Indian Readers discussion

Sharing info n ideas > Book Swap

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message 1: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
A couple of readers have expressed their interests about book swap as it is a cheap and effective way of reading two for the price of one. But as I live in Manipal where I am not acquainted with any other likeminded soul, I am totally out of it.
So I am starting this post for those who are interested in exchanging books. You may just give your name and town (please spare details like address and phone no. as those can be easily misused and we always have to be on our toes regarding cyber crime - the avid crime fan in me speaking )

message 2: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
those who are interested can message each other and arrange further details


message 3: by Muddle head (new)

Muddle head (adic) | 4646 comments Count me in! Hardly have a hundred books or so in my collection.

Request to all those who sign-up for this swap, please try to list the books you own in a separate shelf, named something like 'books-i-own' etc so that others can know what books to request for..(Am yet to do it :P)

message 4: by Anbu (new)

Anbu (anbutheone) | 4469 comments Im in.. :)

Yeah.. its a good idea to keep a separate shelf.. Will create one..

message 5: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
I already have one. But have not listed all my books in it as I started adding books here only in 2009 and there are loads of books which I am unable to add due to lack of time for organization
Aditya and Anbu, its better if you mention your place

message 6: by Komal (new)

Komal (komalm) | 142 comments I'm in, and have already created a shelf named 'i-own' so anyone interested, can request me for a swap.

Please do visit my shelf.


message 7: by Avinash (new)

Avinash | 20 comments Hi i'm in Pune...I'm open for a book swap too.
I travel to Delhi and Hyd and can also swap there...
I've already got a 'books i own' list, though not fully populated.

message 8: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments Delhi and i'm in too!

message 9: by Avinash (new)

Avinash | 20 comments Akanksha wrote: "Delhi and i'm in too!"


message 10: by Neha (new)

Neha Oberoi | 20 comments Gurgaon, I'm in. Already have an owned book shelf

message 11: by Abhranil (new)

Abhranil Dutta | 84 comments anyone lives in MUMBAI ...??
m too in ...!!

message 12: by Neha (new)

Neha Oberoi | 20 comments is there anyone in Gurgaon??

message 13: by Komal (new)

Komal (komalm) | 142 comments I'm in Delhi.

message 14: by Pallak (new)

Pallak | 38 comments That's cool.. I'm in Chandigarh !

message 15: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments So does anyöne wanna swap in delhi? Maybe @ the group meet....

message 16: by Neha (new)

Neha Oberoi | 20 comments Absolutely! Everyone should get as many books as possible! Who all will be part of the meet in Delhi? We can check out each others owned book shelfs.

message 17: by Muddle head (new)

Muddle head (adic) | 4646 comments Akanksha wrote: "So does anyöne wanna swap in delhi? Maybe @ the group meet...."

Took the words right out of my mouth, wud be a gud opportunity for u guys, we had this idea a bit late for the b'lore meet, but now u guys have enuf time to decide before hand.

message 18: by Anbu (new)

Anbu (anbutheone) | 4469 comments Neha wrote: "Absolutely! Everyone should get as many books as possible! Who all will be part of the meet in Delhi? We can check out each others owned book shelfs."

I guess You can ask for the book you want and those who have it can share it during the meet instead of carrying all the book..

message 19: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
yes, what Anbu says makes sense. But please do ensure that you will get back your books safely...

message 20: by Komal (new)

Komal (komalm) | 142 comments Yeah, Neha gave me this idea. I am anyways going to get whatever I can carry that day. Looking forward to the meet.

message 21: by Hriday (new)

Hriday (geezerb) | 110 comments I will be at the Delhi meet. Expect a few books from me. However I doubt if any of it would interest anyone.
@The shelf suggestion, It indeed is a good idea but i barely log in here 10 minutes a day, it does become difficult. Apologies if i sound anti social.

message 22: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments I'll get the ones I can....right now i have only a few at hand(as im in a hostel). I'l get more when i go home, so if we have another group meet after Diwali I'd have loads more...the ones i have right nw are:
The Imam and The Indian by Amitav Ghosh....excellent for anyone who likes prose.
Calcutta Chromosome....another awes'm buk.
Thousand Splendid Suns
And a couple of Jeeves and Wooster
If anyone's interested in these do let me know....

message 23: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
we are doing Calcutta Chromosome group read in October.....

message 24: by Neha (new)

Neha Oberoi | 20 comments Please check my owned book shelf and I'll bring whatever you guys would like.
Akansha - I wont mind Calcutta chromosome

message 25: by Akanksha (new)

Akanksha  Singh (akankshasingh92) | 1414 comments @Neha I'll get it.
@Col Have already read it...

message 26: by Navaneeta (new)

Navaneeta Since my most recent readings have been through ebooks, I can't offer many books for swap. But if anyone else is into ebooks (most of us are not!), I would be happy to share my collection. Will carry whatever I can on the 8th.

message 27: by Abhranil (new)

Abhranil Dutta | 84 comments Chintan wrote: "Abhranil wrote: "anyone lives in MUMBAI ...??
m too in ...!!"

hi abhranil... i am from mumbai,send me a message"

@chintan - hey bro sorry for the late reply..!! my semesters sre within a month so i wld be probably be busy..!! :(

but we can swap book whenever it will be convenient for both of us..!! but hey b4 plzz create a shelf as 'books i own' !!

message 28: by Ravi (new)

Ravi Mandliya (ravimandliya) | 16 comments Delhi Guys I am in too, although I need to organize my I-own shelf. :)

And can any one please tell me about this Group meet up planned for Delhi, I would love to be part of it :)

Happy reading

message 29: by Ankur (new)

Ankur (toohey) | 169 comments i am in too :)

Ravi - the group meet event has been created. it is at Costa Coffee in CP outer circle on 9th Oct at 11 AM.

message 30: by Ravi (new)

Ravi Mandliya (ravimandliya) | 16 comments Thanks Ankur for the info, I will be there :)

message 31: by Sundeep (new)

Sundeep Shenoy | 7 comments Does anyone have the Twilight Series? Have not read it yet :( I am coming for the Delhi Meet & please do let me know if you want any book in my list.

message 32: by Kodali (new)

Kodali | 4 comments I live in pune. I am in too though i have limited collection of books with me.

message 33: by Praveen (new)

Praveen Kumar | 9 comments Hey anyone from Kolkata? I too have listed the books i own on my profile.
Guys, Plz drop a line,if anyone's interested for a swap.

message 34: by Mehaboobmunna (new)

Mehaboobmunna (-m13) I'm in for book swap.
Currently in bangalore.

message 35: by Rahul Nath (new)

Rahul Nath (cultofpersonality) | 869 comments This idea will certainly fizzle out in Chennai. If I am in Bangalore any time, then will be in. Will have to bring some books to Chennai from my home on my next vacation.

message 36: by Anbu (new)

Anbu (anbutheone) | 4469 comments Mehaboobmunna wrote: "I'm in for book swap.
Currently in bangalore."

We swap the books during group meets in Bangalore.. You can join there.. :)

message 37: by Mehaboobmunna (new)

Mehaboobmunna (-m13) Looking forward for next meet. :-D

message 38: by Aruna (new)

Aruna Malla | 11 comments Hi. I am Aruna Malla, open for book swap. by the way I am staying in Hyderbad. pls drop a message in my inbox if any one want to swap books with me.

message 39: by Nikunj (new)

Nikunj (91ku9j) | 48 comments Trying to revive this topic. So anyone for book swap in Pune

message 40: by Vishal (new)

Vishal Beotra (vbeotra) | 25 comments I am from Delhi..and count me in too.. :)

message 41: by Aruna (new)

Aruna Malla | 11 comments any one in Hyd?

message 42: by Muddle head (new)

Muddle head (adic) | 4646 comments Me here Aruna :) Along with a couple more ppl who used to meet frequently here in Hyd now n then to talk books!

message 43: by Aruna (last edited Jan 23, 2013 02:06PM) (new)

Aruna Malla | 11 comments glad to know that some one from Hyd is looking for a book swap and also have been a part of a book club. I would like to join your community meetings if possible. send a message to me with details

message 44: by Vinod (new)

Vinod Ekbote | 15 comments Aruna wrote: "glad to know that some one from Hyd is looking for a book swap and also have been a part of a book club. I would like to join your community meetings if possible. send a message to me with details"

Me too from Hyd. Have many books to swap/give away.

message 45: by Muddle head (new)

Muddle head (adic) | 4646 comments Glad to know Vinod :) Finally good to see some Hyderabadis posting on the group. Here is the thread where we discuss when to meet n all - and during those meets we swap around books

message 46: by Anilkumar (new)

Anilkumar M K Any one in Calicut/Kochi??

message 47: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
I am basically from Calicut (though not at present)

message 48: by Ritesh (new)

Ritesh Dubey | 22 comments Anyone from mumbai

message 49: by Anilkumar (new)

Anilkumar M K Smitha wrote: "I am basically from Calicut (though not at present)"
Cool.. Hopefully there are more people.

message 50: by Gorab, TheGunman (new)

Gorab (itsgorab) | 3765 comments Mod
Reviving this thread for anyone who would like to swap their books.

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