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message 1: by ♫ Tina ♫ (new)

♫ Tina ♫ | 1 comments Hey! So here's my dilemma... I need more books to read... Thus needing suggestions... Here's a list of some of the books I've read so that you can get a taste of what my taste is... Oh and btw I'm a 15 old girl
Pretty Little Liars
The Clique
Gone Series
Gossip Girl
Private Novel
ANYTHING by Ellen Hopkins
Hunger Games
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson


message 2: by AAAlien (new)

AAAlien I suggest you read The Hobbit: Or There and Back Again :)

Queen Susan the Gentle (highqueensusanofcairparavel) That is an excellent suggestion. I haven't read it myself.

Queen Susan the Gentle (highqueensusanofcairparavel) You know Tina, I would highly recommend The Chronicles of Narnia books.

Queen Susan the Gentle (highqueensusanofcairparavel) And Lord of the Rings. I haven't read it but got an honest opinion from my older sister.

message 6: by AAAlien (new)

AAAlien I agree, but if you are going to read The Lord of the Rings i reccomend you read The Hobbit first ;)

Queen Susan the Gentle (highqueensusanofcairparavel) That's just was I was thinking.

message 8: by Jordan (last edited May 09, 2010 01:44AM) (new)

Jordan (flyinglogicmonkey) | 2426 comments Yep, I agree.

The Mortal Instruments Series by Cassandra Clare(City of Bones, City of Ashes and City of Glass) is good, though I've only read the first. The Chronicles of Chrestomanci (a series) and Howl's Moving Castle are also some of my favorites. :)

Oh, and Scott Westerfeld's Uglies series (Uglies, Pretties, Specials, Extras).

I'm sure there are others, but those are the ones I can think of at the moment.

message 9: by ★ Jess (last edited May 09, 2010 01:25AM) (new)

★ Jess  | 4295 comments Mod
Teenage girl, judging by your other books-i would strongly recomend Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr
Most people love it, some people hate it.
Give it a go!
Its a lot like some of the books you have listed-put together!

Rachel (aka. Kaiserin Sisi) (looney-lovegood) | 592 comments I second The Mortal Instruments suggestion. They're quite fun. :D

You could also try "Life as We Knew It". An asteroid hits the moon and moves it closer to the earth, and it causes all sorts of natural disasters and chaos and all that fun stuff. ;) Some parts drag a bit, but it's still an interesting read.

"A Mango-Shaped Space" was very good, from what I remember. It's about a girl with synesthesia, which basically means that she sees sounds.

I'll post more if I think of any. :)

Also, what books do you not like? Are there any genres/types of books that you just can't stand? (very important things to know for book recommendations ;) )

message 12: by Jordan (new)

Jordan (flyinglogicmonkey) | 2426 comments (Ooh, the Warrior Heir, the Wizard Heir and the Dragon Heir are good. But they do get a little dark. But you're fifteen, you can handle it :)

message 13: by Hannah (new)

Hannah And the Chronicles of Narnia are ridiculously good, as well.

message 14: by Alan (new)

Alan (coachmt) | 12 comments I'm going to be self serving and suggest my book A Measure of Disorder it's available on Smashwords. Download the first free chapters, then if you want to keep reading, send me a message and I'll give you a code to get it free. Just please do me a favor and write a review somewhere. : )

message 15: by Miss Amelia (new)

Miss Amelia (missameliatxva) Booklover23 wrote: "Teenage girl, judging by your other books-i would strongly recomend Wicked Lovely by Melissa Marr
Most people love it, some people hate it.
Give it a go!
Its a lot ..."

what the...?!
you surprise me.

message 16: by Jordan (new)

Jordan (flyinglogicmonkey) | 2426 comments I didn't like it either. But, hey, we all have our own opinions... :)

message 17: by Kara (new)

Kara (kara_writes) Hey, what books would you recomend for me if I liked:
Harry Potter
Percy Jackson
Redwall series
Atremis Fowl

message 18: by ★ Jess (new)

★ Jess  | 4295 comments Mod
Amelia, I knew you would say that :P
Thats why I said love it or hate it.
But i dunno, lots of people do...

message 19: by AAAlien (new)

AAAlien Gremlin Girl i'd reccomend you The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr) and btw i LOVE Artemis Fowl xD

Rachel (aka. Kaiserin Sisi) (looney-lovegood) | 592 comments Ellen Hopkins...she does serious-issue type books, right? If you like that type of stuff, you could also try Wintergirls or Speak.

message 21: by Rebekah Faith (new)

Rebekah Faith (musicalradiance) | 6788 comments ♫ Tina ♫ wrote: "Hey! So here's my dilemma... I need more books to read... Thus needing suggestions... Here's a list of some of the books I've read so that you can get a taste of what my taste is... Oh and btw I'm ..."

you're tastes seem to be similar to mine! i love the clique books,Gossip girl is okay, Private was pretty cool, and my 3 all-time fave series' are the Hunger Games, Percy Jackson, and Harry Potter.

my recommendations (you may love some of these, you may hate them, but give 'em a try):
the Mortal Instruments series by Cassandra Clare
The It Girl books by Cecily von Ziegesar (I haven't started 'em yet, but i've heard they're good, and if you liked Gossip Girl a lot, you'll like these)
any of Ally Carter's books.
and some others, but my brain isn't working right now. hahaa

message 22: by Miss Amelia (new)

Miss Amelia (missameliatxva) Booklover23 wrote: "Amelia, I knew you would say that :P
Thats why I said love it or hate it.
But i dunno, lots of people do..."

I just thought that you didn't like it... cause I thought you said that :P

message 23: by Kara (new)

Kara (kara_writes) AAAlien wrote: "Gremlin Girl i'd reccomend you The Inheritance Cycle (Eragon, Eldest, Brisingr) and btw i LOVE Artemis Fowl xD"

oh whoops...Forgot to mention that Loved those books.

message 24: by ★ Jess (new)

★ Jess  | 4295 comments Mod
I didnt love it, i thought it was alright.
Even though i thought it was just OK, some other might like it...

message 25: by Kara (new)

Kara (kara_writes) yea, the movie was complete trash tho.

message 26: by AAAlien (new)

AAAlien oh i really love those books xP but yes the movie WAS trash

message 27: by Lindsey (last edited May 11, 2010 06:30AM) (new)

Lindsey | 505 comments I suggest

The Goose Girl (The Books of Bayern, #1) , Ella Enchanted, The Two Princesses of Bamarre,

Fablehaven (Fablehaven, #1), Into the Land of the Unicorns (Unicorn Chronicles, #1)The Silver Crown, Peter and the Starcatchers (Peter and the Starcatchers, #1), Eragon and Cycle, The Journal of Curious Letters (The 13th Reality, #1), Artemis Fowl, Hunger Games!!

(The first 3 are pretty classic but the others are good too)
A Little Princess, Rose in Bloom (but you should probably read the first book Eight Cousins first), The Voyage of Patience Goodspeed, Calico Captive...

All are super faves of mine!!!

message 28: by Megan (new)

Megan (megandarle) | 173 comments Gremlin girl. Have you tried lord of the rings?

message 29: by Bjorn-The Last Viking (last edited May 12, 2010 04:33PM) (new)

Bjorn-The Last Viking I suggest "The supernaturalists" by Eoin Colfer.

Thats the same guy who did the Artemis Fowl searies.

message 30: by Diana (new)

Diana I have that book, but I haven't read it yet. It sounds really cool though.

message 31: by [deleted user] (new)

i would suggest "the last knight" by hilari bell, "fruits basket" by natsume takaya, "life as we knew it" i cant remember the authers name.

message 32: by Kara (new)

Kara (kara_writes) Megan wrote: "Gremlin girl. Have you tried lord of the rings?"

no..I haven't...Ty for the advice :)

message 33: by Ayunda (new)

Ayunda (ayundabs) what about Inkheart and Artemis Fowl, also Shiver

message 34: by ★ Jess (new)

★ Jess  | 4295 comments Mod
ooh yes!
INKHEART is a great book!

message 35: by Pandy (last edited May 15, 2010 12:50AM) (new)

Pandy | 185 comments The Lord of the Rings, His Dark Materials, The Bartimaeus Trilogy, and Inkheart, which have already been recommended are great books. I'd also recommend The Magicians by Lev Grossman.

message 36: by Jordan (new)

Jordan (flyinglogicmonkey) | 2426 comments I'm in the process of finishing Return of the King, finally. :)

LoTR are awesome. They basically defined the fantasy genre...

Queen Susan the Gentle (highqueensusanofcairparavel) The movies are awesome too.

message 38: by AAAlien (new)

AAAlien yesss

Queen Susan the Gentle (highqueensusanofcairparavel) You ever seen the extended edition?

message 40: by AAAlien (new)

AAAlien Jut half of the 3rd one, but i've got it around somewhere, i MUST finish it.

Queen Susan the Gentle (highqueensusanofcairparavel) I've seen all three extended editions, and there are some scenes they just shouldn't have cut out.

message 42: by Jordan (last edited May 15, 2010 05:06PM) (new)

Jordan (flyinglogicmonkey) | 2426 comments I've seen the regular version of Fellowship and half of the regular version of Two Towers. In class on Friday, we watched the battle of Helm's Deep and compared it to the book. So, technically, I've seen one scene from the extended edition. :)

message 43: by [deleted user] (new)

i have seen the same thing as bookprincess

message 44: by Jordan (new)

Jordan (flyinglogicmonkey) | 2426 comments Pffh, yeah! :)

I've only seen the second one once, was a little dark, so my family didn't buy it.

Did you know that J.R.R. Tolkien and C.S Lewis were good friends, but that Tolkien hated the Narnia books?

message 45: by AAAlien (new)

AAAlien o_O really? (he hated them?)

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

i could see that

message 47: by Charlotte (new)

Charlotte Hall (britishgirl1995) | 2 comments Graceling by Kristen Cashore was an amazing read for me

message 48: by Jordan (new)

Jordan (flyinglogicmonkey) | 2426 comments Puppyprincess(AG freek) wrote: "Whoa why did Tolkien hate the Narnia books? I knew that they were good friends."

Because he didn't like allegory, which Narnia uses. :)

message 49: by [deleted user] (new)

Charlotte wrote: "Graceling by Kristen Cashore was an amazing read for me"

i wasnt able to finish graceling. i cant decide if im going to try and read it again.

message 50: by Lindsey (new)

Lindsey | 505 comments Jordan wrote: "Puppyprincess(AG freek) wrote: "Whoa why did Tolkien hate the Narnia books? I knew that they were good friends."

Because he didn't like allegory, which Narnia uses. :)"

Hmm, that's intresting. He didn't like the Christian allegory or just dosn't like allegories in general?

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