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Other Blogs > Other Blogs

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message 1: by Jude, The In Between Mod (new)

Jude (judehnd) | 23 comments Mod
If your Blog does not fit any category from the folders above then post it here :)

In case it does fit I'll just change it to its respective folder :)

the How To us just as in the other folders

Fariha (damn you SketchUp!!) (fariha1234) | 1 comments THE WORST SONG IN THE HISTORY OF MANKIND!!!

Okay by now you guys must have heard the all incredible voice of Rebecca black and her awesome lyrics of the song "Friday" (yes I am being sarcastic)
Am sorry girl but your song "Friday" might be the most terrible thing I have ever heard in my entire life! and its lyrics *shudders*...


message 3: by Becca (new)

Becca (beccaj11) | 7 comments Hello everyone:)I'm really new to blogging. My blog isn't about book reviews it's actually centered around college. I hope that doesn't discourage anyone from following though.. My blog is if anyone would like to look at it or possibly follow. I hope ya'll have a wonderful night...or day..:)

message 4: by Delaney (new)

tell me you followed and i'll return the favor ^^

message 5: by Anastasia (new)

Anastasia | 26 comments Becca wrote: "Hello everyone:)I'm really new to blogging. My blog isn't about book reviews it's actually centered around college. I hope that doesn't discourage anyone from following though.. My blog is www.herc..."

Hey Becca!! I just followed you!!:)
Could you follow me as well??

message 6: by Diana (last edited Sep 04, 2012 06:23PM) (new)

Diana Hey, my blog doesn't really have a specific topic. Honestly it's just me giving my opinion on life. Follow me and I promise to follow you back. Here's the link:

message 7: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer Moyer | 6 comments Please check out my blog at

Here is the link to my latest post:

message 8: by Lyndsey (new)

Lyndsey I blog about everything! I do a lot of reviews on movies, manga + anime, games, and books. I also post poems, bits of my writing and music. Its basically a collection of my thoughts :)
*~*~*-..A writers thoughts..-*~*~*

message 9: by Camilla (new)

Camilla Nielsen I blog about everything from books, food, beauty, diy and decorating.

message 10: by Lucy (new)

Lucy Lin | 45 comments OMG xD I've been looking for this :P
Here is my blog :P
I wrote about everything, random stuff around me, give some advices and about life :) Just started book blog but mostly about other things ♥ Hope you guys will check it out and leave me a comment :)

message 11: by Jojobean (new)

Jojobean Here's my blog. Its a book review blog

message 12: by Abigale (new)

Abigale Check out me and my friends blog! We will follow you back if yoh follow us!!!

message 13: by April (new)

April (appleandalchemy) | 1 comments I have no clue where my blog would fit in to everything... but it's

I will follow for follow, so please leave me a comment on my blog letting me know how you found me and I will follow you back!

message 14: by Ashly (new)

Ashly (ashlyh) My Photography blog

message 15: by Caitlyn (new)

Caitlyn Nguyen (caitlynanhthunguyen) | 5 comments Hi guys! I'm new to blogging and I just started a website about book reviews on books for teens. I hope you have time to check it out:)

message 16: by Rajuda (new)

Rajuda | 32 comments The story of my blog:
* Over 10 years and 100,000 visitors
* Varied range of topics
* Brief and to the point
Want to check it out?

message 17: by Ronyell (new)

Ronyell (rabbitearsblog) | 120 comments I was trying to find a place to put my other blog at! My other blog basically deals with surreal movies and my reviews and discussions for them, so here's the link for the blog and be sure to follow me and I'll follow back!


message 18: by Neha (last edited Aug 20, 2014 03:46AM) (new)

Neha Sood (nehasood) | 10 comments My blog-
Follow for follow on bloglovin'!
Just msg me and let me know you followed me and I'll follow you back! :)

message 19: by Lucy (new)

Lucy (everydayjoyandme) | 2 comments My blog has some fashion and music pieces as well as book reviews.

message 20: by Steve (new)

Steve Harrison (stormingtime) | 29 comments Bit of weekend fun with the latest in my series of nonsense blogs, 7 Things.

Thinking of getting a pet? Here's what to avoid:

message 23: by Stephanie (new)

Stephanie (stephnizi) | 28 comments I started my blog as an escape and have fallen in love with it. You can read more about why I started my review blog and my book reviews here:

Thank you all!


message 24: by Maria (new)

Maria Colón (mariacolon23) | 3 comments My blog is chicks4books

message 25: by Maria (new)

Maria Colón (mariacolon23) | 3 comments My blog is chicks4books

message 26: by Rajuda (new)

Rajuda | 32 comments If you like to read a real 'potpourri' of engaging topics, take a look at:

message 27: by Jamie (new)

Jamie | 8 comments Dear all! My blog covers literature, music, art and film, but only those with an odd or strange feel to them :)
I would love any feedback as it's very new!

message 28: by Geri (new)

Geri | 6 comments My blog is all about books, but hoping to expand it someday. I just recently started it. If you have any constructive feedback, please PM me.


message 29: by Paula (new)

Paula Cappa | 29 comments Short story blog. Tales of Terror featuring a free short story every week: mystery, supernatural, horror, sci-fi, weird fiction, paranormal, etc by 19th and 20th century authors. Lots of classic literature.

This week for Halloween I've got a free contemporary short by Stephen King:

message 30: by Emma (new)

Emma Wood | 1 comments Hello,

If you feel like it you can visit my blog about survival skills, being prepared for every emergency situation, DIY skills, etc:

Thank you !

message 31: by Adam (new)

Adam Lawson | 4 comments New Spooooooookyyy post on my blog, check it out


message 32: by Mangalam (new)

Mangalam Shiva (mythshiv) | 2 comments Hi Friends,
I am new to blogging. My name is Shivkumar from Pondicherry, India having published my book of short stories EMPTY FISTS which has been reviewed by readers in Goodreads/Facebook/ The comments are very powerful & encouraging. I will continue with my blogging after getting some response from you all.

message 33: by Arvenig (new)

Arvenig | 216 comments Hi everyone!

My blog is about my life, things I like, books I read; tips for blogs, ecc.
Check it here: www.arvenig-it/blog/

message 34: by Chris (new)

Chris Breedlove) (chrisstevenson) | 53 comments This one is Writer's Fruit Salad from Guerrilla Warfare for Writers:


message 35: by Chris (new)

Chris Breedlove) (chrisstevenson) | 53 comments I'm late--don't hate. WRITER'S FRUIT SALAD from Guerrilla Warfare For Writers:


message 36: by verweven (new)

verweven Hello everyone!

In my blog Tangling Thoughts I will talk about interesting issues in our society and look at them from brand new perspectives.
For example, I will dive into the origins of things, talk about music and of course about BOOKS! :)

Please leave a comment on my site and I will totally check out your blog as well! <3

message 37: by Anthony (new)

Anthony | 1 comments Hi, My blog is about geek culture, movies, comics, stuff like that.


message 38: by Laura (new)

Laura Kosloff (laurakosloff) | 2 comments Hello all,
I blog about international cultural exchange and global education -- not sure where that fits in the list! I've reviewed a few books (including one I hope to finish tonight so I can post tomorrow!). But the blog is broader than that; it's to help inform host families, exchange students, and families sending their kids off to study abroad. We just self-published a book on this subject which is pretty exciting from my point of view!

Viajando Sobre Libros (viajandosobrelibros) | 11 comments Hi, my blog is all about books in spanish.


message 40: by Paula (new)

Paula Houseman (paulahouseman) | 21 comments Hello everyone,

My blog looks at how we've lost soul in our modern-day existence, the simplest way of retrieving it, and what the benefits are for our well-being.

message 41: by Dale (new)

Dale Day (msgtdaleday) | 21 comments Jude wrote: "If your Blog does not fit any category from the folders above then post it here :)

In case it does fit I'll just change it to its respective folder :)

the How To us just as in the other folders"

Just posted an excerpt of Chapter Two, The Sailor and The Carpenter, Father Serra's Legacy to my blog @ Enjoy and would appreciate your response in one of the boxes at the end of the blog. Thanks.

message 42: by Nya (new)

Nya (nyx-reads) | 5 comments Hi everyone,
Apart from my Book Blog, I also have a blog with my boyfriend where we write about movies, comic books, video games and geeky stuff in general.
Follow us and we will follow back:

message 43: by Emily (new)

Emily Alexander (emilykatex3) | 9 comments Hi, i am new to wordpress and have just started my own blog.

I will be posting about lots of things (my journey, lifestyle, interests etc)

So please check it out and follow me! Happy to follow anyone's blog, just send me your url! Thanks!

My blog is:

message 44: by Britt isadora (new)

Britt isadora (brittisadora) | 22 comments hello everyone, fairly new here and i am a book blogger over at and i promote and talk about upcoming books as well as share my many thoughts on my favorite reads. feel free to stop by and share with your book lover friends
i also have blogger too

message 45: by Erin (new)

Erin (nahokuangelxo) | 52 comments Here is my blog http://wwwjustagirlkindleing.blogspot...

I try to keep my blog updated often. I post something at least once or twice a week.

message 46: by Rachel (new)

Rachel S (rachelsh) My blog used to be predominantly a YA book blog called Booktastic Reviews but it has now been revamped and the URL changed:

Although I do believe a lot of my posts will still feature books, I wanted to shed the 'book blog' label so I could also discuss other issues I was passionate about, my real life adventures and travels and anything else that may strike inspiration for a blog post!

I really hope you check it out and, if you do, reply to me here so I can check your blog out, if you have one, in return! :))

message 47: by Fu (new)

Fu (fuzandy) | 23 comments ❄ Time for a Book Haul! As a student, I don't get to buy that many books 'just for fun' since I'm spending a small fortune (ahem a rather big one to be honest) on all my books and other required works. However, I love to get all kinds of books and tbh - I own a small library already. How much do you love books? Have you read any of these or do you have a book you really recommend? Let me know in the comments cutie pies! xo

message 48: by Aaron J. Como (new)

Aaron J. Como | 1 comments Hello! I've been blogging for about a year and a half. I do write a bit on books, authors, reading and writing, but more often then not each post comes from a different random thought I've had. I'd love for people to check it out!

message 49: by Lynn (new)

Lynn Hallbrooks (lynnhallbrooks) | 5 comments Hello everyone. My recent blog posted. It is an opportunity to get Mystery or Thriller ebooks for a discounted price.

message 50: by Lynn (new)

Lynn Hallbrooks (lynnhallbrooks) | 5 comments When I blog for Team Mystery Thriller it isn't about me, it's about other authors who want to share their mystery or thriller ebooks with readers at a discounted price. Here's the current blog.

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