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368 pages, Kindle Edition
First published August 23, 2022
To be fair, there isn’t much to think about. I only remember up until the moment I fainted. Yes, I swooned in His Wardness’s manly arms like a twentieth-century hysteric with penis envy.
1. he’s tall
2. he has green eyes
3. he’s TALL (the caps are necessary, how else do i highlight his tallness)
4. his eyes are really really green
5. he is over 6’2 ft and you’ll get his eyes color if you mix blue and yellow together (look at me bringing kindergarden science into my review, Ali are you proud????)
6. he despises Elon Musk
7. he’s 6’4 ft tall to be exact
8. Levi Green™ eyes
SHMAC: I know what she smells like. This little freckle on her neck when she pulls up her hair. Her upper lip is a little plumper than the lower. The curve of her wrist, when she holds a pen. It’s wrong, really wrong, but I know the shape of her. I go to sleep thinking about it, and then I wake up, go to work, and she is there, and it’s impossible. I tell her stuff I know she’ll agree to, just to hear her hum back at me. It’s like hot water down my fucking spine. She’s married. She’s brilliant. She trusts me, and all I think about is taking her to my office, stripping her, doing unspeakable things to her. And I want to tell her. I want to tell her that she’s luminous, she’s so bright in my mind, sometimes I can’t focus. Sometimes I forget why I came into the room. I’m distracted. I want to push her against a wall, and I want her to push back. I want to go back in time and punch her stupid husband on the day I met him and then travel back to the future and punch him again. I want to buy her flowers, food, books. I want to hold her hand, and I want to lock her in my bedroom. She’s everything I ever wanted and I want to inject her into my veins and also to never see her again. There’s nothing like her and these feelings, they are fucking intolerable. They were half-asleep while she was gone, but now she’s here and my body thinks it’s a fucking teenager and I don’t know what to do. I don’t know what to do. There is nothing I can do, so I’ll just . . . not.
Rocío’s boots hit the floor. Hard. “I love her,” she declares. “She’s perfect. I want her to be my beautiful California Bride with pink ribbons in her hair. I want to give her bubble baths that smell like cotton candy. I want to buy her fruity cocktails with little umbrellas in them.” She leans forward, pinning me with her gaze. “I will wear glitter for her, Bee. Black glitter.”
”I can give you nice. I can give you better than nice. I can give you everything.” He smiles at me, full of hope. “You don’t even have to admit to yourself that you love me, Bee. God knows I love you enough for the both of us. But I need you to stay. I need you to stick around.”
“Oh, it’s fine. I’m not . . .” Married, I want to say, but it would be a waste of the amazing out Levi gave me. I cough. “I’m not bothered.”
“Aren’t you the most purr-fect little baby? I feel so fur-tunate to have met you.”
“And one more thing,” I snarl into his stony face. “Vegan donuts are for vegans, you absolute walnut.”
“Right. That’s why you have exactly . . .” I scroll down for a few seconds. More seconds. A minute. “. . . a grand total of zero female-performed songs on your phone.”
A face attached to a large, solid body—a body that is pinning me to the wall, a body made of a broad chest and two thighs that could moonlight as redwoods.
I don't give five stars often...
If you liked the love hypothesis, this book is here to break it's neck, spit on it and bury it under every white cis male who has ever taken credit for a woman's groundbreaking discovery in the history of human kind.
I read this is one sitting and I am so pleasantly surprised.
Ali has taken her writing to another level, the feminist way she approaches women is STEM is adorably funny. This book is brainy and grindy and I that is why I love it so much. It is SO MUCH more than just a quirky FMC with a brooding male main character, it's a women's science history book. It's a call out to sexist work environments, it's a call out to standardized tests, it's a SAFE PLACE.
I have always been a nerdy kid, liking and wanting to be places women were not supposed to be a part of, video games, sports, dinosaur/archeology/science camps...It is so refreshing to see that someone out there is doing MORE with their romcoms than sticking to the cookie cutter recipe.
I am sick and tired of reading the same stories behind different cartoon covers. Ali DELIVERED.
There are so many reasons I loved this so much but I have to remain spoiler free, but I will say: this is the first time Ali writes a female main character whose voice and personality I absolutely adore.
The side characters in this? Unbelievable.
The amount of times she made me laugh out loud? Uncountable.
How hard I swooned? Way too hard.
Am I desperately in love with this book and Levi? Undoubtedly.
A masterpiece.
YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST: The same way I knew People We Meet on Vacation was going to win (and I was right) This book is the new winner of the 2022 Goodreads Choice Awards in the romance category.
I have no words to describe how much I enjoyed every single page of this book. I'll dare say this is possibly one of my favorite books of 2022 so far.