Lyrical Press Books discussion

Meet the Readers > Be a book tour host

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message 1: by V.A. (new)

V.A. Dold (vadoldtoriaustin) | 3 comments I have started a online book tour company and I am looking for bloggers and website owners in all genres to review books, interview authors, or do guest blogs for these tours. Please visit me at I look forward to partnering with you.


message 2: by Lyrical (new)

Lyrical Press (lyricalpress) | 84 comments Mod
Thank you, Vickie. I've noted your site and will pass this on to Lyrical's authors.

- Renee R.

message 3: by V.A. (new)

V.A. Dold (vadoldtoriaustin) | 3 comments Thank you Renee

message 4: by Mary (new)

Mary Loesch | 4 comments Vickie,

I've done an online book tour before and it was a great experience. I have to say that your prices for tours look outstanding!


Mary Ann

message 5: by V.A. (new)

V.A. Dold (vadoldtoriaustin) | 3 comments Thank you, please come by and join in the fun. We are gearing up to do a meet and greet blog hop among the bloggers who are joining as hosts.

message 6: by Judith (new)

Judith Leger (judithleger) | 37 comments I joined! Can't wait!


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