Nothing But Reading Challenges discussion

A Novel Role-Playing Game > Sir Simon's Novel Quest

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message 2: by Kristina Simon (last edited Feb 06, 2021 11:30PM) (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 121 comments a-anggaran-dasar-font
Level: 1
XP: 8
HP: 10

Magic Staff:
Level - 1
Attack - 3
Level - 4
Attack - 6

message 4: by Kristina Simon (last edited Feb 06, 2021 11:32PM) (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 121 comments a-anggaran-dasar-font
• 5 Potion Tokens
• 10 Gold
• 3 Minor Heal Potions
• 1 Time Walking Potion
• 1 Shield Potion
• 1 Mercenary Coupon
• 1 Mask - delays the effects of disease from disease-bearing monsters by one turn (zombies and the plague bringer)

message 5: by Kristina Simon (last edited Jan 17, 2021 10:11PM) (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 121 comments Magic Staff

Level 1:
#1: A Cold Dark Place by Toni Anderson (Cold Justice #1) Read: 11/13/20

Level 2:
#1: The Thursday Murder Club by Richard Osman (Thursday Murder Club #1) Read: 1/4/21
#1: The Cutting by James Hayman (McCabe & Savage Thriller #1) Read: 1/16/21

Level 3:

Level 4:

Level 5:

message 6: by Kristina Simon (last edited Feb 06, 2021 11:37PM) (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 121 comments Sword

Level 1:
100+: Suggested Reading (385 pages) Read: 11/4/20

Level 2:
200+: The Keeper of Lost Things (288 pages) Read: 11/11/20
300+: Wayward Son (356 pages) Read: 11/20/20

Level 3:
200+: Lakewood (288 pages) Read: 11/22/20
300+: Little Fires Everywhere (338 pages) Read: 11/24/20
400+: Ice Cold (456 pages) Read: 12/10/20

Level 4:
100+: The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame (197 pages) Read: 12/30/20
200+: Euphoria (256 pages) Read: 12/22/20
300+: The House in the Cerulean Sea (398 pages) Read: 12/15/20
400+: Maybe You Should Talk to Someone: A Therapist, Her Therapist, and Our Lives Revealed (415 pages) Read: 12/25/20

Level 5:
100+: The Realm of Possibility (210 pages) Read: 1/18/21
200+: Lab Girl (290 pages) Read: 1/27/21
300+: Marina (336 pages) Read: 1/31/21
500+: Career of Evil (574 pages) Read: 1/29/21

Level 6:

message 7: by Kristina Simon (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 121 comments ****************

message 8: by Kristina Simon (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 121 comments ****************

message 9: by Kristina Simon (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 121 comments ****************

message 10: by Kristina Simon (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 121 comments ****************

message 11: by Kristina Simon (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 121 comments ****************

message 12: by Kristina Simon (last edited Nov 04, 2020 11:15PM) (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 121 comments Quest: Hello, my name is... COMPLETE

You wish to advertise your services as a proper knight so the citizens know who to call if they have trouble.

Introduce yourself

+3 Exp

message 13: by Kristina Simon (last edited Feb 06, 2021 11:02PM) (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 121 comments Quest: The Academy - part II

You've been teaching at the Novel Academy for what feels like eons. While it's a great honour you've become a bit bored. The Principal Mage just announced that there's an opening in the exchange program and you're eager to jump on the opportunity and teach at the Witches and Honourable Banshees university for the next semester. To get the job you have to prove that you're a Goodreads expert and know your way around without a map.

Complete the requirements to apply successfully for the new teaching job. You do not have to complete the requirements in order.

Note: Books need to be read after announcement of the quest. Books used in these tasks are still available to be applied towards other quests. These are participation tasks.

Fill in the application form - Complete 6 Requirements
List your teaching accomplishments - Complete another 5 Requirements
Complete the application process successfully and get the job - Complete the rest of the Requirements

Progress: 1/6

1. Visit the Goodreads blog: News & Interviews & check out at least 3 of their articles. (link to the articles you read & report on the most interesting one in The Local Tavern)
2. Pick out and read a book based on News & Interviews recommendation (list the book and link to the article that features it)
✔︎ 3. Check out the books that won Goodreads Choice Awards & read a book that has either won or been nominated for this award (any year will do)
The Silent Girl by Tess Gerritsen ~ Goodreads Choice Award Nominee for Mystery & Thriller (2011) ~ Read: 1/12/21
✔︎ 4. Check out New released books listed on Goodreads: Click on Browse>New Releases > "By authors" and/or "By Genre". Pick at least one book and add it to your "Want to read" GR list. List the book.
Added 2/6/21:
The Kindest Lie by Nancy Johnson
Girl A by Abigail Dean
Honey Girl by Morgan Rogers
5. Find the answer to this question on Goodreads: "What do I do if I can't find a book using search on Goodreads?". (Either link to the answer or "copy & paste".)
6. Find your GR Reading stats and put down how many pages you read last year (hint: search under "My books").
7. Go through your "Want to Read" list and delete all the books you're no longer interested in reading. List the number of remaining books.
8. Go through your "Read" list and shelve at least ten books that have no tag other than "read" (if all your books are already shelved, you deserve a "task complete").
9. Set up a new shelf on "My books" page, either for unfinished/abandoned books or any other genre/tag that you've been missing. List the name of your new shelf. (if your shelving system is perfect as it is, you deserve a "task complete")
10. Go to Recommendations, select recommendation by shelf or by genre and read at least one book recommended to you and mark at least one book as "not interested". List those books.
11. Go to Listopia and vote for your favourite books on at least three lists (link to the lists).
12. Check out GR Popular Quotes and "like" at least three of them. Copy & paste your favourite one and post it to the Theatre thread.
13. Take at least one of the GR Quizzes (link to it and list your result).
14. List how many GR groups you are a member of, which one is your favourite and how many comments have you made in that group so far.
15. Find at least three GR Groups that are interested in your favourite genre or author or reading activity (e.g. challenges), link to them (you don't have to join them).
16. Check out your GR Profile, Account & Emails settings and update them if needed.

Application Form: + 3 EXP, 1 Minor Heal Potion
Accomplishment List: + 4 EXP, 1 Major Heal Potion
Successful job application: +6 EXP, 1 Health Gem (grants +1 Max HP)

message 14: by Kristina Simon (last edited Jan 30, 2021 10:54PM) (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 121 comments Quest: The Sandwich is always Greener on the Other Side

The tavern has heard rumors of a food critic in the area. The owners want to create a new specialty. They've heard of something called a Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwich being served over in Wintershaven. They ask you to check it out and bring back the parts to start making them.

🥪 Read a book where the author or a character has the initials PB.
Moon Called by Patricia Briggs Read: 1/29/21
🥪 Read a book that starts with the letter J (indefinite article may be ignored).
🥪 Then spell out the word BREAD using spell-it-out rules.
B - Beach Read by Emily Henry Read: 11/25/20
R - Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston Read: 11/6/20
E - Ewan, Chris: The Good Thief's Guide to Paris Read: 11/25/20
A - Atkinson, Kate: Life After Life Read: 11/9/20
D - Donnelly, Jennifer: Stepsister Read: 11/16/20
Moon Called (Mercy Thompson, #1) by Patricia Briggs Beach Read by Emily Henry Red, White & Royal Blue by Casey McQuiston The Good Thief's Guide to Paris (Good Thief's Guide, #2) by Chris Ewan Life After Life (Todd Family, #1) by Kate Atkinson Stepsister by Jennifer Donnelly

🥪 Finally assemble it using a knife by reading a book from a series that starts with I.
Secrets in Death by J.D. Robb (In Death #45) Read: 11/14/20
Secrets in Death (In Death, #45) by J.D. Robb

+ 12 experience when the sandwich is complete.

message 15: by Kristina Simon (last edited Mar 18, 2021 12:26AM) (new)

Kristina Simon (kristinasimon) | 121 comments Quest: Plague Prevention

Queen Skye has been very happy to see an increase in the number of heroes in her realm who are helping manage the monsters who were starting to get out of control. She’s realised that the increased movement through the country has resulted in more people catching the plague and becoming unwell. She’d like your help to stop the spread.

Her team of advisors have developed a simple plan to follow to do this. There are 4 steps:
✔︎ Mask Up - cover your mouth and nose
Keep your distance - 6 ft ideally (length of a lance if in doubt).
Wash your hands - in any water source you can find in the realm.
Help develop and give the vaccine

Mask Up ~ Complete 2/6/21
To make your own basic mask:
1. Spell out MASK using the usual spell-it-out rules
M: Morris, Heather: The Tattooist of Auschwitz Read: 1/14/21
A: Andrew Kensington (MC) | The Bat by Jo Nesbø Read: 2/6/21
S: Smith, Haywood: Queen Bee of Mimosa Branch Read: 1/10/21
K: The Keeper of Lost Causes by Jussi Adler-Olsen Read: 2/3/21
2. Read a book with character who wears a mask - (any sort of mask from a masquerade or fancy dress mask to full-on surgical mask will work)
Dreadnought by April Daniels ~ Read: 1/7/21

Reward: 5XP and 1 Mask. Your Mask will delay the effects of disease from disease-bearing monsters by one turn (zombies and the plague bringer).

Round 1
Hero (wearing mask) hits monster
Monster hits hero, hero receives no disease from monster
Round 2
Hero hits monster
Monster hits hero, disease takes effect

To upgrade your mask:
Spell out SPARKLE
Read a book with a gemstone on the cover

Reward: 8XP and a shield potion

Keep your distance
Read a book with 6 in the page count
Djinn Patrol on the Purple Line by Deepa Anappara ~ Read: 2/8/21
Read a book with 1 person on the cover

Reward: 6 gold

Wash your hands regularly
Read a book with water on the cover
Spell out HAPPY BIRTHDAY (each book can be used for 2 letters).
A - Alice Hoffman: Turtle Moon ~ Read: 2/15/21
B - Barbara Kingsolver: Prodigal Summer ~ Read: 2/15/21
T - Turtle Moon by Alice Hoffman ~ Read: 2/15/21

Reward: Minor Heal potion and 2 books can be reused towards your kitchen.

Get a vaccination
Spell out VACCINE using books read since you started this quest.
Read a book that’s been on your TBR for less than 6 months.

Reward: Enhanced weapon potion

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