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so ask already!!! > Fiction about witch trials

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message 1: by Kaethe (new)

Kaethe (kaethedouglas) My fourth-grader was asking for something about Salem or other witch trials. I suggested The Witch of Blackbird Pond which was the closest I could think of for her reading level. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

message 2: by Christine (new)

Christine (chrisarrow) I'm not sure of the reading level, but it is pre-teen. It might be out of print. When I was a kid there was this romance series called Sunfire. Basic plots were usually the same - girl torn bewteen two boys, choses the boy who lets her be herself. There was one set during the witch trials - Elizabeth

message 3: by Kaethe (new)

Kaethe (kaethedouglas) Added, thank you!

message 4: by Jasmine (last edited Oct 31, 2011 08:10PM) (new)

Jasmine | 455 comments what about the play The Crucible I read it a little older than that. Maybe you could read it with her

also I believe The Witch of Portobello is about witch trials. I don't know if they are based on real trials someone else might. I know that I read other coelho books when I was young

message 5: by Ellen (new)

Ellen (elliearcher) Another excellent novel is I, Tituba, Black Witch of Salem b6 Maryse Condé

message 6: by Kaethe (new)

Kaethe (kaethedouglas) The Crucible and I, Tituba are both great calls, thanks! I'm afraid the Coelho would be WAY above her though.

message 7: by Christine (new)

Christine (chrisarrow) There is also The Witch's Trinity: A Novel. I am not sure of the reading level; I think of it as more of an adult book even though one of the main characters is a young girl.

message 8: by Kaethe (new)

Kaethe (kaethedouglas) I'll give it a read before I pass on the suggestion. It looks really cool.

message 9: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine | 455 comments read it to her!

message 10: by Kaethe (new)

Kaethe (kaethedouglas) She doesn't enjoy read-alouds unless they're funny.

message 11: by Jasmine (new)

Jasmine | 455 comments too bad.

message 12: by Kaethe (new)

Kaethe (kaethedouglas) I know, it's limiting.

message 13: by K. (new)

K. (aoutranc3) I'm not sure if you're familiar with the Dear America books, but I loved them I was younger - there's one about the Salem witch trials called I Walk in Dread by Lisa Rowe Fraustino.

It's written in diary format (first person POV), spanning the time period of the witch trials (and some background leading up to it). They've recently started reprinting them, so it will probably be fairly easy to find! :)

message 14: by Kaethe (new)

Kaethe (kaethedouglas) Thanks, that's a brilliant suggestion.

I've started reading them Good Omens which has bits about a witch and witchfinders and is comic, so I hope they both enjoy it.

message 15: by Christy (new)

Christy (christymtidwell) | 149 comments Check out A Break with Charity: A Story about the Salem Witch Trials by Ann Rinaldi. I haven't read it for ages so I can't say much about it or if it's quite at the right age level, but it's worth a look.

message 16: by karen, future RA queen (new)

karen (karenbrissette) | 1315 comments Mod
Wicked Girls: A Novel of the Salem Witch Trials is supposed to be good YA witchery.

message 17: by whimsicalmeerkat (new)

whimsicalmeerkat | 126 comments Kaethe wrote: "Thanks, that's a brilliant suggestion.

I've started reading them Good Omens which has bits about a witch and witchfinders and is comic, so I hope they both enjoy it."

If they like this and don't mind the witch stories sans trials I would definitely consider the Witch books from Pratchett's Discworld series. With the notable exception of Equal Rites, I've loved them.

message 18: by Colby (new)

Colby (colbz) If you read The Crucible, you HAVE to read it with her. I'm 17 and I just read that and it's a bit of a tough read.

One that I loved in middle school was Gallows Hill

message 19: by karen, future RA queen (new)

karen (karenbrissette) | 1315 comments Mod
oh my god, lois duncan? she was my queen all through middle school. i have never read that one, though - after my time...but i bet it is great.

message 20: by Kaethe (new)

Kaethe (kaethedouglas) Thanks for all the suggestions.

message 21: by Colby (new)

Colby (colbz) karen wrote: "oh my god, lois duncan? she was my queen all through middle school. i have never read that one, though - after my time...but i bet it is great."

Me too! I read all of her books in the span of about a month in seventh grade. They were always so interesting!

message 22: by karen, future RA queen (new)

karen (karenbrissette) | 1315 comments Mod
i have recently discovered that wicked girls is in verse. i don't know if that is a deal-breaker.

for me, it would be.

message 23: by Kaethe (new)

Kaethe (kaethedouglas) I don't think verse is a deal breaker. Wicked Girls: A Novel of the Salem Witch Trials is worth a try.

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