Blogger Lift discussion

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Giveaways- Use Format. > Giveaway Post Guidelines

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message 1: by Amy, ~Bookworm Lift~ (last edited Mar 15, 2014 06:25AM) (new)

Amy (amy_bookworm) | 207 comments Mod
You can share your giveaway with the group here.
Please post them here (or in a separate thread) so I clear up this forum easily even more in a few weeks. Anything to help us keep this clean is appreciated but all we ask is that you are specific about the end date & obviously what you're giving away.
For example: [Ends *month* *date*] Title of your giveaway and/or what you are giving away

Additionally specify if the Giveaway isn't INT.

You can expect a clean at least once a month to go with this policy.
Do feel free to post your own thread, all we ask is that you specify the end date, obviously what you're giving away & be specific if the Giveaway isn't INT. Ensure you have linked inside the post the URL direct to the giveaway.
If you need an example check the folder & the above/below. (NOTE: it must be in this format!)
If you don’t put giveaways in the correct format we cannot guarantee they will be included or changed- especially if it is as a comment. At least include all the details to stand a chance.

EDIT, involving new thread creation
Include all these details in the title like ‘[Ends *month (all giveaways featured in the thread must end the same month)* *day(if there are multiple end dates for the giveaway mentioned during the month you are exempt from this)*] *what you're giving away* (countries that can participate or INT if it's international).
Ensure you have linked inside the post the URL direct to the giveaway.

The main rules of Blogger Lift still do apply. Spammers will be warned, and so will people who haven't heeded this message. After repeat warnings, you may be punished in whatever way us mods deem suitable.

message 2: by Fiza (new)

Fiza Come and enter to win some swag and ebooks by Pepper Winters.
There are 2 swag packs available, 1 signed paperback and 3 ebooks.

This giveaway is International ;)

message 3: by Paul (new)

Paul Fleming (pauljfleming) | 7 comments Hi Folks,

This weekend from 7am GMT (Midnight PST) I am offering my newly published book for free from the Kindle Store.

No risk to the pennies in your pocket, just a few moments to download for free :-)

message 4: by Rachel (new)

Rachel  (APCB Reviews) (gr8rach) | 160 comments Book Blitz and Giveaway "Accession" by Terah Edun
Accession Book Blitz & Giveaway

$25 dollar Amazon or BN giftcard & ebook!

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