Indian Readers discussion

Food, Movies, Music, Masti! > Last Song You Listened To?

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message 1: by Luffy Sempai (new)

Luffy Sempai (luffy79) Self Explanatory!

E.g. Zitti e Buoni - Måneskin


message 2: by mnm (new)

mnm | 4 comments Angeleyes - ABBA

message 3: by Manya (new)

Manya Dhingra (manya_reads15) | 30 comments heat waves

message 4: by tazmeen (new)

tazmeen  ✨ (tazz_meen) | 877 comments Dandelions-Ruth B

message 5: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha Chattopadhyay (akanksha_chattopadhyay) | 1126 comments Wesendonck Lieder 1-Der Engel, Richard Wagner

message 6: by Luffy Sempai (new)

Luffy Sempai (luffy79) Sunset Valley - Masayoshi Takanaka

message 7: by Luffy Sempai (new)

Luffy Sempai (luffy79) Dusty - Soundgarden

message 8: by Tarinee (new)

Tarinee | 908 comments Husn by Anuv Jain

message 9: by Luffy Sempai (new)

Luffy Sempai (luffy79) Tarinee wrote: "Husn by Anuv Jain"

Nice song.

message 10: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nathan-93) | 554 comments Instrumental / Violin: Kamalaptakula by Vid. Kanyakumari.

message 11: by ayushi (new)

ayushi (hnsjunn) | 1 comments sunn raha hai by ankit tiwari

message 12: by Bipasana (new)

Bipasana Bhattacharya | 6 comments Let down by Radiohead

message 13: by tazmeen (new)

tazmeen  ✨ (tazz_meen) | 877 comments Just wanted to keep the thread alive:

her- Jvke

message 14: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nathan-93) | 554 comments Pavizha Mazhaye by K S Harishankar

message 15: by tazmeen (new)

tazmeen  ✨ (tazz_meen) | 877 comments Roses- Jenna Raine. (I'm gonna make this thread my go-to song list, lol)

message 16: by Mansi (new)

Mansi | 347 comments Kahin the hogi ...
of movie Jane tu ya jane na.Its such a soulful song .

message 17: by tazmeen (new)

tazmeen  ✨ (tazz_meen) | 877 comments Teenage Dream- One direction (in memory of Liam. Duh)

message 18: by V (new)

V  | 8 comments Skyfall by Adele

message 19: by tazmeen (new)

tazmeen  ✨ (tazz_meen) | 877 comments Tum hi ho
(Such a nostalgic song)

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