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New (and upcoming) Releases > Books eagerly awaited

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message 1: by Vinoth (last edited Jan 06, 2012 03:17PM) (new)

Vinoth | 4684 comments We could use this thread to discuss about books yet to be released like the next part of an interesting trilogy or a series or a new book by your favorite author(s).

i am eagerly awaiting the following books

1) The Sins of the Father (Clifton Chronicles 2) by Jeffrey Archer the second Volume of the 5 volumes Clifton Chronicles by Jeffrey Archer expected to be released in March 2012

2) Century Trilogy Book #2 by Ken Follett the yet to be named 2nd part of the century trilogy by Ken Follet.It is expected to be release in 2012.

3) The Oath of the Vayuputras by Amish Tripathi the 3rd and the final part of the Shiva Trilogy by Amish Tripati.Expected to be released in 2012.

message 2: by Anbu (new)

Anbu (anbutheone) | 4469 comments I am eagerly waiting for first and third.. :)

Fall of Giants (Century Trilogy #1) waiting in my shelf.. :)

message 3: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
even me. ditto as Anbu. Atleast you started Fall of Giants. Mine is still waiting to be read.

message 4: by Vinoth (last edited Jan 06, 2012 03:05PM) (new)

Vinoth | 4684 comments Anbu wrote: "I am eagerly waiting for first and third.. :)

Fall of Giants (Century Trilogy #1) waiting in my shelf.. :)"

read it and you will start expecting the 2nd one too.An amazing read it was..

and by the way the 3rd part of the Century trilogy is the next one to follow in 2013.Ken follet has said so in his website.

message 5: by Anbu (new)

Anbu (anbutheone) | 4469 comments Smitha wrote: "even me. ditto as Anbu. Atleast you started Fall of Giants. Mine is still waiting to be read."

No, I havnt started it yet.. Im now reading World Wihout End, sequel to Pillars of the Earth.. :)

message 6: by Ahtims (new)

Ahtims (embeddedinbooks) | 47114 comments Mod
I always confuse between these 3 huge tomes of Ken Follet.

message 7: by Anbu (new)

Anbu (anbutheone) | 4469 comments Smitha wrote: "I always confuse between these 3 huge tomes of Ken Follet."


message 8: by Vinoth (new)

Vinoth | 4684 comments Anbu wrote: "No, I havnt started it yet.. Im now reading World Wihout End, sequel to Pillars of t..."

you will have to wait till 2014 for the 3rd part of the Kingsbridge series which is popularly known as the Pillars of Earth Trilogy :)

Kingsbridge series is in my to read list..

message 9: by Vinoth (last edited Jan 14, 2012 05:05AM) (new)

Vinoth | 4684 comments a update on the 2nd book of Century Trilogy
Had mailed earlier to Ken Follet asking details and surprisingly i got a reply saying that "
I am writing the second book of my "Century" trilogy. It is called "Winter of the World" and should be out this autumn."

message 10: by Vinoth (last edited Jan 21, 2012 05:04PM) (new)

Vinoth | 4684 comments Amazon says that the Sins of the father will be released on 8th May 2012. I don't know when it will be released in India. I hope it will be simultaneously released in India too...:I

Winter of the world will be released on Sept 18 , 2012

message 11: by Vinoth (new)

Vinoth | 4684 comments "the oath of Vayuputras" will be released by the end of 2012-tweets Amish

message 12: by Vinoth (new)

Vinoth | 4684 comments Guys you can get the Sampler for the sons of the father from the following link from the PAN MACMILLAN website. it has the first 3 chapters.

and the book is first released in India on 3rd March.

message 13: by Ghanshyam (new)

Ghanshyam Dani | 56 comments Doors of stone by Patrick rothfuss

It's the last part of the kingkiller trilogy

message 14: by Ghanshyam (new)

Ghanshyam Dani | 56 comments But more than that I'm waiting for the book 4 in the stormlight archive to be released

message 15: by Em Lost In Books, EmLo is my Name, PIFM is my Game (new)

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) | 24795 comments Mod
interesting thread.

I am waiting for
Diamond Fire which is only 6 days away and Peace Talks.

message 16: by Em Lost In Books, EmLo is my Name, PIFM is my Game (new)

Em Lost In Books (emlostinbooks) | 24795 comments Mod
Ghanshyam wrote: "Doors of stone by Patrick rothfuss

It's the last part of the kingkiller trilogy"

i don't think Rothfuss will ever write/release Doors of Stones.

message 17: by Ghanshyam (new)

Ghanshyam Dani | 56 comments He's a lazy ass writer

message 18: by Madiha (new)

Madiha | 221 comments I was excitedly waiting for Sarwat Chadda's City of the Plague God

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