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Games > Author Alphabet

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message 1: by Wendy T (last edited Apr 29, 2009 04:41PM) (new)

Wendy T Its called Author Alphabet.

I will start with an authors name.
The next person will post a new authors name using the first letter of my authors LAST NAME as their authors FIRST name.

an example: I say Stephen King, the next post would be Keith Donohue.

James Frey - A Million Little Pieces
A Million Little Pieces by James Frey

message 2: by Kathleen (last edited Dec 22, 2008 04:53PM) (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Fran Rizer - Hey Diddle Diddle, the Corpse and the Fiddle: A Callie Parish Mystery Hey Diddle Diddle, the Corpse and the Fiddle (Callie Parrish Mystery, Book 2) by Fran Rizer

message 3: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Rohinton Mositry - A Fine Balance A Fine Balance by Rohinton Mistry

message 4: by Kathleen (last edited Dec 22, 2008 04:52PM) (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Marion Zimmer Bradley - The Alton Gift (Latest in the long and successful Darkover series) The Alton Gift by Marion Zimmer Bradley

message 5: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Barbara Delinsky - The Secret between Us The Secret Between Us by Barbara Delinsky

message 6: by Kathleen (last edited Dec 22, 2008 04:50PM) (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Dawn Thompson - The Ravencliff Bride (Thompson is a hot, new author in paranormal romance and this book is getting rave reviews.) The Ravencliff Bride  by Dawn Thompson

message 7: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Tawn O'Dell - Back Roads

message 8: by Kathleen (last edited Dec 22, 2008 04:49PM) (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Olivia Goldsmith - The First Wives Club The First Wives Club by Olivia Goldsmith

message 9: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Gloria Sawa - A Song for Nettie Johnson A Song for Nettie Johnson by Gloria Sawai

message 10: by Kathleen (last edited Dec 22, 2008 04:46PM) (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Sherrilyn Kenyon - Acheron Acheron (Dark-Hunter, #22) by Sherrilyn Kenyon

message 11: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Kaye Gibbons - Charms of the Easy Life Charms for the Easy Life by Kaye Gibbons

message 12: by Kathleen (last edited Dec 22, 2008 04:36PM) (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Gena Showalter - The Darkest Night (Lords of the Underworld, Book 1) [image error]

message 13: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Sarah Addison Allen - Garden Spells Garden Spells by Sarah Addison Allen

message 14: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Angela Knight - Warlord (This edition contains both Jane's Warlord and Warfem; the two stories that launched Knight's career.) Warlord by Angela Knight

message 15: by Gina (last edited Dec 23, 2008 12:06PM) (new)

Gina (ginrobi) | 3325 comments Mod
Kelley Armstrong - "Women of the Otherworld" series - Book #1, Haunted Bitten (Women of the Otherworld, Book 1) by Kelley Armstrong

(PS: I still have yet to get my hands on Warlord :( )

message 16: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Alice Hoffman - Blackbird House Blackbird House: A Novel (Ballantine Reader's Circle) by Alice Hoffman

message 17: by Gina (new)

Gina (ginrobi) | 3325 comments Mod
Alice Hoffman - Practical Magic Practical Magic by Alice Hoffman

message 18: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Alice Hoffman - The Ice Queen The Ice Queen: A Novel by Alice Hoffman

message 19: by Gina (new)

Gina (ginrobi) | 3325 comments Mod
Kitty Sewell - Ice Trap Ice Trap by Kitty Sewell

message 20: by Wendy T (last edited Dec 23, 2008 02:48PM) (new)

Wendy T Sandra Campbell - Getting To Normal

message 21: by Kathleen (last edited Dec 23, 2008 08:42PM) (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Catherine Coulter - TailSpin [image error]

message 22: by Gina (new)

Gina (ginrobi) | 3325 comments Mod
Carla Neggers - The Widow The Widow by Carla Neggers

message 23: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Nina Bangs - One Bite Stand (A Woo Woo Inn story) One Bite Stand (Mackenzie Vampires series, Book 4) by Nina Bangs

message 24: by [deleted user] (new)

Brenda Joyce Deadly Love

Deadly Love (The Deadly Series, A Francesca Cahill Novel, Book 1) by Brenda Joyce

message 25: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Jodi Picoult - Vanishings Acts - Vanishing Acts: A Novel by Jodi Picoult

message 26: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
P.C. Cast - Goddess of the Sea Goddess of the Sea (Goddess Summoning, Book 1) by P.C. Cast

message 27: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Cassandra King - Sunday Wife The Sunday Wife: A Novel by Cassandra King

message 28: by Gina (new)

Gina (ginrobi) | 3325 comments Mod
Cassandra Clare - City of Bones City of Bones (Mortal Instruments, Book 1) by Cassandra Clare

message 29: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Cathy Lamb - Julia Chocolates Julia's Chocolates by Cathy Lamb

message 30: by Kathleen (last edited Dec 26, 2008 03:36PM) (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Linnea Sinclair - Gabriel's Ghost Gabriel's Ghost by Linnea Sinclair

message 31: by Wendy T (last edited Dec 26, 2008 03:31PM) (new)

Wendy T Sharon Sala - Whippormill

message 32: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Stephanie Rowe - Date Me, Baby, One More Time (Immortally Sexy, Book 1) - One of the funniest fiction books that I have ever read. Date Me, Baby, One More Time (Immortally Sexy, Book 1) by Stephanie Rowe

message 33: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Robert Morgan - This Rock

message 34: by Gina (new)

Gina (ginrobi) | 3325 comments Mod
Robert Ludlum - The Bourne Identity The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum

message 35: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Luanne Rice - Last Kiss Last Kiss by Luanne Rice

message 36: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Gina wrote: "Robert Ludlum - The Bourne Identity The Bourne Identity by Robert Ludlum"

Gina, Please see above where it says:

The next person will post a new authors name using the first letter of my authors LAST NAME as thier authors FIRST name.

message 37: by Kathleen (last edited Dec 27, 2008 11:06AM) (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Rebecca Kent - High Marks for Murder High Marks for Murder: A Bellehaven House Mystery by Rebecca Kent (aka Kate Kingsbury)

message 38: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Khaled Hosseini - A Thousand Splendid Suns [image error]

message 39: by Kathleen (last edited Dec 27, 2008 11:17AM) (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Harry Turtledove - After the Downfall After the Downfall by Harry Turtledove

message 40: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Timothy Taylor - Stanley Park Stanley Park by Timothy L. Taylor

message 41: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Terry Brooks - The Sword of Shannara (Published in 1977, The Sword of Shannara was the first fantasy book to appear on the New York Times bestseller list, where it stayed for five months.) The Sword of Shannara (Shannara, Bk 1) by Terry Brooks

message 42: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Barbara Breton - Girls of Summer - Girls of Summer by Barbara Bretton

message 43: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Barbara Taylor Bradford - Being Elizabeth Being Elizabeth by Barbara Taylor Bradford

message 44: by Wendy T (last edited Dec 28, 2008 07:10AM) (new)

Wendy T Just Rewards - Barbara Taylor Bradley Just Rewards by Barbara Taylor Bradford

message 45: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Barbara Hambly - Patriot Hearts: A Novel of the Founding Mothers Patriot Hearts: A Novel of the Founding Mothers by Barbara Hambly

message 46: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Helen Fielding - Bridge Jones Diary - Bridget Jones's Diary by Helen Fielding

message 47: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Fannie Flagg - Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe: A Novel Fried Green Tomatoes at the Whistle Stop Cafe: A Novel by Fannie Flagg

message 48: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Fern Michaels - About Face About Face by Fern Michaels

message 49: by Kathleen (last edited Dec 29, 2008 08:16AM) (new)

Kathleen Burket (kathleengigicompany) | 20125 comments Mod
Maggie Shayne - Angel's Pain (Wings in the Night series) Angel's Pain (Wings in the Night #15) by Maggie Shayne

message 50: by Wendy T (new)

Wendy T Sandra Brown - Envy Envy by Sandra Brown

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