hot girls read books discussion

Kingdom of Ash (Throne of Glass, #7)
This topic is about Kingdom of Ash
Fantasy > Don't wanna finish TOG

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Samantha Gautreau | 1 comments I am trying to start Kingdom of Ash and have been in such a fantasy slump. I read a few filler books but find I still don't feel like starting it. Do I keep going with the fillers or just start it already?

bailey grace (baileygr4ce) | 235 comments Kingdom of ash is one of my favorite out of the series and is totally worth it. Maybe read your absolute favorite genre or something you absolutely know you’ll love and then get back into KoA after. I feel like if you just start KoA, you’re going to hate it and wish you didn’t.

✨sofia✨ | 476 comments TOG is a long process to commit to, but i promise KOA is worth it and gets more exiting as you go on!

Sarah ╰(*°▽°*)╯ | 4 comments WAIT

So you're on the LAST book, and you don't feel like starting it? TT__TT GURL, have you not connected at all with any of the characters?
I would give it an honest go, give yourself a chapter or two, I feel like if you take too much of a break you may forget what's happening and be totally lost and feel not as connected.

It's one of my favourite series, give it a chance!!

message 5: by Celeste (new)

Celeste | 35 comments relatable, i don't even want to start it 🫶

message 6: by Bobbie (new)

Bobbie S. | 83 comments Sometimes with fantasy ,you have to take a couple chapters.😉

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