, an American living in Taiwan. I'm a SAHM, so most of my reading time is after I finally get the kids to bed 😄. I started off just reading historical romances, but after running through pretty much every Scottish highlands romance, I've been trying to expand my horizons. Got sucked into all of Ruby Dixon's books for much of the year then tried out a bunch of paranormal/shifter stuff. Took a while, but I've found a few contemporary genres/authors that I've enjoyed, too. Currently on a MC kick.

I love getting recommendations and am pretty down to trying any romance genre to see if I like it. I got a lot of great recs from Nicole and Chan when I've done challenges with them before, so looking forward to adding more to my TBR shelves this time!

I'm not the super fastest reader, but I can pretty consistently get three books in a week. I'll try my best to find some scavenger hunt ones, too.

As for names, hmmm first love... Like cheesy songs is all I've got

Feels like the first time
Like a virgin
Never knew love like this before

I'm really not creative at all 😂

message 25: by Nicole (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments Welcome everyone! Great to see so many from previous challenges.

Here are team name suggestions thus far:

Puppy Love
Shiny Love Bud
Feels like the first time
Like a virgin
Never knew love like this before

message 26: by BarbaraAnn (new)

BarbaraAnn | 298 comments Hi Everyone - I live in Illinois in the US so this is perfect reading time as the weather is too cold to want to go out. I read some of everything - paranormal is probably the favorite.

I've never watched the Bachelor and am bad with names. Maybe Sweet Readers?

message 27: by Nicole (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments I've also created a Google spreadsheet for the team just to track things. If you have a gmail account you can view it 😊

message 28: by Nicole (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments BarbaraAnn wrote: "Hi Everyone - I live in Illinois in the US so this is perfect reading time as the weather is too cold to want to go out. I read some of everything - paranormal is probably the favorite.

I've neve..."

Welcome BarbaraAnn! Sounds like you have the perfect weather for reading. It's "winter" here by me but nothing like Europe and North America.

message 29: by Courtney (new)

Courtney | 2931 comments BarbaraAnn wrote: "Hi Everyone - I live in Illinois in the US so this is perfect reading time as the weather is too cold to want to go out."

Just got back from visiting family in Ohio for Thanksgiving. It was ridiculously cold! Don't think I could ever live through a whole Midwest winter again.

message 30: by Nicole (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments Here's what I got for team names:

First Book I Loved
50 First Dates
First Taste of Love

Kinda useless at this 😂

While waiting on Lynne to check in, does everyone want to give their choices for the team name? Here is what we have:

Puppy Love
Shiny Love Bud
Feels like the first time
Like a virgin
Never knew love like this before
Sweet Readers
First Book I Loved
50 First Dates
First Taste of Love

message 31: by Courtney (new)

Courtney | 2931 comments I like Sweet Readers

message 32: by BarbaraAnn (new)

BarbaraAnn | 298 comments Sweet readers sounds good to me.

message 33: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 843 comments I don’t mind Sweet Readers - prefer Puppy Love - been singing that song all weekend - LOL

Happy to go with majority.

message 34: by Nicole (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments I like Puppy Love 😊

So we have a tie:

Sweet Readers - 2 votes
Puppy Love - 2 votes

message 35: by Chan (new)

Chan | 4987 comments i like puppy love too :o)

message 36: by Courtney (new)

Courtney | 2931 comments Either is good for me really

message 37: by Courtney (new)

Courtney | 2931 comments Anyone know what the check marks by our names are for? Not sure if I was supposed to do something I haven't 🤔

message 38: by Nicole (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments Courtney wrote: "Anyone know what the check marks by our names are for? Not sure if I was supposed to do something I haven't 🤔"

MKat's tracking to see who has checked in. She's probably just missed you and will update soon 😊

message 39: by Nicole (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments I sent Lynne a friend request and a little message that the teams are up. She has a private profile.

Should we go with Puppy Love then?

message 40: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 843 comments Nicole wrote: "I sent Lynne a friend request and a little message that the teams are up. She has a private profile.

Should we go with Puppy Love then?"

Yes Please :)

I’ve been going through my Romance shelf and trying to assign books to the tasks.

I like to be prepared - there is also freebies on kindle and library books. I love hunting for challenge books :)

message 41: by Nicole (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments Glad to see there is another planner in the group! I'm kind of obsessed with planning (hence the spreadsheet 🤪) and just this morning I set up my reading log spreadsheet for 2020! #Excited #NerdAlert

Not sure how everyone wants to approach this round of the Bachelor? Last round got a little...intense. I'm happy to see that this round there is a limit on the number of Scavenger Hunt roses a person can earn. Is everyone happy to attempt at least one SHR a week? Since I'm on holiday for the next three weeks I can start hunting down books and then send a PM to everyone with the list and you can decide?

I don't think we'll be able to get the Speed Dating Rose because we are scattered and I'm usually asleep when the task is announced.

Happy to go with what everyone wants to do.

message 42: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 843 comments I am reliable for reading the assigned book - but I am not fast enough to read for extra roses.

From memory there were a couple of ‘super’ readers last time who were reading multiple books a day - so people felt a bit demoralised and wondered why they should bother.

The team I was on decided we were happy to do the challenge and do the best we could - made some good friends on that team :)

message 43: by Courtney (last edited Dec 17, 2019 01:27AM) (new)

Courtney | 2931 comments I've been trying so hard to find a SHR for the first week with no luck! It's the jewelry thing... All the shifter books just have shirtless guys on the cover 😄.

message 44: by Sally906 (last edited Dec 17, 2019 07:21AM) (new)

Sally906 | 843 comments Courtney wrote: "I've been trying so hard to find a SHR for the first week with no luck! It's the jewelry thing... All the shifter books just have shirtless guys on the cover 😄."

I’ve got a book for each of the B books

For B is for Baubles - Read a book with jewellery on the cover. I’ve reserved Tallulah's Temptation (Sea Shenanigans #1) by Robyn Peterman by Robyn Peterman
How it fits: mermaid wearing big gold hooped earrings

message 45: by BarbaraAnn (last edited Dec 17, 2019 02:28AM) (new)

BarbaraAnn | 298 comments Sally906 wrote: "I am reliable for reading the assigned book - but I am not fast enough to read for extra roses.

From memory there were a couple of ‘super’ readers last time who were reading multiple books a day ..."

I'd pretty much agree with you - I play for fun and to find new friends, authors, & books. I can usually read 2 books a week with one of them being an audiobook I can listen to during my commute to work.

message 46: by BarbaraAnn (new)

BarbaraAnn | 298 comments Nicole wrote: "Glad to see there is another planner in the group! I'm kind of obsessed with planning (hence the spreadsheet 🤪) and just this morning I set up my reading log spreadsheet for 2020! #Excited #NerdAle..."

Nicole wrote: "Glad to see there is another planner in the group! I'm kind of obsessed with planning (hence the spreadsheet 🤪) and just this morning I set up my reading log spreadsheet for 2020! #Excited #NerdAle..."

I can try for 1 shr a week if there's a book I can easily access.

message 47: by MountainKat, Moderator (new)

MountainKat | 29253 comments Nicole wrote: "Courtney wrote: "Anyone know what the check marks by our names are for? Not sure if I was supposed to do something I haven't 🤔"

MKat's tracking to see who has checked in. She's probably just misse..."

Yes, I missed you - sorry! That's what happens when I try to update after wrapping packages all day. (I hope I don't make more mistakes tonight since that is what I did all day again today!)

message 48: by Nicole (new)

Nicole P | 3200 comments Courtney wrote: "I've been trying so hard to find a SHR for the first week with no luck! It's the jewelry thing... All the shifter books just have shirtless guys on the cover 😄."

I started yesterday and had some luck. But the baby one is throwing me off.

Naturally, I've created a spreadsheet. Will PM everyone the link and you guys can add things or see what is potentially available 😊

message 49: by Sally906 (new)

Sally906 | 843 comments Nicole wrote: "I started yesterday and had some luck. But the baby one is throwing me off..."

It says baby or child - I have one with an 8 year old child playing an important role in finding a new mum for her dad to marry.

message 50: by Courtney (new)

Courtney | 2931 comments MountainKat wrote: "
Yes, I missed you - sorry! "

No worries!

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