Indian Readers discussion

Off-beat > Readers are becoming rarer.

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message 1: by Anshul (new)

Anshul (iamrobomaster) | 9 comments I can't seem to find a person in real life who is eager to discuss some literature or philosophy with me. I do not have a single colleague who has read any books other than their academic books. Where are the readers going? Or am I looking at the wrong places.

message 2: by Mansi (new)

Mansi | 347 comments I agree.

message 3: by Austin (new)

Austin George | 3944 comments They are rare to find. Only 1 or 2 in 10 is a serious reader.

message 4: by Austin (new)

Austin George | 3944 comments None of my colleagues and college mates were readers too. There were many readers in my school days though.

message 5: by Mansi (new)

Mansi | 347 comments After college days ,even the book - lovers seem to abandon the habit of reading due to maybe disinterest or careers and other responsibilities.

message 6: by Anshul (new)

Anshul (iamrobomaster) | 9 comments Also there are multiple avenues for entertainment. Most of it are providing audio-visual stimulation while the books are mainly for mental stimulation. This also leads to divergence towards other mediums.

message 7: by Mansi (new)

Mansi | 347 comments Right ,but books do provide mental peace ,soothe the mind

message 8: by Anshul (new)

Anshul (iamrobomaster) | 9 comments Yes, that's why we are the readers!! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

message 9: by Austin (new)

Austin George | 3944 comments After my 10th class, I too drifted away from books for a decade. My new school and college didn't have a good library. Bookshops were less known in towns where I lived. Internet wasn't that ubiquitous before. Moreover, I too lost the habit of reading except for newspapers.

message 10: by Austin (new)

Austin George | 3944 comments It was only from 2019 that I started reading seriously again and I haven't looked back since then. Having apps like Goodreads also provided me with more motivation to read.

message 11: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
I have been an avid reader since the age of 4 or so. But past 6 months have taken a toll professionally. I am almost clinically depressed because I don't have time to read much, or read good, thought provoking stuff. Nowadays most of my reading is limited to a few minutes snatched here and there, and to audiobooks while doing mindless household chores.

message 12: by Anshul (new)

Anshul (iamrobomaster) | 9 comments @ahtims
Same here buddy.
Every year I fail my Goodreads yearly books challenge as not able read as much as I want or sometimes not at all.

message 13: by Austin (new)

Austin George | 3944 comments I feel guilty when I am not able to read at least an hour a day. I am busy these days myself.

message 14: by tazmeen (new)

tazmeen  ✨ (tazz_meen) | 877 comments I spent most of my high school in a place where books were Hella expensive. (To buy any book, I had to spend around 600-700 rs). So I rarely saw that avid of readers around me..
But returning to India, and seeing how cheap books are here. (For me, atleast) I have *that* spirit back in me to begin reading again.
However, as life would have it, college sucks. No time to read.

message 15: by Austin (new)

Austin George | 3944 comments I know how that feels Tazmeen. I am in college too now but I am much older than you. Hahaha. I hardly get time to read sometimes. I am always doing assignments and chasing deadlines. It really sucks sometimes. I had more time to read when I was working.

message 16: by Nathan (new)

Nathan (nathan-93) | 554 comments I read quite a bit. Though not specifically literature or philosophy.
Prefer crime/fiction/sci-fi/etc genres.

And I don't usually like discussing books with random people. Only 1-2 known / acquainted people on GR/others.

But that's just me. Keep searching, you may find someone who reads the same genres as you ☕
Or discuss books 🙂

message 17: by Parikhit (new)

Parikhit | 3999 comments I saw the post headline and I knew I had to post a comment here. I do think that readers are becoming rare, or may be like-minded readers are rarer to find. For instance, we do have a book club in our society but most of them read non-fiction which include philosophy, religion and I keep seeking readers who may be read fiction, classics and perhaps people with whom I can have a discussion but the search yields nothing.

message 18: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
@Parikhit, I too do think people are reading more of non-fiction and self help nowadays.

message 19: by Parikhit (new)

Parikhit | 3999 comments Ahtims wrote: "@Parikhit, I too do think people are reading more of non-fiction and self help nowadays."

It is actually fascinating and most of them who read non-fiction tell me that even they started with fiction and then graduated to non-fiction as a general progression, outgrowing fiction! They tell me as I grow older I will soon start reading more of non-fiction. Not that I don't read them at all, some books on history, animals are interesting but I don't see myself leaving fiction ever even when I am really really old (Nearing 40s but fiction remains my first love)

message 20: by curleduptoes (new)

curleduptoes | 4 comments Anshul wrote: "I can't seem to find a person in real life who is eager to discuss some literature or philosophy with me. I do not have a single colleague who has read any books other than their academic books. Wh..."

Absolute truth!

message 21: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
@Parikhit, as I grow older I too have started reading more of non fiction. But always, fiction first.

message 22: by Parikhit (new)

Parikhit | 3999 comments Ahtims wrote: "@Parikhit, as I grow older I too have started reading more of non fiction. But always, fiction first."

I wonder what leads to the gradual change? Do we grow out of fiction or does non-fiction in certain ways appeal more?

message 23: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
Perhaps external influence- book sites, social media, recommendations by peers.

message 24: by Mansi (new)

Mansi | 347 comments I don't know where to post this - so posting here .
I am about to start -The handmaid's tale (hardcover version ) .Any first time reader , interested in buddy read for it ?

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